*A really good one, that will save you MANY hours and a lot of overwhelm.
Repurpose old IG (or FB) posts, because the crazy more, more, more posting has to stop.
Step 1.
Go through your feed (desktop) and get the URL of every post you love/like/ fits your personal style / had a lot of likes (though that will change all the time)
Get a really long list.
* The reason you only take the URL instead of diving into the post is that it's faster BUT mainly (this is for you ADHD and multi-passionate people!!) is that it prevents you from hyper-focusing on that epic post with the dress and you running off to the mountain of clothes and forgetting that you were setting up this Long List of Repurposing posts.
► Step 2. Add UNDER the link what’s on the pic/ video + text
don’t skip this part (hello ADHD again people, this is for you , just touch and go like:
Me wearing red dress + caption 'Live's too short for beige.
► Step 3. Add the ‘Download IG pics’ extension to Chrome so that you can download your pics when you need them.
► Step 4. Get ALL the links to your (Google sheet) system.
I created one with ALL my business essentials in one epic sheet - super ADHD and overwhelm-friendly
TIP: IF you're in The Real You you can use the REINSPIRE TAB in your Treasure Map for this.
► Step 5. Did you lay out your Personal style?
Divide the links into different segments. Like: body/style/background/hobby / etc. That way you have everything together.
TIP: IF you're in The Real You you can use the PERSONAL STYLE TAB in your Treasure Map for this.
30 minutes of work will result in at least 75/ 100 good new posts: that will show who you are to your audience.
You can thank me later
P.S. If you want to figure out your Personal Style/ Brand / Marketing thing and you can't see what makes you amazing/unique, etc:
I'm opening 5 spots for 12 months of 1- 1 work. This is for those who were a bit disappointed about 2023 and want to make 2024 a MUCH better year!