Do You Loathe Marketing But Love your Business and Clients? Meet Love Marketing

Here is everything you need to know about Love Marketing. Authentic Emotional Love Marketing is the answer to your prayers when you "Hate Hate Hate marketing" yourself and your offers. But you "Love Love Love creating, learning, your business and your clients".
This is the End of Sleazy Marketing, No more Fear-Marketing or annoying tactics.

Love marketing is ridiculously simple, even when you hate, loathe or dislike marketing

A. Your People

✔︎ Your Soul Clients are the people who need what you have, you love and respect them. You do whatever it takes to guide the home, towards you.

✔︎ That is why I called it Love Marketing. Oh, and they pay you for your work

B. You + Your Differentness:

✔︎  Everything that sets you apart, makes you different. You are the lighthouses that guide people towards you. No Lighthouse. No people. No (marketing) light.

✔︎ Again, love (self-love) is at the heart of everything. The easier it is to love and accept yourself, the more powerful your Love Marketing will be.

C. What YOU do for YOUR people (your offers - the things you sell)

  ✔︎ Love Marketing is 100% focused on your clients and their needs. If the buyer is less important - like for artists for instance - or if you have an agency that successfully does the selling for you Love Marketing is most likely not the thing for you.  


D. Influence from Heart: Your Brand and Personal Style

✔︎ This is your brand (brand colors, fonts, photography, tone of voice, etc) and your personal style.

✔︎ Consciously leveraging how you want your people to feel when they think about you, see you, or hear you. Understanding the power of emotions is very paramount when you want to influence from the heart.

E. Market to your people 

✔︎ All your Marketing efforts, from Instagram Reels to Podcasts. In The Real You, we connect with our audience when we visualize our clients in a Bubble of Love. They are always there.

 ✔︎ In The Real you our marketing is intended as loving reminders, specks of light to the people we're holding in our Bubble of Love.


Category 1

The Basics of Authentic Emotional Love Marketing even when you Hate Marketing

Everything you need to know when you're done with Patriarchal Push the Pain Marketing and willing to embrace the New Way of marketing 

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Why your Quiz Results mean nothing until they are part of your Zone of Genius

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How to finish a project when you’re ADHD, AuDHD, autistic

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The Truth about the Zone of Genius

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Why Ideal Client Avatar doesn’t work.

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Great Selfie after 40, 50, 60, 70

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Canva Tutorial Art Self-Portrait

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Top 9 Emotional Triggers That Influence Customers

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Transcript Oprah Winfrey Stanford

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Category 2

The Brand Archetypes 

Your brand  (brand colors, fonts, photography, tone of voice, etc) and your personal style. Consciously leveraging how you want your people to feel when they think about you, see you, or hear you. Understanding the power of emotions is very paramount when you want to influence from the heart. Here are ALL the Brand Archetpes  We use in The Real You all the time!  Love Marketing over the old  sleazy marketing fake marketing ×bromarketing marketing × gimmick × patriarchal marketing that makes that so may people hate marketing  over 

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What is my Brand Archetype?

What is my Brand Archetype?Are you curious to find out your Brand [CLICK TO READ]

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10 Questions About the Brand Archetypes

1. I've heard about brand archetypes, but I'm not sure what they [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Quiz

The Brand Archetypes QuizWe all know the importance of branding for our [CLICK TO READ]

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Ultimate Guide to the Brand Archetypes

Here it is! The full list of Brand Archetypes on One PageThe [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Lover

The Lover Brand ArchetypeBrand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes based [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Jester

The Jester Brand ArchetypeBrand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes based [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Everyone

The Everyone (or Regular Gal) Brand Archetype Brand archetypes are deeply resonating [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Rebel

The Rebel Brand Archetype Brand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Alchemist

The Alchemist Brand ArchetypeBrand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes based [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Hero

The Hero Brand ArchetypeBrand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes based [CLICK TO READ]

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The Brand Archetypes Explorer

The Explorer Brand Archetype Brand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes [CLICK TO READ]

brand archetype, branding framework, personal branding, visual branding

The Brand Archetypes Nurturer

The Nurturer Brand ArchetypeBrand archetypes are deeply resonating patterns or themes based [CLICK TO READ]

category 3

You and your Differentness

Everything that sets you apart, makes you different. You are the lighthouses that guide people towards you. No Lighthouse. No people. No (marketing) light.

Again, love (self-love) is at the heart of everything. The easier it is to love and accept yourself, the more powerful your Love Marketing will be.

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Why Being Different Is Your True Zone of Genius Magic

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Why Gratitude is a Gamechanger

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I Help you [Target Audience] Achieve [Desirable Outcome]

Category 4

Product launch

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