A Brand
Called the Real You


3 Months Intensive Personal Branding Program for women entrepreneurs who want to play a truly big game 

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Early Bird SAVE $ 1,000 - Gone after March 26, 2019




"Being unforgettable 
starts with owning your unapologetically authentic brand!  


Consciously standing out from the crowd is an act of courage that requires expert support! The Real You Branding Program is created for women entrepreneurs who want to consistently grow their income by differentiating themselves the authentic way.

"My most important advice for every entrepreneur is to differentiate yourself. Why are you different? What's important about you? Why does the customer need you?

- Sarah Blakely, founder of Spanx, youngest female self-made billionaire

It's definitely not your dedication that blocks your visibility or business growth. You don't lack passion. Experience and knowledge, you've got that all covered. You're all in!

The Reason you have to work too hard and feel invisible is because you're out of alignment! You're trying too hard to Do it the Old Way.  
It's time to differentiate yourself the authentic way! 

How do you know this program is for you?

When you recognize the inner voice that whispers:  "What you say is not important." It says: "Marketing is fake, greedy or dirty." Or: "You're neither special nor unique enough to be the centre of attention."  

The deep fear of being exposed as a fraud. Or seen as the Odd-One-Out. Weird. Too much. Too loud. Too sensitive. Too all-over-the-place. Too different.

Whether you're at the 50K mark or way past the 250K!  Consciously standing out from the crowd is an act of courage that requires expert support!

You've tried it the masculine way: Push Harder, Be Louder, Be more Like The Others. Maybe you boxed yourself in, and it hurts. Because you lost a part of yourself.

What if I told you that we're going to take a 180 degrees turn? 

We're going to leverage all your beauty, experience and unique brilliance. We craft Who You Really Are into an unapologetically Authentic Brand that allows you to really spread your wings!

We're going to Fame you Up with So Much Love! And it all starts with you loving yourself.


How does that make you feel? 

Want me to support you and play a bigger game than ever before?


After only 1 Month I created - and sold - my first 12-month group coaching program for my soul clients

" This is a truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

I have found my soul clients - which were by the way not whom I have expected. But after that, I could realize a very core strength of mine which I had been refusing to give access.

I could find my zone of genius so quickly and turn it in a program. After only 1 Month I created - and sold - my first 12-month group coaching program for my soul clients."

This is A Brand Called the Real You

In this program we create a Real You Brand that arises from feminine power. It allows you to let go of the struggle to out-strong, out-smart and out-power the people you love to work with. You can let go of the 'what if they find out I'm not good enough' fear.
We create a brand that finally connects you to the people who really need you.  Your brand is rooted in self-love and integrity. It is authentic, unconventional, courageous, real, powerful and vulnerable. It communicates from love. 

" Together we create a brand that communicates aligned energy to the right people!

Your brand is deeply effective. It will guide the right clients and customers to work with you. You will stand out from your peers. Never in a fake, shiny, uber-perfect, push people over way. But as a shining light.


Your Real You Brand is a beautiful tall Lighthouse. A beacon that shines its unambiguously unique light, for all your audience to see.

It's signals: 'I am here. This is what I do, This is how I support you.  I am the Light.' 


I  can Really Measure the Difference Before and After the Program

" I was at a marketing meeting today, and there was a woman who started to talk about art. Instantly I felt like an expert in that, she asked me a lot of questions, and I could easily sell a program on learning how to paint.

This meeting helped me measure the difference before and after the Real You, ‪Esther‬!I’m forever grateful for this experience I’ve had with you and all these wonderfully weird women "

This is an Amazing Time for Selling and Marketing from the HEART.

No more 'My helicopter is bigger than yours!', pushing, salesman power, manipulation tactics, dominating, or uber-perfection!  

Feminine energy and authenticity are the source of a brand that is bold, powerful and real. It connects, communicates, co-operates and converts. It's driven by love! 

You & Me

Together we create a brand that is the result of self-love, action taking and a profound mind shift.

We release the old Push - To - Proof - You - Worth. Embrace the light, shadow and your uniqueness.

In 3 Months from now you will feel like a Brand New Woman



Join Us Today!

A brand called the Real You EARLY BIRD PRICE

$ 1,500      


3 Months Program Including:

3 Months Online Real You Program 
* 42 lessons in 9 Modules with video.
You have Life long access to this online material 

Workbooks, implementation sheets
* Beautifully designed workbooks and worksheets to inspire, and teach you and to help you go deep fast and implement fast.

9 Live Calls
* Every Module starts with highly interactive Live Calls that will support you and answer your questions, help you move forward, empower you.

4 Soul Whisper Sessions 
* Guided deeply healing and energy altering visualisations, that connect you to your purpose, change your perspective and  help you to let go of old beliefs.
* All Sessions are recorded and available for you to listen to as often as you need.

3 Months Group Coaching
* Group coaching and Office hours calls will help you to stay on track. 

Live Create Your Queen Art Day
* A magical Live Art Day that has been a game changer  for many business women. You will get clear proof that you are ready to play a bigger game!

1 Live Meeting in Amsterdam June 14
* Full Retreat Day in Amsterdam, Including lunch and celebration drinks *sensitive and introvert friendly day for deep connection

3 Months in the Best Sisterhood Community Ever
* Your own Facebook Sisterhood group for you to reach out , make friends, find your accountability sister. Experiment, be completely real and open, celebrate and share.

Over $ 1,500 worth of Amazing  Bonus Masterclasses
* We asked the Best of the Best to Join us and support you. They are well-known experts who share the best they've got with you.

Secure Payment with PayPal or Stripe *Dutch entrepreneurs pay 21% VAT

Early Bird till March 26

Payment plan $ 275  

PAYMENT PLAN after March 27
$ 450  

Early Bird till March 26

1 Payment $ 1,500


SINGLE PAYMENT after March 27

Single Payment $ 2,500 




Because of the Real You I'm not afraid anymore to show up as the Real Me.

" I've been running a business for a long time and had come to the point that I wanted to make changes. I wanted to realize a more personal niche. And delegate other aspects of the work to other people. I just wasn't clear on what my personal niche should look like.

Because of the Real You I've more confidence and not afraid anymore to show up as the Real Me. What exceeded my expectations is the great community Esther has managed to create around her services. Women really inspiring, helping and encouraging each other.

The quality time Esther spends with her clients and the superb support she gives everybody. It's personal, it's out of the box, it's real, it's colourful, it's quirky, it's the support you are looking for.

Included in A Brand Called the Real You is . . . 

#1.  Three Months program

Over the years The Real You has grown from a 4 weeks course to a very complete 3 month program. The effect is deep, the material profound - and based on my almost 30 years experience in branding and marketing - , there is time to implement, but as soon as the inner change starts you will see the results in your business!

You don't have to dive into impenetrable boring theory. But receive exactly the gold nuggets you need. You've got life-time access to the online material. 

#2. Workbooks and implementation sheets

You create your brand according to the most effective method. You watch and listen -> journal -> understand -> work through it -> and implement everything you learn immediately into your business.

When You do the Work, your brand will arise over the course of 3 Months! You will Journal, and work on unique exercises - that are beautiful, and highly effective. 

#3. Nine Live Calls 

Every Module starts with a Live Call, these calls are highly interactive. Focus is on support, clarifying , answering your questions, help you move forward, empower you and help you to implement your brand in your business.

You're Never Alone! We've got your back! You're typically never without support.

#4. Four Soul Whisper Sessions

Soul Whispers are guided deeply healing and energy altering visualisations. They connect you to your purpose. Change your perspective, help you to connect to your soul client, help you to let go of old beliefs and take you to the next level of self-love, clarity and the deep insights you need to translate the amazing you into your brand.

All you have to do is sit at home with your eyes closed. Esther will connect all the group members and magic will happen! All calls are recorded and available in the Facebook Sisterhood.

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

#5. Three Months of Group Coaching

Group coaching and Office hours calls help you to stay on track. Reach out when you need help. Esther and the team are in the group.

Esther's Zone of Genius includes finding pain points fast and heal them even faster. This is a benefit that will make all the difference in the world!  

You're part  of a group of amazing high achievers. You WILL feel seen, loved, empowered, guided and supported. Even though we don't know each other yet, after years of experience, we can guarantee this!

#6. Live 'Create your Queen' Art Day

The Create your Queen Art Day is is a magical Live Art Day where you are guided into a state of meditation. This day has been a game changer  to many business women.
Esther will help you to invite the Muse to come and play with you and and amazing things (guaranteed!) will happen.

Women who had never created art will make a magical portrait, brand colors will be found, true power will become visible. This day will connect you to your Inner Queen.  It will transform your confidence from feeling small and invisible to showing up as proud business owner!

You will participate from the save environment of your house and we connect via a series of Zoom sessions.

Wait, there's MORE! Are you Ready for this?

#7. Amazing Live Day in Amsterdam Day, June 14

Get your Calendar because you're coming to Amsterdam!!

Friday, June 14 will be a magical day where we all come together for a full Retreat Day in Amsterdam. On this special day we connect, we hug and look each other in the eyes. We put everything you've learned into practice,  and take your brand to the next level.

Lunch and celebratory drinks are included in this super exciting *introvert friendly* day!

#8. Three Months in the Best Possible Community Facebook Sisterhood group

The best part is this amazing community that you will be part of. You get your own Facebook Sisterhood group. Here you can reach out , make friends, find your accountability sister. In this group you can experiment, be completely real and open, celebrate and share.

This Sisterhood of female entrepreneurs from all over the world will become your living room over the cause of three months!

#9. SO Many Great Bonus Classes!
Worth over $ 1,500

We asked the Best of the Best to Join us and support you. They are well-known experts who share the best they've got with you.

There Also will be a Unique Special High Value and Often Demanded Bonus -  and we're not going to share what it is . . . yet. . . . 


I have finally found my unique niche!  

" I joined the program with Esther because I realized there are more women like me. I have never felt so safe in any environment. It is just awesome to go on a journey like this in a group with likeminded souls.

After years of searching I've finally found my unique niche. That is an incredible feeling.  I can see immediately how my business expands.

There is soooo much support in this group it is just wonderful to really be YOU. Thank you, Esther. I am not sure you realized up front what impact you would have on everyone. Thank you.


These 9 Modules will take you to a New Level

  • Self-love and Acceptance    *   You grow a mountain of self-love, and create the fertile soil where your brand, business and marketing will blossom.
  • You about You   *   We dive deep into your mountain of knowledge and experience. We mine the most precious stones that will build a truly unique brand. You will find the Red Thread that connects your childhood to where you are right now.
  • Claim your Niche   *   You will find the niche that allows you to stand out from your peers. You will connect to - and find! -  your Soul Client: that special person who truly needs you! 
  • Others about you (r) business    *   Clarity through the eyes of those who know you the best, you will differentiate your business from your peers, by leveraging the culture of your business.  
  • The Queen enters your business    *    Learn to play a Bigger Game. Open the doors to your Inner Ruler: Your Queen!  And show up with ease and inner confidence.  
  • Your story     You write and deliver the story that will make you unforgettable. Your heroes journey will establish a heart-to-heart connection with your soul client.
  • Your personal style and place  *   Find your unique position amidst your peers  and learn to embrace your special personal style as a way to stand out *like a Queen!
  • Own your Fame   *  Action! We set up the strategy that supports you to set up your omnipresence *you're going to be everywhere you need to be seen *

The Real You follows a Proven Method that helps you to move forward fast and see the results coming in.

Deep Insight -> Let Go of the Old -> Celebrate the New -> Appreciate -> Implement

JURGA BULOTIENE/ owner MenaiMonai

In the Real You Program, I felt secure to think, feel, create, open up, share, reveal myself … 

"  I have always longed for at least one friend whom I could share my uniqueness, craziness, vulnerability without being misunderstood. In the Real You Program, I felt secure. At my own pace, taking time to think, feel, create, open up, share, reveal myself… and be accepted. With Esther and the whole community’s help stepping out of your comfort zone is amazing and 100% positive experience.

Once you wish for something or somebody, just look around and grab the opportunity! Your opportunity for personal growth and success!  The Real You is THIS opportunity! "

Is A Brand Called the Real You for you? 

This is for you when you are a business woman, a female entrepreneur who:

* aims at a 100K business, or have passed that level already
* fails to see what sets you apart from your peers
* want to embrace the feminine way of differentiating yourself *through self-love
* feels overwhelmed by your own possibilities *cause you can basically do everything!
* desires to stand out in a way that is 100% authentic  
* craves to market in alignment with your heart and sharp mind
* feels there is unlimited greatness roaring deep inside of you, and you're ready to let it out
   - yes, it's okay to feel the fear and do it anyway.
* wants to start a thriving love affair with marketing that works  

* longs for ease, profit, clarity, impact and sisterhood

Is that you?

That is amazing! Well, you probably noticed that A Brand Called the Real You is Much More than just 'A personal branding' program.

We're going to deep dive, connect you to the mindset of a winner and let out the fabulous you. And that is going to be so good!

Once the Amazing Queen has come out your customers and clients See, Feel and Understand that YOU are the one who will change their life.  



The Real You showed me that 'fitting in' was suffocating me.

"The Real You” program was like a clear-powerful pair of glasses to see myself better and embrace the weirdness in me. It was real inner work.

A huge reminder that trying to "fit" was causing me to feel suffocated. Yes, yes, and again, yes!
We all need someone extraordinary by our side, someone, who can help us with his/her expertise, but most of all, from their own shiny Light and Being.

Esther has been that full of colour, bright light for me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity of having her by my side. We do not need to do it alone! But, we need to connect with the right and bright stars, right? Thank you, Esther, with all my heart."

The Biggest Early Bird Offer Ever is gone AFTER Tuesday March 26, 11 PM CET



" I know what it feels like to not get how amazing and unique you are. I know intimately how horrible it feels to try and fit in - afraid that people will think that you're just some weirdo!

But, I'm also proof that embracing the glorious weirdness within will eventually
lead to a highly differentiating and converting Personal Brand! "

Why is Esther the One who helps you create the brand that attracts the right clients?

Reason 1
Personal Branding Queen with the gift to communicate directly to your wisdom soul. Leader of the Wonderfully Weird movement and author of 'The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual'.

Reason 2
Almost 30 years experience in Branding, Strategy, Consultancy and Design. And worked with Big Brands like ING Bank, KLM/AirFrance, Staatsbosbeheer, Boskalis small idealistic and innovative brands like GreenWish, International NGO's and Art Institutes and women entrepreneurs from all over the world.

Reason 3
100% committed to your success! Seeing you blossom, getting more clients, growing your business, and making money is what I want for you.


You leave the experience with a brand so authentic, that you will forget the concept of there being any competition.

"When you walk into a room to work with Esther, be prepared to walk out changed. There is a certain energy, a warmth, that will draw out the deepest and sometimes the darkest sides of you.

This isn’t something to be afraid of – as we all know, the most brilliant diamonds are buried in the darkest of shadows. Esther artfully takes you by the hand, in the safety of the circle of women she creates and gently allows you to own what you have known all along, just how brilliant and unique you really are.

She skillfully leads you on a journey of self-led discovery and you leave the experience with a brand so authentic, that you will forget the concept of there being any competition, and confidently step into the creation of your dream business. Don't miss an opportunity to work with her.




    You have the tools and confidence to consistently connect, approach and convince - the heart-driven way - your soul clients.

    You are able to show them the value of your unique services. Without feeling like a fraud, pushing or moaning: 'why don't they see how awesome my program is'.

    You know exactly how to stand out from your peers, and have implemented your distinctiveness in every level of your business. Making it easy for the right clients to regard, feel and and accept you as the one who they will buy from.

    Because you have positioned yourself as the Go-To-Expert, are able to think big, and combine that with practicing self-love and acceptance, you know how to show up in a way that feels natural *fun even!* and is effective and downright wonderful! 

    You have a unique - deeply personal - story to tell to your audience and can deliver that in a way that will captivate and inspire your audience. 

    You've got a complete High Value Personal Brand. Instead of re-inventing the wheel before every product or service launch you build a base of loyal fans who wait for you to share your offer.

    Instead of second-guessing what it is that makes you different - or working too hard for something that might not be the right thing for you- you ONLY focus on what comes easy to you. And brings in the money!


    You know how to make use of your biggest gift 'being different' and use it as a super-easy way to stand out, shine your bright light and fascinate your audience.

    We support you to implement at the speed of light. The last two weeks are all about implementing. That what makes you unique is now fully at the center of your business.


. . . and the cashflow that's heading towards you.

Félicité N'gijol / AUTHOR, ACTRESS

I am now living with open arms. Ready to give ready to receive.

" Thank you, Esther, for this amazing trip in realness. This was is and will be a defining moment in my life. I can see the difference, my friends and my clients do too.

You helped me accept my fear, grow my business faster, face and bless my past and dare to build a future for me, the people around me and the world.

I am now living with open arms. Ready to give ready to receive. I learned to ask for help and the answers were awesome...  I could go on and on. It was deep. I am going to my paints and my writings now.

Thank you to you all beautiful women I felt our joy and our victories.  May our lights shine as we have so much to offer and so little to lose.

The Time to Join A Brand Called the Real You is Now!

A brand called the Real You EARLY BIRD PRICE

$ 1,500      


3 Months Program Including:

3 Months Online Real You Program 
* 42 lessons in 9 Modules with video.
You have Life long access to this online material 

Workbooks, implementation sheets
* Beautifully designed workbooks and worksheets to inspire, and teach you and to help you go deep fast and implement fast.

9 Live Calls
* Every Module starts with highly interactive Live Calls that will support you and answer your questions, help you move forward, empower you.

4 Soul Whisper Sessions 
* Guided deeply healing and energy altering visualisations, that connect you to your purpose, change your perspective and  help you to let go of old beliefs.
* All Sessions are recorded and available for you to listen to as often as you need.

3 Months Group Coaching
* Group coaching and Office hours calls will help you to stay on track. 

Live Create Your Queen Art Day
* A magical Live Art Day that has been a game changer  for many business women. You will get clear proof that you are ready to play a bigger game!

1 Live Meeting in Amsterdam June 14
* Full Retreat Day in Amsterdam, Including lunch and celebration drinks *sensitive and introvert friendly day for deep connection

3 Months in the Best Sisterhood Community Ever
* Your own Facebook Sisterhood group for you to reach out , make friends, find your accountability sister. Experiment, be completely real and open, celebrate and share.

Over $ 1,500 worth of Amazing  Bonus Masterclasses
* We asked the Best of the Best to Join us and support you. They are well-known experts who share the best they've got with you.

Secure Payment with PayPal or Stripe *Dutch entrepreneurs pay 21% VAT

Early Bird till March 26

Payment plan $ 275  

PAYMENT PLAN after March 27
$ 450  

Early Bird till March 26

1 Payment $ 1,500


SINGLE PAYMENT after March 27

Single Payment $ 2,500 




Infuse your Brand with Simple Super Effective Style Tricks

LA based stylist Susan McDonald worked with well known designers and businesses like Kate Spade, and Neiman Marcus. She helped numerous busy women to re-design and clear out their closets, re-purpose their clothes, jewelry and hand bags into a completely new wardrobe.

Susan is a wizard with  simple tricks that completely change the way you look - without pushing you in a fashion armour - . She will give you an insight in how to look and feel like a million bucks with your own clothes!

This fun interactive workshop will help you to look at yourself with brand new eyes. 

The workshop will take place during the "Personal Style' module, where you learn how to leverage your unique personal style (the style you were born with!) as a very important part of your total brand.

Set up a highly converting online program and decide on the price

Martha Fraser helps 'people with expertise' create their online business Big Vision Plan  &  implement  profitable online business products that help even more people. 

Martha is an absolute wizard with systems and connects that with a deep sense of connectedness and spirituality. Smart funnels, effective launches, incredible online programs. . . they all in her Zone of Genius. Give Martha any idea and she crafts a completely do-able plan out of your plan. She's a true gift to the wonderfully weird. 

Martha will show you how to set up a highly converting online program and decide on the price in a way that comes straight from soul (instead of from your mind) goodbye price fear. Hello confidence!

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Secret 3 hours workshop for everyone who thinks: "I wish I could design visuals"

As I said ... it's a very Time Limited Secret!

A Brand Called the Real You is NOT for everyone!

  • You are sensitive and /or multi-passionate and/or multi -faceted and /or fiercely bright AND you want to leverage your unique traits into a highly converting and differentiating brand.
  • You want to grow your business and need support with your personal brand and marketing.
  • You are an action-taker who implements. We provide the training and resources, and of course you do the work!
  • You want to be amongst like-minded women who give you wings and support your growth mindset.
  • You believe growing business figures are amazing. And you want the balance between earning money,  and enjoying life.
  • You give deeper meaning to everything you do. And need to stay in close communication with your soul and the universe. Your work and business is an expression of who you are.
  • You want to be heard and seen by your clients and audience and are prepared to act upon that.
  • You earn money doing what you love in an authentic way.
  • You accept, share and give support to the women in this community and are open to collaboration.

    • You want tech solutions, all the in- and outs of social media or a website.
    • Your motto is: "it's all about non-nonsense business" and you are not willing to dive into the light and the shadow

    • You want to learn how to sell, brand and convert the masculine way (by making yourself here's my helicopter' big and loud)

    • You only wants to join because you want to sell but are not willing to go deep.

    • You require - for whatever reason - more attention, coaching and support than we can give you in a Group Course.
    • You are not willing to share or listen to others and give wholehearted feedback.

    • You have no entrepreneurial experience. 

    • You are not willing to put in the effort or do the work.

    • you have negative, complaining attitude towards life.

    • You're a taker who never gives.


It's So much Easier to connect with my soul clients , I already see so much change

 I want you to know how deeply grateful I am for the Real-You-Experience. It changed so much for me that I can hardly put it into words. You have a true gift of providing a safe AND playful place for exploring what is really true for me and the loving support from the group was amazing.

I actually dared to show up with who I really am and I have a much better understanding now what truly I stand for. It is way easier now to connect with my soul clients and I already feel the changes.

This is so much more than branding. It is the opportunity to really grow into my Real Me and showing up from a place of confidence and love. Your loving support, your creativity, your wisdom and your magic made that possible. Thank you very very much!

Okay! I Freaking LOVE this program!!!!
I've got ONE Question Before I Sign Up . . . 

How do I know this program is for me?

How much time will this program cost me?

What happens when I don't like the program?

Do I have to 'work' to create my brand?

Will Esther design my logo?

Till when do I have access to the program?

My question is not on the list!

How do I know who this Program is NOT for?

I see this program is for women who aim at 100K. I just started my business. Is it too soon?

I see there's art stuff involved. I'm not an artist!

I'm making multiple 100K's do you think the Real You will help me?

I LOVE the Live Day in Amsterdam, but there's No Way I can make it! Now what?

The Time to Join A Brand Called the Real You is Now!

A brand called the Real You EARLY BIRD PRICE

$ 1,500 


3 Months Program Including:

3 Months Online Real You Program 
* 42 lessons in 9 Modules with video.
You have Life long access to this online material 

Workbooks, implementation sheets
* Beautifully designed workbooks and worksheets to inspire, and teach you and to help you go deep fast and implement fast.

9 Live Calls
* Every Module starts with highly interactive Live Calls that will support you and answer your questions, help you move forward, empower you.

4 Soul Whisper Sessions 
* Guided deeply healing and energy altering visualisations, that connect you to your purpose, change your perspective and  help you to let go of old beliefs.
* All Sessions are recorded and available for you to listen to as often as you need.

3 Months Group Coaching
* Group coaching and Office hours calls will help you to stay on track. 

Live Create Your Queen Art Day
* A magical Live Art Day that has been a game changer  for many business women. You will get clear proof that you are ready to play a bigger game!

1 Live Meeting in Amsterdam June 14
* Full Retreat Day in Amsterdam, Including lunch and celebration drinks *sensitive and introvert friendly day for deep connection

3 Months in the Best Sisterhood Community Ever
* Your own Facebook Sisterhood group for you to reach out , make friends, find your accountability sister. Experiment, be completely real and open, celebrate and share.

Over $ 1,500 worth of Amazing  Bonus Masterclasses
* We asked the Best of the Best to Join us and support you. They are well-known experts who share the best they've got with you.

Secure Payment with PayPal or Stripe *Dutch entrepreneurs pay 21% VAT

Early Bird till March 26

Payment plan $ 275  

PAYMENT PLAN after March 27
$ 450  

Early Bird till March 26

1 Payment $ 1,500


SINGLE PAYMENT after March 27

Single Payment $ 2,500 


"This program helped me to improve myself as an entrepreneur in the deepest way. This is so much more than branding"


Maria Stepanoff Owner Next Breakfast

Being in her Mastermind Gives me a Sense of Belonging

Esther is a unique combination of motherly love and kick-ass inspirational coach. Her intuition and insight are razor sharp, her sensitivity to one's feelings is off the charts. Esther creates very special tribes, tribes of women who are game changers, sisters and who build each other up. To be in her mastermind gives me a sense of belonging, endless inspiration, support. The synergies are absolutely mind-blowing!

Jennifer Norton Chief Creative Officer

I am so proud of myself for gifting myself this time with you!

Thank you, Esther, for caring, for being so brave and fun and loving and inventive. Thank you for following your path towards wonderful weirdness, so that I could meet you and benefit so greatly from your work and ideas and generosity. I love you Esther, and am so proud of myself for gifting myself this time with you! You are all good things, a blessing, a treasure, a forever friend. Thank you sincerely for being YOU written from my heart. Meeting you is the greatest event of 2017 for me! <3

Glenny Sijlbing Zin in Kleur Coach

I Learned to Play and found my Unique Way of Working as a Coach

Esther, your The Real You program made me realize and helped me to use my creativity more in my business. I learned to play more and found my own way of working as a coach.

Mirjam Spiritual Coach

Esther Made me Aware of Who I'm Really am and what my True Qualities are

My struggle has always been to see and show what makes me special, stand out, and unique. I tried funnels, marketing tools, and all sorts of things! But of course, those only work when you know yourself, what you have to offer and why that is of value... I was afraid that joining Esther's Mastermind would force me to put on yet another mask, maquillage or other dress-up props. Boy, was I wrong!

Esther has ways to make you aware of who you really are and what your true qualities are - the things you do well that you don't even recognise them as qualities. The things you think anybody can do! Which is so not true! I know now why and how I stand out, and Esther and my wonderfully weird fellow masterminders helped me find the confidence to really unapologetically own and show my qualities! Never in a million years would I have dared to 'show off' my strong points!

Now I feel it is far from showing off - there are people out there that need to know what I do because they need me to thrive!

I feel so much more free and confident and professional! No longer an ugly duckling, I dare to be a royal swan these days! Showing up takes so much less energy this way!

If you can't articulate your uniqueness, go to Esther. If you often feel an outsider, she'll help you turn that pain into your strength and your brand!

You are born. Therefore you have the right to exist, to be YOU, and to take all the time and space you need. Stop trying to blend in, stop struggling all on your own, and stop making yourself smaller than you actually are. And start enjoying a happy unique weird and abundant life!

Love, and thank you from the bottom of my heart

Rachael Skyring Chief of Fun

I Learned so Much about My Unconscious Presence and How People Perceive Me

I joined Esther to learn more about presenting my authentic self to the world. The program was well presented, easy to follow, and the assignments really lots of fun and showed up some interesting insights. Interacting with the other FB group members was also highly beneficial - seeing their thoughts and perceptions of what I shared definitely increased the insights I gained.

Esther is a really spontaneous facilitator. She has clear ideas about where she wants to take us, but also clearly has sufficient depth of knowledge and experience that she is able to respond to the needs of the group at the moment and change emphasis and direction as required to best support those emerging desires.

From being in the program and the group, I have learned a lot about my unconscious presence and how people perceive me - strong and colourful mostly ;) I think the shifts the program invites take time to fully emerge - there are still things coming through, and so much to continue to reflect on.

Mirjam Blekkenhorst Owner Ytra Lón Farm Lodge, Solitude Retreats

I'm Not Afraid to Show Up as the Real Me Anymore

I've been running a business for a long time and had come to the point I wanted to make changes. I wanted to realize a more personal niche for me in my business and delegate other aspects of the work to other people. I just wasn't clear on what my personal niche should look like. Because of the Real You I've more confidence and not afraid to show up as the Real Me.

The way Esther presents herself and her products resonated with my artistic and unconventional way of approaching things.

I had to convince myself that I was worth the investment at this point in life. Esther is so colorful, cheerful, confident and sincere. I really felt like I was important to her. She takes a lot of time and effort to 'feel you' and understand what you are all about. She's able to think outside the box and let you look at things from new perspectives. Very refreshing, like wake up calls. She´s pushing you - very gentle - because you have to do the work.

What exceeded my expectations is the great community Esther has managed to create around her services. Women really inspiring, helping and encouraging each other. The quality time Esther spends with her clients and the superb support she gives everybody.

It's personal, it's out of the box, it's real, it's colorful, it's quirky, it's the support you are looking for. Nothing is too strange or out of her league. Esther is very diverse and able to see solutions in any field of practice.

I wouldn't be surprised I would do this workshop again sometime while growing and looking for other solutions for me or my business.

Selen Graf Animal Health Expert & Healer

I have Found my Soul Clients

I was always rethinking who my ideal client was and how to approach them. I knew how important this is for the whole communication, services, branding, etc. and just felt stuck as I did not know which steps to take.

I tried to find my soul clients and my zone of genius so I really could give to the world. But if you are not working with the right clients it might feel like you are doing well, but nothing really happens - I could not grow and it felt like I was doing the same as many others...

The Real You has a totally different approach. Other programs are mostly looking at the market, trends and are defining your niche or ideal clients based on external factors. In the Real You, you will learn to feel your feminine strengths and to connect deeply to your soul client. No one else can tell you whom you have to focus on. You have to listen to your heart and look first what you love to do. And the Real You takes you through this journey.

Just to talk to Esther :-) It is a truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

I have found my soul clients - which were by the way not whom I have expected. But after that, I could realize a very core strength of mine which I had been refusing to give access. I could find my zone of genius so quickly and turn it in a program. After only 1 Month I created - and sold - my first 12-month group coaching program for my soul clients

You need to join the Real You because we need to change the world! Esther is going on a new path, working strongly with the feminine energy. If you think that everything else feels like a bubble, you want to find your soul clients and change the world, then you will find help here.

Tania Blanco Spiritual coach

I Didn't Know Personal Branding is this Precious!

I never knew what to do online. I never knew what to share, or what clients needed from me. But The Real You taught me to rely on my uniqueness.
I love that The Real You helped me find out who I really am and how to use that in my communication. This program cares about what is important for me and allowed me to be myself without judgment.

The loving support I got helped me to reflect and integrate it into my business. Esther knows how to create wonderful communities. I'm so happy that there will be a 3 Months program. I did not know that personal branding is so precious and helpful.

Sandra van der Hooft Birth teacher, natural birth coach

The Real You Lead to Personal Growth

I joined the Real You because my negative thoughts and insecurity were blocking my growth as an entrepreneur. Esther truly believes in you, she's able to connect members of a group and create a real community. That feeling of 'togetherness' feels so good.

Because of the Real You, I feel so much more confident and positive. I communicate, post online, market and grow my business without listening to negative thoughts. I'm truly grateful for that. I even feel like I live more consciously. The Real You lead to real success, I was able to change a local business into an online business.

Agnes Somogyi Designer

Being a Selflovepreneur make Sense Now

Before I joined I was comparing myself to others and trying to find how to fit into the world of others. I felt insecure about who my soul clients were, which services to focus on, and what to offer. Also, I was not sure how to differentiate myself from others in my field.

I felt this the Real You was just what I needed.

I doubted if I needed to invest in my business but I just love how Esther combines her professional knowledge in branding with the soul whispers - which I find a fantastic way to make changes in the mindset.

After the Real You, I feel much more confident and clear about my values, my business, my services, and clients. I learned a lot about myself. I can see my strengths and weaknesses clearly and this helped me to improve business.

Esther helps you to improve yourself as an entrepreneur in a different, deepest way. It was great to share everything with other wonderful women and experience growth together.

Brigitte Dörnerová Artist, founder boobie dolls

Entrepreneurial Homecoming

I joined The Real You because I felt alone in my messy artist world and didn't know how to make my weirdness my brand. And it was love at first sight! As a multi-passionate artist, I had no idea how to leverage my Zone Of Genius/my 'Hook' in my business and thus how to get clear about my ideal customer.

The Real You gave me clarity about myself, my zone of genius, my soul client, motivation, joy, fun, sisterhood, clarity, clarity, and, did I mention clarity??

Esther's approachability is unique out there, I would say. The real hands-on help from Esther, not only in general terms but specific to my situation, blew me away. She knows her shit, but beyond that is like a real friend that you create a bond with because you are seen and know that she always has your back.

If you're a multi-passionate weirdo like me and almost gave up on the idea that there might be a place for you in the business world Esther is the real deal. She is authentic, wonderfully weird, approachable, more than competent (because she makes it even fun to work on your stuff...), available, and above all a wonderful person with a huge heart.

I am not a group person. As an introvert, I tend to disappear after having a short moment of connection, but then get absorbed again in my own bubble. Esther is the one who made me want to show up. She gave me a chance to introduce my work in her Academy, which I'm also a member of, which has been a breakthrough for me in terms of not paddling back anymore. She fills my heart with joy and makes my soul sing whenever I connect with her because, besides being an expert in her field, she is just pure delight to be around. Thank you, dear Esther, for everything you do!

Jurga Bulotienė Artist and owner MenaiMonai

Personal Growth AND Success! The Real You is THIS opportunity!

I prayed for someone to help me, to guide me in order to feel confident, stronger in my personal and business journey. Full of creative ideas but with a quite messy head and struggling emotions? God sent me Esther and her life-changing The Real You programme with an amazing group of wonderfully weird soul sisters! And I am not kidding.

Was it exciting? Yes. Was it a bit scary? Yes, There were tears and laughter and tears of happiness and sorrow. But it is called “Making a Big Change”.

But no matter what, the biggest and the greatest thing of all was that I WAS NOT ALONE. I have always longed for at least one friend whom I could share my uniqueness, craziness, vulnerability without being misunderstood. Here, I felt secure. At my own pace, taking time to think, feel, create, open up, share, reveal myself… and be accepted. With Esther and the whole community’s help stepping out of your comfort zone is amazing and 100% positive experience. The Real You is a wonderful beginning for your personal journey. You simply cannot step back anymore. Keep going, look forward and take it! And feel free at the end of the course to go even deeper or wider, to conquer the world if you wish! But never step back on your comfortable but old sofa hoping things will change while you scroll your smartphone.

The programme helped me “to put the dots on lower letters “i; a bunch of insights, aha moments helped me to sort out my inner messy world and see myself not as a diminished small girl but a bright shining creative queen. Yes, queen! Wonderfully weird but Real who has just begun to flourish. I also learned how to distinguish my soul clients and attract more of them by showing myself as I am. The only thing I regret is I wish my friends were in the programme as well so I didn’t have to tell them how awesome it was. You can’t understand it simply. You must dive into an experience!

Once again, THANK YOU THOUSAND TIMES, DEAR ESTHER! You created something so important and great that one should not ever lose! Instead, to remember, use, practice, enjoy and dream big. As for others, my wish is, don’t sit there waiting; follow the signs God or the Universe sends you. Once you wish for something or somebody, just look around and grab the opportunity! Your opportunity for personal growth and success! The Real You is THIS opportunity!



Nicky Kaaij Personal trainer + Coach

I Have Found my Niche and Feel Powerful

“I joined the program with Esther because I realized there are more women like me and we are wonderful. I have never felt so safe in any environment. It is just awesome to go on a journey like this in a group with likeminded souls.

I have found my niche and I feel strong and okay with it. I still have to do more work on the how and the when but that will come. I have made some great friends. I have seen women be honest, brace, strong, vulnerable and awesome.

There is sooo much support in this group it is just wonderful to really be YOU. Thank you, Esther. I am not sure you realized up front what impact you would have on everyone. Thank you.

Kalotina Tsangaris Transpersonal Art Therapist and Counselor

Overwhelmed with Delight at the Results

I joined after the incredible experience I had with the 5-day free course. I was overwhelmed with delight at the results I received from such a creative and meaningful course.

I continued on as I wanted to learn more about me and to see how that could translate into a brand: my brand. The insights are many, what I had most Aha's with was the pinning exercise and the Queen exercise. How people saw me was so accurate that it blew me away.

The questions posed by women of the community really opened up the experience to another level. I can't wait to further these insights in the Accelerator Program. Thanks, Esther for this program and allowing me to be part of such a supportive global community of women. I have changed with that alone.

Marjon Bakker Soul Whisperer

I Felt at Home and that Touched me Deeply

I joined the program because I wanted to learn more about branding and my brand. How can I show the real and authentic me, with all my wonderfully weirdness and without overwhelming my clients with everything I am?

I loved to work with Esther and with this group of wonderfully weird women. I felt at home and that touched me deeply. I loved the way we supported and mirrored each other. That has been so helpful to me!
I'll continue with the Mastermind Esther is offering. Why? Because I do things deep, thoroughly and I gave everything - and I felt invited to go deep.

Also, I need time to really show the real me, relaxed and natural. I feel Esther and the women in the group will help me with that. I don't want to end here. It was way too good to stop.

Debra Parry Co-Founder Action on Womb Cancer

This Helped me Personally in Ways I hadn't Anticipated.

I thought I'd join to find out more about branding for my charity work. What I've actually found out has helped me personally in ways I hadn't anticipated.

Thank you Esther and all the weirdly wonderful women out there!

Rashmi Datt Acclaimed Author and founder Manage Emotions to Win

You Saw the Real Me Hidden Behind Veils of Self-doubt

Esther, just to say that I remember you often with great fondness. I have benefited a lot from being with you. Your practical tips and seeing the real me hidden behind the veils of self-doubt enable me also to see me. in many ways it transformed me. A big hug and thank you.

Barbara Pfeifer Creator

For emotions, private matters and my business

The Real You Mastermind was a great experience for me. Our group got together through thick and thin, for private matters as well as business-wise.
Esther was great in supporting us, emotionally and business-wise. She is a wonderfully weird a great doula, consultant, coach, and friend as well.
I always looked forward to our mastermind calls, since there we discussed a lot and supported each other life. Our Sisterhood was very lively, supporting, and as well funny.
Thank you, Esther, for this marvelous time.

Tania Blanco Lotus Idea, Communications w/ Soul & Purpose

Esther’s creative energy, authenticity, generosity and openness brought to my world the piece that was missing.!

Imagine opening the door of a room and meet your inner-creative muse and get re-connected to the creative energy inside of you, seeing your self in the mirror without masks and melting away a big chunk of “noisy talk” that doesn’t serve you? Well, this is what happened to me when I started working with Esther in her program “The Real You”.

Esther’s creative energy, authenticity, generosity, and openness brought to my world the piece that was missing. I saw myself and what my heart was longing for, I reconnected with my inner muse and, feelings that were hiding inside, reawakened (like the joy of motherhood and its real meaning in life and in the creation process), learning that there is no separation.

As a result, everything around me and my world started changing, It was huge! “The Real You” program was like a clear-powerful pair of glasses to see my self better and embrace the weirdness in me. It was real inner work.

A huge reminder that trying to "fit" was causing me to feel suffocated.

Yes, yes, and again, yes! We all need someone extraordinary by our side, someone, who can help us with his/her expertise, but most of all, from their own shiny Light and Being. Esther has been that full of colour, bright light for me, and I am very grateful for the opportunity of having her by my side. We do not need to do it alone! But, we need to connect with the right and bright stars, right?
Thank you, Esther, with all my heart.

Kristina Kasmauskiene Artist/psychologist

I can really measure the difference before and after the program

I was at a marketing meeting today, and there was a woman who wanted to sell us memberships and she started to talk about art. Instantly I felt like an expert in that, she asked me a lot of questions, and I could easily sell a program on learning how to paint. This meeting helped me measure the difference before and after the programs I have been through with you, ‪Esther‬!

I’m forever grateful for this experience I’ve had with you and all these wonderfully weird women

Simone Wiedenhöft Psychologist + Shaman

It is much easier now to connect with my soul clients and I already see changes.

I want you to know how deeply grateful I am for the Real-You-Experience. It changed so much for me that I can hardly put it into words. You have a true gift of providing a safe AND playful place for exploring what is really true for me and the loving support from the group was amazing.

I actually dared to show up with who I really am and I have a much better understanding now what truly I stand for. It is way easier now to connect with my soul clients and I already feel the changes.

This is so much more than branding. It is the opportunity to really grow into my Real Me and showing up from a place of confidence and love. Your loving support, your creativity, your wisdom and your magic made that possible. Thank you very very much!

Luna Love Little Miss Tarot

I seriously don’t know how to thank you, Esther, you got me out of a terrible creative rut

Through the Creative Journey program, I elevated myself to a point of truly understanding my needs and myself. It transcended both my personal comfort zone as well as my culture’s comfort zone.
It kindly pushed me out of my comfort zone in order to live a more creative life and was in the company of like-minded women.
I seriously don’t know how to thank you, Esther, you got me out of a terrible creative rut and, because of the things I’ve learned from you, I’ve helped a couple of fellow artists who were suffering that terrible block we all seem to go through every once in a while.

Jane Adlington English International Communication Training

I thank my lucky stars that I clicked and enrolled

Thank you, Esther and all you lovely ladies. I must admit that from day one with the five-day challenge and Esters fantastic free book I was totally bowled over with the whole program and thank my lucky stars that I clicked and enrolled.

I wish all you ladies who do all the best and I look forward to continuing our contact here with the real you for the next 10 months at least. It’s been a great pleasure getting to know you all and I look forward to continuing xxx

Laurien van de Rijt Owner Laurelinde Jewelry

I feel energized and motivated and a lot clearer on my next steps.

I feel energized and motivated and a lot clearer on my next steps. Thank you, Esther, for a fun and very helpful creative challenge! The assignments were simple but helped me gain some big insights – I reconnected with the playful, messy side of creativity, that I’ve been neglecting for a while. I feel energized and motivated and a lot clearer on what steps to take next in my jewelry business.

Maika Cheizoo Djemmee teambuilding

It opened my creative perspective and it was a warm and sparkling journey.

Being part of your Real You creative soul program truly opened a completely new and creative perspective. It was a warm and sparkling journey. It’s very hard to express what it really did to me because it was truly effective. but - without a doubt- it SO good.

Félicité N'gijol Artist & author

This was is and will be a defined moment in my life

Thank you, Esther, for this amazing trip in realness. This was is and will be a defining moment in my life. I can see the difference, my friends do too. You helped me accept my fear, face and bless my past and dare to build a future for me, the people around me and the world. I am now living with open arms. Ready to give ready to receive.

I learned to ask for help and the answers were awesome... I could go on and on. It was deep. I am going to my paints and my writings now. Thank you to you all beautiful women I felt our joy our fear our sadness and our victories. May our lights shine as we have so much to offer and so little to lose.

Love ya!





Copyright 2019, Esther de Charon de Saint Germain    -   Disclaimer 

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