The One Magic Word Change that will
Beautiful you,
Are you ready to go from I WANT to I HAVE? and change your Money Flow?
Give it a try *or better: go all-in!*
When we say: "I WANT" or "I LOVE to HAVE IT" it sometimes can feel like we're 3-years old kids who want candy.
We want it. We desire it!
And at the same time we're SO scared that we will NEVER get it!
Instead, when we say "I HAVE" that opens a whole new door for us. Try it for yourself.
Say: "I WANT 5 clients!" out loud. And feel the energy attached to those words. Take a deep breath. Sit up straight but relaxed. Don't judge, just observe. Can you feel it?
Now, visualize light around you and say * yes, out loud - but if you're in the train that might be weird - or fun*:
"I HAVE 5 clients"
Feel the difference. Feeling light and confident makes all the difference. It's not rocket science actually. The moment we feel confident and relax and focus more on affluence and flow (rather than lack) our mind and heart crack are wide open.
The result is that we see more possibilities. And those possibilities might actually bring in those 5 clients. It will start your money flow to actually flow!
Those people, who - maybe Right Now - are looking at your website - or googling the very thing that you're great at, will feel that too.
They are already there! It's all energy, right? So be very specific. And be prepared to receive what you ask for. The universe will bring you more of what you already have.
And the Energy of Endless Possibilities will open up for you!
So, do this for everything you desire:
* I want to stay in a super fancy hotel
I have paid for my super fancy hotel
* I want to sell my art
I have sold 3 paintings
* I want a beach house
I have a beach house
* I want a 100K business
I have a 100K business
* I want a yellow car
I have a yellow car
* ....your turn . . .
I wish that all that you have will grow. And that your money flow will flow!
With my love and a hug,
Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
Brave Branding Queen and Business Soul Whisperer
One Magic Word will Change your Money Flow