Climb Ev’ry Mountain: the ideal theme song
Every entrepreneur needs a Theme Song! A song that you can sing when the going gets tough, or when you celebrate something. In the Self Love Success Club we sometimes have dance parties and play 'Air Guitar' on 'Show Yourself' :-) Highly recommended
So One of my Theme songs is Climb ev’ry mountain.
Call me corny, but I absolutely love old musicals. They are filled to the brim with great theme songs. It’s like every song is neatly filed in a closet somewhere in my brain. And when the Time and the Prize is Right, the Theme song just jumps out.
Of course The Sound of Music is an excellent example of “A Song for every Moment’
I’ve found Real Love 3 months after I had reached the fab age of 40. I was pregnant at 41 and my son was born when I was 42. Never ever in my life could I have dreamed this was going to happen in my life.
And from the moment I had this bundle of pure perfection him in my arms I could heard Julie Andrews sing: “Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good”
Maybe there are one or two of you out there who’ve never seen The Sound of Music (seriously ;), but is the story of a young nun who falls in love with a very stern Austrian Captain and his huge amount of children in the year of the Anschluss (The unification of Austria and Germany in 1938)
Maria is a young nun who is pretty bad at being a nun. And very much in love, so what to do? She joined the convent because she wanted to serve God and not because she wanted to marry some captain (and his huge villa).
Maria takes all her confusion to the Mother Abbess who sings to Maria that she needs to follow here dream AND that she has to give it all her love for as long as she lives.
There is no security the captain will love Maria back and the Abbess tells Maria that she has to take a huge leap of faith, way out of her comfort zone.
And since that applies to each and all of us, I use part of these lines (and many other songs) in the Pink Carpet (the awesome program in the Self Love Success Club where you become queen of your business!)
By the way, for the one or two who are curious how it ends: there is mutual love for young Maria and the not so young Captain.
And Maria sings “Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good”
Well and the next thing . . . . just rent the movie alright!
Or go out and find YOUR Ideal Theme Song.
We sometimes have dance parties in the Self Love Success Club, this is our Gratitude List

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain is mother, partner, friend, sister and aunt and a self-love advocate and business and branding strategist. A speaker, author, soul whisperer, and the founder of the Brave Movement that teaches women entrepreneurs to build a business based on self-love, radical self-acceptance, and true confidence. Featured in Huffington Post, Marie Claire, Elle, and Thrive Global, Esther is the founder of the Self Love Success Club Follow Esther at Instagram | Facebook I Pinterest
Climb Ev'ry Mountain
Climb every mountain, Search high and low
Follow every byway, Every path you know.
Climb every mountain, Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,' Till you find your dream.
A dream that will need All the love you can give,
Every day of your life For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain, Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow, Till you find your dream
A dream that will need All the love you can give,
Every day of your life, For as long as you live.
Climb every mountain, Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow, Till you find your dream.
Text and music Richard Rodgers (1902–1979) and Oscar Hammerstein II (1895–1960)