23 Amazing Holiday Specials from Women-Owned Businesses that will sprinkle gold dust all over your 2024
Looking for the Best Holiday Specials, Christmas, or End of the Year Gifts for yourself or your loved ones? You have found the best spot for the most wonderfully weird, unusual, unique, heartfelt, peaceful, transformational, and beautiful offers, and gifts.
You missed out!
Find the Best Offer for You. Lift Up your Heart and ignite light, Love, Success, and Bliss in 2024. You Deserve it!
Meet the members of the Wonderfully Weird Sisterhood. They are nourishing and growing their women-owned businesses, brands, marketing, and impact together in The Real You Year program or in Becoming Irresistible with Esther de Charon de Saint Germain. They are old souls, fiercely bright deep thinkers who managed to shift from 'The Odd One Out' to Celebrating their uniqueness.
They created Limited Holiday Specials, some at a very special price, some even free of charge. Each offer is unique, and based on years of expertise. Get ready to find solutions that will supercharge 2024. for you. Purchase your gifts for yourself OR as a gift for loved ones 🎁 and spread the message of love, belonging, health, wealth, humanity, and kindness.
TIP: Reach out to those amazing women below if you see something that you love, but you have a question for them.
Limited Holiday Specials for those who want 2024 to be their Best Business Year Ever
Choose your best offer to make your business, mindset, brand, message, and marketing bloom in 2024 with offers from England, Romania, and the Netherlands.

Reach and Help More Clients in 2024 + Make Sense of 2023
No more "I have nothing to say" in 2024.
Copy expert Lynn Coleman guides you to write deeply authentic posts that result in an authentic connection with your audience. You're about to share your message in a fraction of the time, even when writing is challenging for you.
Lynn assembled the Best of the Best so that you'll learn the exact steps to write your compelling story that shows us why you do what you do and client-attracting posts with a smile on your face.
Plus you'll get personal feedback from the woman who has taught thousands to express themselves through words.
Choose between 50 Story prompts, A Personal Brand Story Session, and 2 Live reflection sessions.
My personal advice is to purchase all 3 offers for only € 127 euros and save over € 500 euros
Very special BONUS: Lynn will gift you her social media calendar for 2024 too, so that you'll never run out of ideas.

Goodbye, Scarcity. Here is your Money Confidence
Would you love to heal your relationship with money and achieve an abundant lifestyle? Join Money and Numbers expert Alina Barna.
Alina will guide you through a profound discovery of your money personality. With the power of money archetypes, and feminine and masculine energies so that you can become the well-balanced and wealthy woman entrepreneur you always dreamed of! work together on your customized money flow!
Join Alina for this full circle 9-week money experience.
Your special price is € 444 euro
(payment plan 4 x € 111 )
The regular price is € 997 euros
You also get a Very Special BONUS: You get a special 1-1 with Alina if you join by Nov 30!
*The program starts Jan 10, 2024
Open de Deur Naar Jouw Unieke Ondernemers Groei in 2024
Will je in 2024 eindelijk het succes waar je zo naar verlangt, maar je weet nog steeds niet waar je werkelijk goed in bent? Je voelt het wel maar je kunt er niet bijkomen. Je werkt keihard, maar waarom je het nou echt doet, dat weet je niet. Het gevolg? Je loopt op je tenen, doet allerlei dingen waar je niet blij van wordt en er komt nooit genoeg geld binnen. Verdrietig vraag je je af: " Wat doe ik verkeerd?
Hier is je reddende engel. Gene Keys expert Erna Zuidhoek laat je precies zien waar jouw unieke kracht ligt, zodat je kunt stoppen met hard werken en beginnen met groeien in 2024.
Erna maakt een volledig persoonlijk Gene keys rapport voor je en samen bespreken jullie dit, zodat je precies weet wat je moet doen om van 2024 jouw topjaar te maken.
Bestel jouw persoonlijke Gene Keys rapport tussen 23 en 26 november. In plaats van € 377 betaal je slechts € 299 incl BTW voor het rapport en jullie gesprek.

Your Personal Fairy Godmother for your Business, Brand, Marketing, and You
Are you done running a business that is a mountain of lost To-Do Lists, epic ideas that are epic but also unfinished and unimplemented, and marketing that doesn't make you money and does not reflect the soul of all that you do and are?
Do you have ADHD, or are very multi-passionate, sensitive, or painfully stuck and overwhelmed by all the confusing - and incredibly boring - marketing, selling, offers, and business elements?
Yes, that is challenging, but here's Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, your Fairy Godmother, branding queen, strategist, and energy shifter. She's all yours for the entire year 2024 so that you can Become Irresistible!
Language Dutch OR English
Join Esther before December 25 for
12 Months of In-Person Support with Monthly calls, in-depth marketing, branding, offers audit
Book your FREE meeting now to ensure
A. 12 % discount
B. TWO extra months
C. Full year in The Real You Sisterhood
Book your call as soon as possible
2 spots left at a very special price
Discounted Payment Plans Start at € 506,-
Kerst Video Kickstart: Maak je Kerstaanbod Onvergetelijk!
Lights, Camera, Christmas: Maak Indruk met Jouw Feestelijke Video!
Wil je klanten vinden op Instagram maar dan met iemand die jou echt begrijpt? Hier is Linda Brink. Zij gaat leren hoe je jouw Persoonlijke en Impactvolle video voor jouw Kerstcampagne maakt in minder dan 2 uur.
🌟 Toegang tot de Exclusieve Workshop: Stap voor stap begeleiding om jouw eigen Kerst Video te maken.
👩💻 Online Live Hands-on Workshop. Kun je er niet bij zijn? Geen nood, je krijgt de opnames en alles wat erbij hoort achteraf toegestuurd.
🎁 Digitale Toolkit: Krijg toegang tot handige sjablonen om je video extra feestelijk te maken.
🎄 Stralende Business Presence: Trek klanten aan met een unieke en eenvoudige impactvolle Kerstvideo.
🌲 Schrijf je vandaag voor €77,- in en maak van deze Kerst een visueel en commercieel eenvoudig succes! #KerstMetImpact #DIYKerstVideo 🎬
Schrijf je vandaag voor €77,- in en maak van deze Kerst een visueel en commercieel eenvoudig succes!
Ever felt the weight of all your untouched journals?
Write Your First Page
Those beautiful, pristine pages yearning for the dreams and stories you’ve yet to put into words? It ends today.
Join Sharon Woodcock, Business Alchemist, story catalyst, and the secret behind aspiring authors, and Unleash Your Creative Flow:
Engage with creative writing prompts designed to break through creative blocks.
Explore your unique writing style through guided exercises that encourage self-expression.
Embrace the Solstice Spirit and connect with Other Writers: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals, sharing the journey of starting their 2024 stories. Exchange ideas, insights, and maybe even a few laughs with fellow aspiring authors.
📅 Thu, 21st Dec, 2023, from 4:00 – 5:30 PM GMT.
Join Sharon for a 90-minute workshop that will ignite your creative spark and craft the first page of the book you’ll be writing in 2024 (fiction, non-fiction, or business book).
Instead of £27 it's 100% Free of Charge

Thrive & Bloom in 2024 Plan 2024 Workshop
We're going to plan your entire year! Do you want 2024 to make your year of results, clarity, a brand, and offers that make people stop in their tracks and go: Ooooooh this is amazing!
Let's make 2024 your BEST YEAR EVER. You can now plan your year with Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, who can strategize and plan like a queen.
This is for you and 9 other women when you:
A. Are interested in working with Esther de Charon de Saint Germain in 2024 (in The Real You group program or 1 -1 )
B. Want to experience first what that feels like.
This is specifically for multi-passionate old souls, ADHD, and deep thinkers who are done with fitting in and struggling to grow and want to thrive and bloom in 2024.
10 spots only: first come, first serve.
Join the Thrive & Bloom in 2024 Plan Your Year workshop session
DATE: December 11, from 3 - 4.30 pm/cet
100% Free of Charge for 10 participants

The Winter Content Plan
Imagine being able to plan out all your content for December to the end of February in a couple of hours, so you can concentrate on growing your business and having a good time outside of work!
The Winter Content Plan has been created by Sharon Woodcock to help fire up your imagination and give you solid, strategic ideas for creating aligned, engaging, standout content, stories, and messaging with ease.
90-day Content Prompt Calendar in Trello + set of 30 customizable Canva graphic templates!
❄️ 2-hour Workshop to help you to plan out your social media content for winter.
In the workshop you will establish how to:
❄️ create your content pillars
❄️ align your content to your values and money goals
❄️ use the 90-day Content Prompt Calendar to craft your content in a fast and enjoyable way
❄️ customize the 30 graphics to your own brand aesthetic and messaging.
Join Sharon if you're ready to end 2023 on a high note and start 2024 with a solid plan for success.
Date: Thursday, 30 November
Time: 2.30 - 4.30 pm GMT.
Black Friday Price: £15 (reduced from £27)
How to Thrive & Bloom when you Feel Everything and Always Feel the Odd One Out?
Over 4,000 wise, truth-telling old souls, an intuitive, gifted, pink sheep, a sensitive multi-passionate deep thinker, or a neurodivergent ADHD stars found out they were wonderfully weird too.
Join bestselling author Esther de Charon de Saint Germain and make your business and life Wonderfully Weird.
Take My Quiz + Receive my Book worth € 17,-
+ Manifestation Mini-Course worth € 79,-
✔︎ The Quiz ( discover your true powers)
✔︎ The digital version of the Thrive & Bloom book and workbook.
✔︎ On-demand mini-course (discover your true powers)
You don't pay € 96, -. Free of Charge (limited time)
Limited Holiday Specials for those who want to thrive in 2024
Choose your best End of Year offer created in English, Dutch, or German if you desire 2024 your year of health, peace, happiness, and joy. With offers from Ukraine, Iceland, Germany, Denmark, France, Portugal, Ireland and the Netherlands.

Maak 2024 Jouw Jaar van de Liefde
Vraag jouw Gene Keys rapport aan en ontdek hoe je liefde en overvloed in je leven kunt laten stromen. Je betaalt dan niet de normale prijs van € 199 euro, maar slechts € 169 euro (incl. btw).
Vind je moeilijk om van je zelf te houden of om liefde van anderen toe te laten? Heb je je hart onbewust op slot gedaan en heb je geen idee hoe je dat kan veranderen?
Je bent niet de enige. Onze ervaringen in het leven maken (zelf) liefde vaak best ingewikkeld.
Gelukkig kan Erna Zuidhoek, de Gene keys expert op het gebied van leven vanuit liefde, je helpen om je hart te openen en liefde en overvloed toe te laten in je leven.
Erna vertaalt jouw Gene Keys in een uitgebreid rapport en laat je zien wat je blokkades zijn die het openen van je hart in de weg zitten en hoe je jouw unieke gaven en talenten kunt gebruiken om van 2024 een jaar vol liefde te maken.
Je betaalt dan niet de normale prijs van € 199 euro, maar slechts € 169 euro (incl. btw).

Schlank Trotz Menopause Gesunde Ernährung – knackig, pragmatisch, alltagstauglich
Dr Heike Franz teaches you everything you need to know about healthy nutrition when you are in menopause and are struggling with your weight. After this course, you will know what to eat, and how to maintain your weight for the rest of your life. And you will never ever be on a diet again.
You learn the Basics about your metabolism, everything you need to know about macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) but no one else explains to you, what to avoid, and (free) tools to help you stay on track. The language is in German.
Regular price for the program is € 179
With a Unique discount and bonus chapters
Cyber Pink week Special - 22nd November to 30th November: € 129 euro
December Christmas Special (all of December 2023): € 149 euro
BONUS you will receive 2 additional Bonus chapters!

Verdiep & Boost je Relatie in 5 Dagen
Betekent je relatie veel meer voor je dan alleen 'mijn partner' en wil je 2024 je beste relatie jaar ooit te maken (zelfs als jullie elkaar al langer kennen of totaal andere mensen zijn)
Dit is je kans! Relatie coach Joannie van Rijswijk heeft jarenlange ervaring met stellen. Voor een keer neemt ze ze je mee als je wilt stoppen met jezelf aanpassen en weggeven of niet weet hoe je je partner kunt bereiken - anders dan door steeds maar weer hetzelfde te doen - Je gaat ervaren hoe je jullie verschillen juist kan gebruiken om je relatie leuker, lichter en meer verbonden te maken. Taal is Nederlands
5 online bijeenkomsten met Joannie met als resultaat een opgefriste relatie (fijn voor jou en je partner)
Normaal is relatie coaching met Joannie gemiddeld € 1.000 per maand,
Jij betaalt slechts € 55, - voor de 5-daagse
De Magie van Synchroniciteit
Heb jij een diepe wens, een groot verlangen, een prachtig plan, maar blijf je maar twijfelen en uitstellen en wachten tot het beste moment?
Minke Brik leeft de principes van synchroniciteit en ze kan het als geen ander aan anderen leren Deze 7 practices leren je hoe het Universum jou helpt om het wel te doen, zodat je geen spijt krijgt van wat je had willen doen en nooit deed.
Wil je helemaal doorpakken, vraag dan ook de online videotraining de Synchroniciteitsexperience aan, met daarin alles wat je nodig hebt om te ervaren dat er altijd hulp is en je het niet alleen hoeft te doen!
Tot 25 december kun je de speciale kortingscode SYNC22 gebruiken
Je betaald dan geen € 55 maar slechts € 33 voor de volledige training.
Wonderfully Weird Club as your bonus when you buy sweaters, bags, shirts
Show Your True Powers to the World! We have designed amazing shirts, mugs, bags, and sweaters for our Wonderfully Weird people.
💳 1. Buy your Wonderfully Weird item
🧾 2. Send your receipt to office@estherdecharon.com
🤳🏽 3. Share a picture with yourself and your purchase and tag us #iamwonderfullyweird
🎊 4. As our Big Thank You! We gift you your FIRST MONTH in the Wonderfully Weird Club *that will open January 17, 2024
Your epic shirt, mug, or shirt and your first month in the Brand New Wonderfully Weird club as our gift!
What Is Hidden In Your Date of Birth?
Anouk Lindberg combines several numerology schools to guide her clients to a deeper understanding of themselves and their path to better relationships, finances, and health. She offers a unique numerology session based on your date of birth and name.
You get a 90-minute in-depth session filled with information about your: Mission, Gifts, Talents, Points of growth, Life lessons, and your prognosis for the next 6 months.
Anouk is known for her professional approach, high precision, and satisfied clients.
TIP Anouk has supported many parents with her sessions, so if you want to gift a unique present to (future) parents this might be it!
This is a beautiful way to start 2024.
Purchase your Numerology reading before January with 50% off!
Instead of € 150 euro you only pay
€ 75 euro

Reconnect to your Inner Wild Woman in the Wild Women Circle
Have you lost yourself? Come home to yourself and connect with like-minded soul sisters. Restore your feminine essence and reconnect your roots and intuitive powers. This circle is for the fiery neurodiverse misfits, the wanderers, and the warriors.
The keeper of the Wild Women circles is Johanna Paulussen. She made it her lifetime mission to guide and empower women and bring them back into alignment with their Wild feminine roots.
12-week rewilding journey reclaiming your wild feminine powers, through soul-sister connection and archetypal Goddess energies.
6 online circle gatherings, personal feedback, and 2 bonus live calls and guidance in a private Facebook group.
Join Johanna today to get a
A. Bonus-guided Wild Feminine Essence Visualization.
B. € 222 discount.
You only pay € 222 euros

The essential meditation, a gift from Evelyne Lachat
Is your head filled with too many thoughts? Are you feeling emotionally overwhelmed? Trouble sleeping having those meetings at 3 am? Overthinking mode, missing the clarity and lightness you deeply yearn for?
You're going to love this.
Evelyne Lachat, founder of Intuyka, connects leadership and spirituality.
Evelyne is grounded in both the corporate world - as an experienced professional coach and trainer - and the spiritual world as an integral yoga teacher and shamanic practitioner.
She expertly guides her clients to ground, and connect mind and body without spending weeks on yoga mats in India. That’s what the experience feels like when you immerse yourself in her meditation
The recording of the meditation to ground, center, step out of overwhelm, get more clarity and energy, a return ticket to your resourced state!
Priced at 33 Euros, Evelyne offers it free of charge.
Register and get an extra bonus: a 10% discount on a Personal Letting Go session. Instead of €80 you only pay € 72
Offer available until 31/12/2023
Retreat for Peace in the North of Iceland. Unite for a World in Need of Love.
Mirjam Blekkenhorst has a calling to create a safe healing space for all people around the world to come to, inspiring hope and providing tools to navigate the challenging waters while healing the trauma of what the world is experiencing.
In this weeklong retreat, you will visit powerful places in the far north of Iceland. Mirjam will generate a healing space for people around the world, reminding people everywhere that they are never alone.
Together, you gather to pray as a unified force, igniting hope and fostering positive change for the betterment of all humanity. By raising your collective consciousness, you have the power to make a profound impact on our planet Earth.
You will pause together, synchronizing your hearts as One People for One World.
The power of Iceland’s remote north is its clean, radiant energy, which has the potential to shift the dark energies of this world (If you have ever been there you will for always remember the unique power of the North)
7 days in the North of Iceland with Mirjam.

Drop Anxiety, Elevate your Calm Holiday Offer from Iceland
Nourishing your calm is never easy. But when you're in the middle of political upheaval, nature keeps calling out (like vulcanos that are about to explode) regular end-of-the-year, and Holiday stress it becomes borderline impossible.
Luckily Ragnheiður Guðjónsdóttir, M.Sc., the one and only Icelandic Mindfulness and Holistic Health specialist, carefully composed a bundle of 3 elements that will calm your nervous system so that the Holidays become joyous again and you can handle all the end-of-the-year stress with a smile on your face.
It's time to Enhance your Calm - Is the Holiday stress catching up with you? First of all -BREATHE - You don't have to do this alone.
Don´t miss out on this bundle because it has everything you need so you feel (more) relaxed and (more) calm in an easy and rejuvenating way.
Love from Iceland,
Ragnheiður Guðjónsdóttir
A: Love and Joy - Meditation Album
B: RÓ - CALM - Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation Album
C: Masterclass Collection (3 masterclasses + 1 bonus).
Instead of $ 397 you pay a One Time Only price of $ 97 US Dollars

SLUMBER SCRIBBLES The Snooze Chronicles book
“If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do.” Jiminy Cricket
But it can’t happen if you don’t remember your dreams. Instead of letting your dreams slip away, seize them with Slumber Scribbles.
This Snooze Chronicle will guide you into the dreamworld, a place where your possibilities are limitless. As you dream with intention you will explore the depths of your subconscious mind and uncover hidden power within your dreams.
When we sleep, we disconnect from the everyday and enter a world of dreams, the everynow. Don't let them slip away. With practice in setting intentions, remembering and recording them, your dreams can carry you on a journey to worlds beyond the veil, and that’s what Sleep Scribbles will help you do.
The creator of this unique holiday dream journal is Dr Kathya Kaye Collart. She doesn't just share theories but truly embodies the life of a Dreamweaver. If there is anyone who can guide you into the world of your dreams in a completely free way it's Kathya.
The best dreams are the ones you remember, and Slumber Scribbles is just what you need to make this holiday season a dreamy delight for you or someone you love.
And yes, this gives you a legitimate reason to stay in bed a bit longer.
You can now download your personal SLUMBER SCRIBBLES The Snooze Chronicles book for a limited time only for € 15 euro

Snap je het niet meer? Magic en Sparkles
Snap je soms niet waarom je je zo down kunt voelen, terwijl je echt alles hebt wat je hartje begeert? Je bent niet alleen! Je voelt dat de oplossing in jezelf ligt. Alleen heb je geen idee waar de sleutel ligt.
Grote kans dat je vastzit in een combinatie van dagelijkse sleur, de ratrace, een op de loer liggende burn-out (of bore-out) en het gevoel dat je geen controle hebt over je eigen leven.
Normaal neemt Ellen Roderkerken haar klanten mee de berg op in Zwitserland waar ze onder haar bezielende leiding de sleutel vinden en de deur openen naar een volwaardig en prachtig leven.
Speciaal voor ons gaat Ellen helpen de sleutel te vinden zodat je magic en sparkle in je leven krijgt
Maak snel een afspraak! Samen gaan jullie op ontdekking.
Een Magic en Sparkle sessie met Ellen Roderkerken Maak snel een afspraak! Samen gaan we op ontdekking. I n 1,5 uur gaan jullie ervoor zorgen dat jouw 2024 magic wordt, en dat voor slechts € 121,- euro
Bel Ellen via 0621556364 of stuur een mail ellen@gewoonellen.nu
How to Stay at Peace When Everything Around you is Falling Apart
1-hour workshop on embodied peace and resilience from a Ukrainian
Would you like to learn how to be resilient based on inner peace? Then this workshop is for you! It is based on embodiment, mindfulness, and meditative practices.
Are you a strong and sensitive person deeply impacted by the stressful times we live in? Would you like to take a pause from it all and just have a moment to breathe and to be held while you are resting?
You get a whole hour!
Victoria Savostianova is a Ukrainian who is currently living in Ukraine during the war. She endured a severe last winter with lots of bombings, explosions, and energy blackouts. And the attacks on Ukraine continue.
And yet there she is, focused, balanced, and resourced most of the time. Her knowledge of embodiment, mindfulness, and personal experience helps her to stay in her body all the time so that she continues to live a joyful life.
Victoria will guide you gently into reconnecting with your body and getting into a state of relaxation and inner peace.
Pay it Forward: One Hour for You is Also One Hour for a Ukrainian
With your purchase, you're combining self-care with care for a Ukrainian of your choice!
Very special Black Friday offer:
Buy two workshops for only 55 euros - one for yourself in English, and one for a Ukrainian in the Ukrainian language. With your purchase two people get an hour of inner peace: you AND a Ukrainian in need of Inner Peace.
Full price - € 99 euros, but you pay the Christmas price of € 77 euros
Jouw Beste Christmas Ever?
Wil jij ook een ‘Best Christmas Ever?
Ga dan voor deze communicatie tips en heb een hartverwarmende kerst!
Ontdek samen met Leonne Meijs van Dijk de betoverende 'Kerst Magie' en leer eenvoudige communicatietips waarmee je verbinding maakt en samen onvergetelijke kerstmomenten beleeft.
Laat stress achter je en van de warmte van de feestdagen. Wij delen onze meest praktische tips en kennis van communicatie op een toegankelijke en open manier, met NLP als handige tool voor gezelligheid.
Dit is voor jou als je je in één of meerdere van deze punten herkent:
*Je ervaart vaak spanningen en hebt soms zelfs ruzies tijdens familiebijeenkomsten
*Er zijn specifieke familieleden waar je moeite mee hebt
*Je worstelt met het organiseren of samenstellen van een kerstmenu dat aan ieders smaak voldoen.
*Goede gesprekken voeren zijn lastig tijdens familiebijeenkomsten
*Juist omdat je jouw familie maar af en toe ziet, wil je de tijd samen optimaal benutten
*Feestdrukte geeft je een gevoel van stress.
Wacht niet langer, begin direct en ontvang als bonus een live online groepscall waar je de tips kunt oefenen en van anderen kunt leren. Maak jouw kerst extra bijzonder en heb meer liefdevolle momenten met deze tips!
Effectieve strategieën voor het omgaan met uitdagende gesprekken.
En als BONUS EEN LIVE BONUS CALL waarin je kan oefenen en al je vragen kan stellen!