Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Dearest friends 

I know!!! It's way too early to send you this week's gazette, but I can't wait. So this is an extra - and simple - Wonderfully Weird Gazette.

Three videos made me cry this week because they profoundly touched on what it means to be human. And I want to share them with you. Maybe you have already watched them, but if not, here they are.

🌸 1. Nick Cave on the Late Show. I'm not telling you anything. You will feel it. I started to cry and then couldn't stop anymore.



* Maybe a little warning though: if you're feeling very fragile, or just lost someone dear to you, maybe give it some time, because this is all about grief and connectedness.

* If you're looking for the Red Hand files, they are here

* By the way, remind me to share Nick Cave's vision of creativity with you. It's in my creativity program and it's so incredibly down to earth!

🌸 2. Michelle Obama, yesterday at the Democratic Convention
. Can you see how she's using feelings, grief, and a communal past to show our connection? Even if you're - like me - not from the United States, you can feel that this is a call to us all.

I loved the way she made people take action. Don't wait till you're invited to take action. Do it now.



I loved the way she made people take action. Don't wait till you're invited to take action. Do it now.

🌸 3. Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention.
I just watched it and I could feel it in my entire body. Yes, I cried. (again:- )



Everyone familiar with feeling like an outsider will feel this. Watching someone, who is an outsider himself, inspire a crowd always amazes and inspires, especially if they look different, come from a different country, speak differently, or are wired differently from those around them.

Somehow, I feel how connected we all are. It is also proof that sharing your vulnerabilities, grief, and pain always gives those around you permission to feel and share their grief and pain.

It's not just the big successes and 5 million dollar launches that are worth the share. If you want to touch people - and I know you want that - share your truth, your pain, your wisdom, doubts, hopes inspirations, AND aspirations.

Dare to touch hearts and dare to show those around you who you Really Are!

Now before you go all: "Well Esther, that's easy for you to say, these people have already made it." Remember what the world had looked like when they had chosen an easier path and went straight for the big bucks (right. . .?)

🌸 4. Okay, I have one more video for you: just to show you how one voice can change a country (as can you!)

 Are you fired up? Ready to go!

Have a beautiful day. Remember that you can change the world and that you decide what that world is going to be.

All my love


P.S. Next Saturday morning you receive 'an official' Gazette again.






Epic Real You Genius in your inbox. With essential branding, marketing, self-love, art, and creative fire inspo, for Wonderfully Weird women with a business. Read personal stories, tips, tools, and insights from Esther de Charon de Saint Germain.

1. 4 videos to fire you up!







I know!!! It’s way too early to send you this week’s gazette, but I can’t wait. So this is an extra – and simple – Wonderfully Weird Gazette,

Three videos made me cry this week because they profoundly touched on what it means to be human. And I want to share them with you. Maybe you have already watched them but if not here they are.

🌸 1. Nick Cave on the Late Show. I’m not telling you anything. You will feel it. I started to cry and then couldn’t stop anymore.


video preview


* Maybe a little warning though: if you’re feeling very fragile, or just lost someone dear to you, maybe give it some time, because this is all about grief and connectedness.

* If you’re looking for the Red Hand files, they are here

* By the way, remind me to share Nick Cave’s vision of creativity with you. It’s in my creativity program and it’s so incredibly down to earth!

🌸 2. Michelle Obama, yesterday at the Democratic Convention
. Can you see how she’s using feelings, grief, and a communal past to show our connection? Even if you’re – like me – not from the United States, you can feel that this is a call to us all.

I loved the way she made people take action. Don’t wait till you’re invited to take action. Do it now.


video preview


I loved the way she made people take action. Don’t wait till you’re invited to take action. Do it now.

🌸 3. Barack Obama at the Democratic Convention.
I just watched it and I could feel it in my entire body. Yes, I cried. (again:- )


video preview


Everyone familiar with feeling like an outsider will feel this. Maybe because you look different, you come from a different country, or you speak differently, or are wired differently from those around you: watching someone – who’s an outsider himself – inspire a crowd will never cease to be amazing and inspiring.

Somehow I feel how connected we all are. It is also proof that sharing your vulnerabilities, grief, and pain always gives those around you permission to feel and share their grief and pain.

It’s not just the big successes and 5 million dollar launches that are worth the share. If you want to touch people – and I know you want that – share your truth, your pain, your wisdom, doubts, hopes inspirations, AND aspirations.

Dare to touch hearts and dare to show those around you who you Really Are!

Now before you go all: “Well Esther, that’s easy for you to say, these people have already made it.” Remember what the world had looked like when they had chosen an easier path and went straight for the big bucks (right. . .?)

🌸 4. Okay, I have one more video for you: just to show you how one voice can change a country (as can you!)


video preview


Are you fired up? Ready to go!

Have a beautiful day. Remember that you can change the world and that you decide what that world is going to be.

All my love


P.S. Next Saturday morning you receive ‘an official’ Gazette again.




If you’re not in the community yet, hop over, you get tips about client attraction, how to become The Real You, marketing, spells, and more! And you meet your fellow wonderfully weird friends.


Art of the week


The art of the week is The Child’s Bath painted in 1893, by Mary Cassatt

In this work, Mary Cassatt addressed the theme for which she is best known—women and children—. She also experiments with compositional elements of Japanese art. Cassatt saw a large exhibition of Japanese prints at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1890, and produced a series of prints influenced by their aesthetics.

The Child’s Bath is a ‘decorative flat’, as well as picturing an intimate scene of everyday life. This is something you see in many Japanese prints. Can you see how unique her point of view is? Almost like we take a quick picture with our smartphone. It’s an unusual position that enhances the ‘daily action’, making it even more intimate.










Your Turn: Weekly Art Assignment


    • Look around you, what patterns do you see in your clothes, wallpaper, and book covers? Trace them with your fingers. What feels good? What feels weird and unease, what sensations come up?


    • Get a pencil (or if you’re on the beach or in your garden use sand or dirt) and copy one part of the pattern.


    • Did you get part one done? This can be a circle or a square, make it your pattern. What would it feel like to see your pattern on a t-shirt? Or your book? Just see where it takes you. Maybe someone on the other side of the world would eat from a plate with your pattern on it.


    • Go and feel how far, deep, and fun you can make this for yourself. Have fun!




A sneak peek at this
Months Marketing Bundle










Love message from the Real You Sisterhood


It’s an auspicious day to Become a Real You Client Magnet.


Are you losing sleep over a lack of clients? Are the old ways of client attraction not working anymore? Because it’s loud, extraverted, fear-driven, repetitive, and your result depends on fitting in and hustling hard.


That’s not us. We give you freedom, time, tools, and guidance.

Become a Real You Client Magnet with an intimate group of highly aligned soul clients – to be – who can’t wait to buy your offer and make more money by being more you.

Yay, I applaud you. You are about to become the pink flower in a green meadow.

I know showing up can feel challenging – it means you consciously set yourself apart from the crowd, especially when you don’t understand the incredible power of your Real Zone of Genius.

This is what it looks like:

Discover, leverage, and enhance the unparalleled power of your Real You Genius.

► Watch the video to see what it looks like


video preview


No more: I want to work for everyone! But you focus on a small highly targeted (and loved) soul audience and their needs. Your next offer will fly 💸 off the shelves because you created it for them.

You choose one of the beautiful brands I designed for you and bring it home on your website, and social media * they are so gorgeous!


video preview


Always shine your epic light with your monthly Marketing Bundle and strategy.




► I have created The Real You Sisterhood for ambitious, wonderfully weird entrepreneurs who want to become the leaders their audience is waiting for.

► It will result in invisibility, being known, expert fame, and claiming your unique spot amongst your peers and clients!!


► In an unprecedented and unique process you uncover The Real You, discover your soul audience, and – instead of waiting for months – get the brand, marketing, and strategy that draws in clients, revenue, and impact and gives you that warm glowy feeling when you deeply love yourself.






Meet Esther
I worked with Fortune 500 companies and over 4.000 women entrepreneurs.

I’m known as the Branding Queen, a Marketing Strategy Miracle Extraordinaire, an Energy shifter, founder of the Wonderfully Weird World and the Real You Sisterhood, art historian, bestselling author, a Whisperer of Souls and I’m late diagnosed ADHD and autistic.

See? Being wonderfully weird means that you can embrace all of you.





“You are enough. Just as you are. Everything going on in your life, business, heart, body, and soul, everything you are doing, all the feelings and emotions, wherever you are – right now – is enough. It’s perfect.

Because YOU are perfection.”


— Esther de Charon de Saint Germain









Are you ready, sister?

The Road to Abundance is Open for you. I show you how to make space for your Guides, Spirits, Muse and Archetypes by weaving your Archetypal Web filled with Magick, Art and Whispers.
This 2025 is the year to transform 'not enough' into becoming a Powerful Manifestor and Rise. Rise Sister. Rise.

Question? Want support? Message us.

300+5⭐ reviews

Praise and Testimonials


Selen Yildiztac A truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

After only 1 Month I found my zone of genius, turned it in a program and sold my first 12-month group coaching program. 💖


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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Sandra van der Hooft Esther can touch you deeply and hold up a mirror to you. Despite the struggle, I have not stopped because of Esther. She makes you confident. I have sold my first online course. This is amazing, it can only grow now. 💙


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Lauren Scalf

Lauren Scalf Being a part of this all has given me permission to show up as ME in my business - unapologetically! 🌹


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Maja Nardosha Saba

Maja Nidosha Thank you Esther, because of your guided visualization   I could finally feel the field of my true potential.  

I have already felt the change and the elation and my dreams are happening for me right now.  I feel so open and inspired. 


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Doreen Gail With Esther’s support and guidance I feel seen, understood, and celebrated because of who I am and the unique brand of magic I bring to the world. Her wisdom, insights, and the positive support, encouragement, and love she showers on everyone in her community is a blessing for the world. 💯

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Christina Påhlman

Christina Påhlman Esther is one of kind. She is great in guiding you to become more of yourself, more authentic. She has a sixths sense finding your skills and business opportunity. 💝


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brave brand clients

Mary Forth Meeting clients, stepping away from fear-based marketing, connecting from love has been a huge game changer for me. I only wish I had done it years ago. i


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Deana Morris

Deana Morris This is such a nurturing space for women ready to hold each other up as they step up themselves.💃🏾


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Li LooI didn't know how empowering it could be to gather with other women.. realizing we all share similar struggles.. Its very powerful to me. 💕 


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Maria Jurimea In 1 year I have moved more than in the 15 years before. I was very modest with my pricing, but Esther told me to double or triple my prices.

I thought: "That is crazy. No one will buy at those prices."  But my international sales keep coming.  This has given me so much self confidence. 



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Janka Urbanova  I wanted to stop trying to find it out on my own, that's why I joined you.  And that is when I found myself in the company of so many brave and wonderful women and the support of Esther and her team.
As a result I got new clients, I sold my program and I'm feeling deeply confident. 


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Ingrid Dach

Ingrid Dach The content of the Academy and Esthers' approach to branding and business is something unique I have never seen before. 👑


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Jenne Ragazzo-Chase

Jenne Ragazzo-Chase The magic of the community, the connection, daily support makes this the place to be. Supported on all levels. 😍


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Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens

Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens Esther made me see that I don’t need to be a very extroverted salesy person to become a successful entrepreneur. There’s no one else who does this the way Esther and her amazing team do this. 🥳


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About the Author

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, Branding Queen, Marketing Strategy Miracle Extraordinair, Energy shifter, founder of the Wonderfully Weird World, bestselling author, and Whisperer of Souls also bestselling author, Abe's mother, Rik's wife, and the servant of Marie and Leeloo (yes, cats)

Oh, she can also channel information from Source, so that you can tap into the wisdom of spirit guides.

Esther is the founder of the Wonderfully Weird movement that transforms, inspires, and supports women entrepreneurs to build a business and brand based on self-love and self-acceptance and become their authentic selves.

You can work with Esther in the The Real You and if you want to honor you Wonderfully Weirdness and get 10 clients each month with emotional heart based marketing (that doesn't suck at all. Or work with her in person - limited availability - Take the Quiz for your best solution

Follow Esther at Instagram | Facebook

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