Are you the kind of entrepreneur who is prone to working too hard and making too little money?
Do you often feel 'the odd-one-out? Maybe you swept your Unique Brilliance under the carpet because you have been told that you're just too weird or different? Do you run into fear All-The-Time and work too hard because of that?
Well, I've got news for you, you don't have to do it alone. There's a Business Spirit Team waiting for you and all they need from you is for you to listen and reconnect with them.
What is a Spirit Business
Your spirit business team is a mix of your ancestors, people you are somehow connected with, late family members (people you share DNA with) that wants you to be happy, fulfilled and in full flow. They see the Real You before you see it. They can see your wisdom long before you can see it.
Uhm? Give me an example, please.
Okay, imagine you're a 38-year-old woman and your business is: Teaching Yoga to new mothers. You send out all kinds of social media posts, you bought a How To Kick-Ass on Instagram program, you are being coached, you follow all the do and don'ts for online entrepreneurship. You're all in!
When you go to bed there is that nagging feeling again. Something is off. You are tired. There are not enough clients for your next programs.
You are afraid to make mistakes, you are tensed up, and you might even be unkind to yourself. "What's wrong with me? Why don't they see me? Don't they know that they will truly benefit from my lessons?"
You feel alone and unsupported - But your Spirit Business Team is there for you - No Matter What.
Now here's the thing, You're a yoga teacher, you know how to meditate, you know how to be silent, yet - because of fear - you don't feel that there's support for you out there.
But it's there. You simply can't see it. Yet.
Want proof? Maybe you had a relative who passed on. Someone who made you feel like you were loved and accepted no matter what.
Close your eyes, become truly silent, and focus on the energy of that person.
Take a deep breath in and do it now.
Maybe you can hear their voice, maybe you remember their touch again. And best of all: maybe you can remember how they made you feel.
Maybe you feel something - it can be tiny - go with your attention to your heart to feel even more. Go with your attention to your ears so that you can hear their voice again.
Just sit with it.
This is a soft and loving reconnection with a spirit that most likely would love to be added to your Spirit Business Team.
Now, if this person has passed on recently, you might feel sad and that is okay. All kinds of emotions can come up. Those emotions will help you to strengthen the connection to your lineage and tap into their wisdom. If tears come, let them come.
You see, you don't need your ouija board or a 5 Star Degree in being a Medium. You don't need to darken your room, eat mushrooms or get the sage out.
Connecting to the spirits around you is the most natural thing.
You simply tap into the ever-present energy of love.
When Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh passed on his words remained: "I am a continuation, like the rain is a continuation of the cloud."
Now here comes the magic
When you practice this reconnection, a special team will form itself. A team of grandparents, family members - even people you have never met in real life - will form a circle around you. All they want for you is that you can do your life's work. And if your life's work is setting up a super successful business then that's what they will support you with.
There's a full assemblage of wonderful spirits, muses, and ancestors out there for you. Ready to make your dreams come true.
You don't have to believe in angels, you don't have to be religious, all you do is tap into parts of yourself that you might have forgotten about. Maybe you told yourself that you suck at numbers, but Boom! There's your late aunt, who was amazing with numbers. When you have set up your Spirit Business Team all you have to do is tap into her wisdom and crunch your numbers.
Can everyone do this? Yes everyone can. But because we've been taught to work-work-work we can't hear the advice of our Spirit Team. To hear we need to become silent and open up to what's already there.
I developed a method that connects you to your personal spirit business team.
In one week - 100% Free of Charge - you learn:
✔︎ 1. How to connect to the wisdom of your Spirit Business Team.
✔︎ 2. How to translate that advise in your truly authentic brand
✔︎ 3. How to stand out from the crowd like Never Before [So that clients can FINALLY see THE REAL YOU and pay you!]
March 28 - APRIL 1, 2022
This is for you when:
Esther de Charon de Saint Germain is a Bestselling Author, Business and Branding Strategist and the Founder of the Selflovepreneur Movement. Esther also channels business information that the spirits are whispering into her ears.
Everyone can do communicate with spirits. You don't have to be super spiritual, or a medium. This is for every female entrepreneur with an open heart and the willingness to lean into your intuition and listen to the voices within and around you.
Suffer from perfectionism, self-doubt, procrastination, imposter syndrome, and anything that gets in the way of growth, this week will help you to surpass the fear and instead trust that you are destined for a Much Larger Future!
"I will teach you to wake up your True Presence, reconnect to your spirit business team, so that you can become the Irresistible Entrepreneur you were Born To Be"
This is what you can expect from Discover your Spirit Business Team
01. Monday March 28
Meet your Spirit Business Team
✔︎ You get access to the special meditation that will connect you to your team.
You can listen to it as often as you want and deepen the connection.
02.Wednesday March 30
Understand and interpret your Spirit Teams advice
✔︎ You get special assignments to strengthen and deepen your connection with your team. They will show you what works for you. Expect small miracles.
03.Friday, April 1
Mix your Spirit Team with your earthly connections
✔︎ You get unique assignments that will give you insights in what makes you unique and special. You can finally celebrate your unique brilliance (and attract the right clients!)
04.Thursday March 31, 3 - 5 PM/CET
✔︎ 1. How to transform your business, brand, marketing, offers, and products by aligning to the whispers of your spirit business team,
✔︎ 2. The reason why you're not making more money or why you're not attracting more clients,
✔︎ 3. Identification of your real show stoppers: perfectionism, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, procrastination, etc.,
✔︎ 4. How much money you lose by following the 'old ways' instead of focussing on intuition and self-love,
✔︎ 5. How to master the art of choosing self-love to overcome inner obstacles