Join The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood today.
This is your Day
Choose Abundance and Release the Struggle!
Do you desire Freedom, Money, Love, Clients or Joy? But it's not happening? This is your chance to switch the key with 12 Abundance Archetypes in 12 Months
Do you Seldom Receive what you Truly Desire?
Not Enough Money, Clients, Time, Love, Freedom, Fun. Never Fully Expressing Yourself. Seldom Truly Celebrating the Real You. Not fully feeling Seen, Accepted or Wealthy.
Let's Break the Cycle of Not Enough and instead go for Ample Abundance.
This 2025 you too can become a Powerful Manifestor
Join The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood today!
The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood is a Year-Long Art, Abundance Meets Creative Empowerment, Self-Love and Archetypal Group Mentoring Manifesting Growth Program.
Created for a woman like you.
You are done with perpetually receiving less than you desire and it's time to get it all!
Are you not getting what you desire?
This is a message for you
They told me:
'You're not smart enough to even get a simple diploma'
'You will never be a homeowner'.
'You're too old to have a child.'
'You will never be wealthy or successful.'
Yet, here I am. The degrees, the house, the child, the abundance. I have created it.
After years of being single, depressed and lonely, I transformed myself into someone who 'has it all' . I learned to accept myself unconditionally, including being AuDHD and the perpetual odd-one-out.
Turns out you can be a very seasoned entrepreneur with an impressive business and still feel like a 17-year-old walking into a party for grown-ups. It's all okay.
I became a powerful creator and manifested my son into my life after writing love letters on tiny paper boats. My husband showed up after whispering and writing 'My true prince will show himself' on every beach around the globe.
Long before social media, I requested my guides to send me the best clients. It resulted in receiving a non-stop stream of consultancy assignments and clients *who also didn't know how they had found me.
I have walked the path before you and invite you to become my sister and a fellow happy, abundant woman.
Because you can have it all.
The issue of 'not receiving what you desire' can
be incredibly stubborn.
The solution is not working harder!
The solution to getting what you desire is to push less and create more.
You see, I know something about us. You and I are 'a bit different'.
✔︎ I have worked with over 4.000 women who are fiercely bright, multi-passionate, old sensitive souls, deep thinkers and often neurodivergent, supporting them to overcome perfectionism, claiming their unique power and helping them make money and attracting clients.
✔︎ And I have been teaching art and creativity to women since 2014.
✔︎ I've got a lifetime of experience leading epic projects in the arts, marketing and branding.
You are not cut out for the average 'business course' or 'manifest more' solutions.
The world is full of 'follow the leader and paint by number' solutions that are not working for you. So we're doing something completely different.
We're creating wealth and abundance by becoming powerful creators and alchemists
Yes, it's different. But it works!
When you join The Real You sisterhood you become a true Alchemist.
You get everything you need to transform Obstacles into Opportunities.
Perfectionism into Creating.
Fitting in into Shining Daringly.
Lead into Gold.
Yes, I'm an art historian and seasoned entrepreneur. But this entire process has been whispered into my soul by my archetypes, guides and ancestors.
They have given me the words, actions and tools to share with you. So you can experience the magic of being guided by your art and creative whispers and can call in whatever you desire.
I feel deeply priviliged to have recieved this program and share it with you. It would be my absolute privilege to be your psychic mentor and guide and teach you how to "Create everything you deeply desire".
Get ready for the Freedom of Creating what you Desire

Discover the 12 archetypes that will give you unique powers protection, energy, and love.

They will connect you to guides, ancestors, spirits and muses. They will guard you, and guide you towards manifesting your unlimited abundance.

Through art and creativity you shift from waiting to action. From consuming to creating. From following coaches to becoming your own coach and number one supporter.
The Road to Abundance is Wide Open for you.
In just 12 Months you tap into your Wealth Attracting Unlimited Potential.
No more working your ass off.
Open a world filled with art, creativity, workshops, 12 archetypes, your guides, ancestors, spirits, muse, journaling, healing, letting go of old obstacles and drawing everything in your life that you deeply desire.
I know, you're about to step away from 'Not receiving what you desire'! You're at the Crossroads of:
Do I Choose this 'unusual' Abundance Path? Or do I stick what I know (even though it doesn't work)
Okay, Let's do a quick check list.
✔︎ 1. Are you not seeing the results you were hoping for?
✔︎ 2. Are you experiencing perfectionism? Or the fear of fully expressing yourself? Have imposter syndrome or playing small become obstacles? Are you trying to focus on ONE thing while you love many things?
✔︎ 3. Have you become afraid to follow the calling of your soul because you're convinced you can't make money with it?
✔︎ 4. Are you disappointed by business programs or ' become wealthy' programs? They looked amazing at the start, but you never even finished it.
✔︎ 5. Do you suspect your feelings and emotions are deeper than people around you and that makes you feel sad and alone?
✔︎ 6. Did you love creating when you were young(er), but have fallen for 'it's just rubbish and not good enough'?
✔︎ 6. Have you in the past 6 months thought or said: "I'm giving up, this is not going to work for me."?
✔︎ 8. Do you think this whole Manifestation and Think Positive movement is just a load of bullshit? (psst, just between you and me: I agree with you)
Listen, you came to this world with unique manifestation powers. But they are not working anymore. It's -almost - as if you've lost your magic.
You experience a huge clash between what you desire and receive. After what feels like a lifetime of trying and working hard, you're still not seeing the results you're longing for.
It's like everyone around you is doing fine. But not you. Because you know you're made for more and it's not happening.
✔︎ You know what?
You ARE made for an abundant life. You are on the verge of becoming a Wealthy Sister who can perform her Magic like a pro.
You have tried to fit in, be less different from those around you. You have tried the courses and programs that promised you an epic result. But you never reached those goals. All you got was lingering shame, increased self-doubt, and the numbing feeling of inadequacy.
✔︎ Okay, sister, your overwhelm and fatigue are real. You can stop feeling guilty for needing breaks from a system that was never set up for you.
There's a powerful woman inside you who wants to emerge and shine daringly.
Get ready for it!
But where to start? There are a million different options. The old ways of client attraction are not working for you.
It's loud, extraverted, fear-driven, repetitive and pretty boring. They cater to people are not introverted, multi-passionate, fiercely bright, sensitive or neurotypical.
✔︎ But you ARE different and you CAN have it all.
But you need an archetypal path that is designed for you, weaving an archetypal web and receiving the expertise, guidance, method, and tools created only for you.
I teach you how to bring the Magick into every part of your life by creating it yourself.
You have started more projects than you can remember. But you fell out of love with it, unseen. The obstacles kept coming, and you stopped. Yes. that sucks. Because you're tired of struggling alone and losing sleep over a lack of clients, money and resources?
Coaches told you to be consistent, have clear goals and a Masterplan. It pushed you straight into fear and procrastination.
✔︎ You don't have to wait, you can start now and within an hour you have the solutions and guidance you deserve. But mostly we work with Desire (go on, throw fear out of the window). Yes, I mix mundane things with empowerment and abundance.
Ready to Join The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood?
Ready to Join The Archetypal Real You Sisterhood?
Are you still doubting if this works for you?
The 12-month process works miracles forEntrepreneurs, 9-5's, passionate crafters, ferocious readers, lovers, dancers, thinkers, feelers, artists, scientists, coaches, explorers, nurturers, alchemists, rulers, everyone's, rebels, sages, innocents, hero's, lovers and jesters.
This Real You Sisterhood is filled with women from all walks of life and from all over the world. Some use it to grow their business. Others to grow their self-esteem or they want their joy back.
Some have impressive businesses, some have no business.
They all have a deep longing to express themselves, to grow their self-love, receive what they desire (from a new partner to money) and they are amazing.
Join us today and I will open the path for you
Ready to Rise?
Make the World your Oyster. Shift away from normalcy and average. Become the Woman who can Manifest Whatever she Desires.
Become a Powerful Creator with the Archetypes, Art, Sisterhood, Altars, Magick Touch of Witchcraft, Feminine Power, Creativity and Love

Join us today and I will open the path for you
Ready to step on the epic Real You Sisterhood path with me?
Imagine what Becomes Possible When you Sign up
for The Archetypal Real You
1. Monthly Archetypal Art, Creation and Healing Workshops
Monthly mind, heart, soul shifting empowering Art Archetypal Workshop
We use the 12 Jungian Archetypes that I have adapted for you.
Every workshop has elements. I explain the Archetype and Deity of the Month and how we work with it. I will read stories - often written by myself - while you create. - FEELING
You connect to your desires, where you are in your process and what you will let go off. Every workshop has elements like cutting cords, healing obstacles and shift to the new. I will use my psychic powers to make this a light experience. - EMODYING AND CREATING
For instance The Nurturer is being represented by the goddess Demeter. So I summon her for you and - based on assignments, or on a assignment that I specially create for you - you create. - MANIFESTING
While you're creating you will get profound and deep insights that open up doors that have been closed before. You are being transformed on a cellular and energetically level while creating.
2. An Out of This World Online Learning and Tool and Program
You have full access to an epic program filled with archetypes, art, abundance and transformation tools, archetypal brand and marketing
You decide what you use in the program. There are different routes that you can choose from.
1. The Abundance, Art and Archetypes, healing and self-love route.
* Focus fully on manifesting abundance first and on inner transformation through healing, meditation, soul, heart and mind searching and self-care
2. The Entrepreneurial Brand and Marketing route
* Focus on getting your archetypal brand and marketing in the world (yes, I have designed your bespoke brand for you! It's included in the price and waiting for you)
3. Support, Guidance, Healing, Sisterhood and Connection
With 3 calls each month I've got you covered. I'm here for you
The Real You is all about being seen, feeling understood and being guided. I will never push you into a funnel. You've got the freedom to discover your own path and being part of the sisterhood. I've got unwavering faith in my clients and sisterhood.
- 1. The Archetype Manifestation and Creating Call (3,5 hours - sometimes a bit longer)
Monthly mind, heart, soul shifting empowering Art Archetypal Workshop where we set the manifestation in motion. - 2. Q and A call solutions and feelings, get unstuck call (1,5 hours)
where you can bring all your practical questions around your work, business, brand, and your personal questions around feelings, being stuck, etc. We want you to be in flow all the time so that you get what you desire.!
Q and A's about branding, or 'what to do now' as much as about deep rooted issues that prevent you from attracting what you want to attract. - 3. Monthly Sisterhood SisterHeart Deep Dive (2 hours )
This is a call where we share how we are doing based on the Archetype of the month. For instance: when it's Nurturer Month we discuss and share how this specific archetype is working for us. Our issues with self-care (or lack off self-care).
Being able to express yourself is just as important as getting the solution. Every call will be different and you will leave the call feeling deeply inspired, seen and energized.
4. These are your result
1. IT WILL RAIN OPPORTUNITIES - Your archetypes and creativity make the unconscious conscious and making it rain opportunities
- See the many opportunities: You will step into the heart of your being, unlock the extraordinary power of your brand and personal archetypes.
- We can only hold a limited amount of consciousness awareness. We forget things. And it's often the things that make us special that leave our awareness first. The archetypes allow us to face up to what we have forgotten.
Profound growth and leadership. This is what it feels when you're Queen (witch, fairy, raven. . ) of your business and life.
Become the Lighthouse the world needs and become the magnet for everything you desire
- Become a Lighthouse: Illuminate your true audience with archetypal marketing and become an unmissable beacon.
- With a focus on immersive art and visualizations, you'll embody and feel the transformation and see the magical opportunities unfold itself.
You can attract your desires. That includes your audience. Once the Lighthouse is blazing with light, you see the magic unfold itself. It will always be better than you imaged it.
You've got all the guides and support you want
- Your focus is on having fun, creating, meditating, celebrating. Once the archetypal web whispers their guidance in your ears, heart and mind, we've got everything ready for you to take inspired action.
- You receive your Bespoke Archetypal Brand: crafted uniquely for you, seamlessly woven into your archetypal blend. This empowered reflection focuses on your soul-aligned clients, ensuring an unforgettable and aligned presence in every expression.
The clients and customers who are in alignment with you will see you and immediately understand and feel that you're the one for them.
4. EASY DOES IT You will hear whispered words, guidance and actions that are being poured into your heart, soul and mind
- 12 Archetypal Months of Transformation: you embark on a transformative abundant journey through all 12 archetypes in a vibrant, art-infused, and close-knit sisterhood.
- You are being guided in the direction that is most beneficial to you. It will bring to light the parts of yourself that feel unfamiliar but have always been there.You are plugging into an exciting world of manifestation and growth.
This will empower you to bend your energy and reality and direct it to where YOU want to go.
Yes, all those amazing Real You elements are all yours

This is What You Get When You Join The Archetypal Real You
12 Archetypal Months of Transformation, guided Manifestation and Psychic Mentorship
Module 1 Your program guide
Module 2 The 12 Archetypes :
Your Archetypal Treasure
Module 3 Archetypal Branding
Module 4 Archetypal Marketing
Module 5 Fire up your Creative 'Manifesting' Powers
12 Monthly Archetypal Workshops EMPOWER YOUR SACRED DESIRE
Ready to step on the epic Real You Sisterhood path with me?
Here’s what people are saying about the Program
Four years ago, I worked with Esther. I could hardly afford to pay for her services because my business that existed already four years ago was making zero euros.
I worked so hard. 15 hours a day, even on weekends, I was just living for work and I was feeling so frustrated. Fortunately, one day I got inspired to work with Esther. And from that moment, it was like magic. It changed so quickly. I went from having my YouTube channel that hardly no one watched to 100, 000 followers. Which are now over 360, 000 followers.
And I owe this to Esther and to the magic she worked on me. Yes, it's me in front of the camera, doing the work, but I am a hundred percent sure that if Esther hadn't worked her magic inside of me, none of the things that I have now would be here.
So what did Esther do? She gave me practical tools to improve my business, but what she really did was showing me where my gold was hiding inside of me. I am a multi-passionate woman. I was doing this and that and the other thing, and nothing was connected or not very much connected.
But Esther showed me that, in reality, everything we do and know is connected. All those threads were my gold. That gold we all have inside of yourselves. I couldn't see it and was hiding both from myself and from the world. So she showed me how to find that gold, how to take it out from me, and how to give it to my clients, to my followers.
So, if you're thinking, or doubting, and you're serious about yourself, what you can give to the world and want to turn that into a profitable business: I tell you, do it, do it.
Just go, and put yourself into Esther's hands. Let her work her magic on you, so that in a month or in a year, you too will have your gold and will show it to the world, to feel confident about being yourself and letting your light shine.
Martha Rincon, Simplemente Diosas

This is a truly feminine approach, which is very unusual in the marketing world. After only 1 Month I created – and sold – my first 12-month group coaching program for my soul clients.
Selen Yildiztac Graf
Animal Health Expert

I knew I wanted to work with you many years ago when you and I were on a course together. I love how you “get me” and articulate visually what I want to project in my business. The process is so much fun and I feel like you are documenting who I am and translating it into what I can offer the world."
Sharon KhunKhun
Attorney at Law

I showed up Imperfectly and attracted wonderful clients
This has been such a game changer for my business and myself. As an introvert, I used to hide and thought I had to do everything perfectly. Because of that, I was keeping myself back. This opened up a world for me to attract the most wonderful clients.
Martina Brueggemann
Functional Medicine Health Coach

Within weeks, I found a wonderful place to live, and I fell in love. I never experienced this before. I always felt the odd one out and, as a multi-passionate, had a hard time making choices. But I wanted to live with joy, flow, and creativity.
This empowered me, made me feel light and inspired. The art and soul whisper sessions transformed my energy, making it softer. I have truly created my dream life.
Iris van Graven

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
As a psychic mentor and advisor, with over 30 years of leadership experience in the arts, design, branding and marketing, I have the skill is to quickly and powerfully open myself to receiving whatever I need to know.
I translate the messages I receive so that you can make the choices and decisions that lead to taking the next step toward your sacred desire. It's a quick way to reach your full potential and become the most expansive version of yourself.
I communicate the information to you in a way that ensures clear transmission. The information I transmit can be personal or focus on specific actions.
That can be the most beneficial time frame to take action, people you can contact, or a specific marketing focus that is beneficial. It always opens an important path.
I am an art historian and researcher, with also over 28 years of experience in the arts, marketing, branding, leadership and strategy, I've worked with Fortune 500 companies like ING Banking, Air France/KLM. And large organisation like the European Union and over 4,000 women who were ready to shine.
I'm very late diagnosed ADHD and autism and have a passion for helping epic women find their gold, their Zone of Genius and become powerful Creators of their own life and or businesses.
Despite both the challenges and blessings of being psychic, neurodivergent, a late-bloomer, biracial, multi-passionate and very sensitive, I've turned my unique traits into superpowers.
I've designed tools and systems for that allow you to do what truly lights you up.
But more than that: I see your gold—even when you can't. I will hold space for you and your archetypal magic.

trusted by clients

Sister, can I show you the Real You Sisterhood path?
THIS happens when you sign up
Once you have paid, we take you through a series of easy steps

You find all your information in your Personal Hub

Add all your meetings to your calendar

Walk through the Program Guide

Join the Facebook group

Of course, the value of the Real You is much higher (this is the actual worth and not some made-up prices!)
Yes, that's over €37.500 euros
And you're ready for the Archetypal Year of a lifetime!
It's time to take the Path of The Archetypes
and become a deeply powerful creator
Take my guidance and your Archetypal Web to get what you truly desire.
Sister, this is your day to rise
And I Give you 3000 euro Bonus to make this an ever better experience
Today is the Day! Choose your Best Payment Plan and Join Today.
Join before January 20, 2025 to benefit from the 20% DISCOUNT