How to Transform Perfectionism into Joy and Creative Flow

Before you start, here's my confession. I'm the Biggest Perfectionist EVER (don't even try to complete me :-)

Dear friend,
Full confession. I am a perfectionist. My brain scans for mistakes All-The-Time. I can see it happening. It sucks but - after years of not knowing - I can deal with it (okay, most of the time) but it's challenging. Because I'm aware that I'm a perfectionist. I can make fun of it, play with it and transform it into joy. 

I'm not having any special powers. This is something you can do too. Transformation starts with awareness.

I identified 6 Obstacles that can block your success:
1. Perfectionism
2. Not Deserving Money Mindset
3. Procrastination
4. Loneliness (Isolation)
5. Shiny Objects Syndrome  
6. Imposter Syndrome

No matter how experienced you are as entrepreneur, whether you're a starter or making millions, these 6 obstacles stand between "Working too hard, Feeling out of Alignment" and the light energy of "Ease, Joy and Happiness".

So, Let's start with Perfectionism and How to Transform it into Joy

You and I both know that perfectionism is plain and simple fear. Or as Elizabeth Gilbert famously said:

Perfectionism is just Fear in fancy shoes and a mink coat, pretending to pretending to be elegant when actually it's just terrified


This happens: You take a delightful shower in the morning and suddenly BOOM there is your "A-MA-ZING idea'!

Your bright shiny idea appears to come out of thin air. It fills your heart with warm happy love, endless possibilities and joy…. until you find out you’re not the only one who thought of it.
There goes hope, beauty, innovation. You’ve fallen – head first – in the muddy creative pitfall: comparison, or imposter syndrome. 

I’ve made a infographic for you. It shows you what happens after that Glorious Lightbulb moment in the shower and what it feels like once the comparison kicks in.


What does the Perfectionism look like? And what is it?

Perfectionism, in psychology, is a broad personality style characterized by a person's concern with striving for flawlessness and perfection and is accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations. 
It is best conceptualized as a multidimensional and multilayered personality characteristic, and initially some psychologists thought that there are many positive and negative aspects Perfectionism drives people to be concerned with achieving unattainable ideals or unrealistic goals, often leading to many forms of adjustment problems such as depression, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts and tendencies and a host of other psychological, physical, relationship, and achievement problems in children, adolescents, and adults.
Recent data show that perfectionistic tendencies are on the rise among recent generations of young people.
Source Wikipedia

Perfectionism according to Esther:
When fear to make a mistake and holding yourself to an impossible out-of-reach high standard kills all joy, flow and fun and you keep your genius locked in the kitchen cabinet.


▶︎ 1. Know that everything has already been created and that this is okay
But it has never been created with your unique background, tone of voice or your personality.

▶︎ 2. If you want revenue, go for fun instead of perfect 
Trying to be perfect will eventually always get in the way of lasting result.
There is NO such thing as 'the Perfect Online Course' or the perfect picture. Giving in to perfectionism will stop your creative flow.

▶︎ 3. Fallen in the perfectionist trap of 'It's not original or good enough' again?
Oh dear, you, me and (almost) everyone else both. Look how artists influence each other.  I can guarantee you that every artists has a work of art that puzzles art historians because 'it could have been a ....(fill in name of random artist) 

Tip 1: Do a little google search and see how Vincent van Gogh and Gauguin influenced each other. or how "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Japanese artist Hokusai is being reflected in  Van Gogh 'The Starry Night" (Google it!)

Tip 2: Read 'Steal like an Artist' by Austin Kleon and 'Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert (and all those other amazing books about creativity.

▶︎ 4. Accept that the ONLY 'thing' that is 100% Unique is YOU
You are unique, your work might be inspired by well known people, but you can never sound, move, look, react, write, talk, etc like them

Always look at the total picture: your natural talents (Your Zone of Genius, something I focus on with my own clients ), your culture, upbringing, heritage, education, personality,  your natural style, all those elements are the building blocks that make that YOUR people gravitate towards you (instead of to someone else).

▶︎ 5. Make fun of your Inner Perfectionist
Share your perfectionism, make fun of it, make mistakes on purpose and forgive yourself for the fact that it freaks you out (and high five yourself for it). Lovingly challenge the fear.

▶︎ 6. You deserve Joy and Softness
Business gurus have told us that we need to work harder, be out there All the Time. Just do what I do, here is the system. They conveniently forgot that transformation starts with joy and not with feeling like we're not good enough.

▶︎ 7. The biggest shift happens when you add lots of self-love and self-acceptance to everything you do!
Tip: Read this article about self love for entrepreneurs if you are ready for an avalanche of self-love.  

So give yourself the joy of softness.

And always remember the reward that is waiting for you at the other side of fear!

All my love,


As a member of the Self Love Success Club you get access to Masterclass, Workbook and meditation (and ALL the other great things in The Self Love Success Club

Are you ready, sister?

The Road to Abundance is Open for you. I show you how to make space for your Guides, Spirits, Muse and Archetypes by weaving your Archetypal Web filled with Magick, Art and Whispers.
This 2025 is the year to transform 'not enough' into becoming a Powerful Manifestor and Rise. Rise Sister. Rise.

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After only 1 Month I found my zone of genius, turned it in a program and sold my first 12-month group coaching program. 💖


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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Sandra van der Hooft Esther can touch you deeply and hold up a mirror to you. Despite the struggle, I have not stopped because of Esther. She makes you confident. I have sold my first online course. This is amazing, it can only grow now. 💙


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Lauren Scalf

Lauren Scalf Being a part of this all has given me permission to show up as ME in my business - unapologetically! 🌹


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Maja Nardosha Saba

Maja Nidosha Thank you Esther, because of your guided visualization   I could finally feel the field of my true potential.  

I have already felt the change and the elation and my dreams are happening for me right now.  I feel so open and inspired. 


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Doreen Gail With Esther’s support and guidance I feel seen, understood, and celebrated because of who I am and the unique brand of magic I bring to the world. Her wisdom, insights, and the positive support, encouragement, and love she showers on everyone in her community is a blessing for the world. 💯

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Christina Påhlman

Christina Påhlman Esther is one of kind. She is great in guiding you to become more of yourself, more authentic. She has a sixths sense finding your skills and business opportunity. 💝


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brave brand clients

Mary Forth Meeting clients, stepping away from fear-based marketing, connecting from love has been a huge game changer for me. I only wish I had done it years ago. i


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Deana Morris

Deana Morris This is such a nurturing space for women ready to hold each other up as they step up themselves.💃🏾


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Li LooI didn't know how empowering it could be to gather with other women.. realizing we all share similar struggles.. Its very powerful to me. 💕 


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Maria Jurimea In 1 year I have moved more than in the 15 years before. I was very modest with my pricing, but Esther told me to double or triple my prices.

I thought: "That is crazy. No one will buy at those prices."  But my international sales keep coming.  This has given me so much self confidence. 



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Janka Urbanova  I wanted to stop trying to find it out on my own, that's why I joined you.  And that is when I found myself in the company of so many brave and wonderful women and the support of Esther and her team.
As a result I got new clients, I sold my program and I'm feeling deeply confident. 


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Ingrid Dach

Ingrid Dach The content of the Academy and Esthers' approach to branding and business is something unique I have never seen before. 👑


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Jenne Ragazzo-Chase

Jenne Ragazzo-Chase The magic of the community, the connection, daily support makes this the place to be. Supported on all levels. 😍


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Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens

Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens Esther made me see that I don’t need to be a very extroverted salesy person to become a successful entrepreneur. There’s no one else who does this the way Esther and her amazing team do this. 🥳


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About the Author

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain is the Business Doula and Soul Whisperer of brave female entrepreneurs who want success on their own terms

Esther is the author of "The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual" a Brand Expert, certified Transformational Art Coach, Artist, Communication Consultant, Art historian, Huffington Post + Thrive Global Blogger with over 25 years experience in the field of branding, design, creativity and art.

She lives with her 13-year-old son and husband on an old farm. She's also addicted to Jasmin Tea, Opera with seriously bad endings, Weird Art and Red Lipstick.

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