Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

The Guide to Lazy Content Creation that Actually Works  

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Picture by my son: 'my parents (and cat Marie) working in bed'

Authentic and effective content creation without overwhelm, is that even possible?

  • Let's start with a quiz, okay? Tell me what obstacles come up when you think about your social media posts,  being visible online, or getting clients with the use of effective content marketing.

    Is this something you have said or thought, somewhere in the past weeks:
  • 1. What I have to say isn’t interesting.
    2. Why do I have to post, why do people don’t get what I can do for them?
    3. It’s all already been said
    4. I’m not clear who I’m talking to
    5. I‘m afraid there will be an insulting comment.
    6. It never looks as good as other people’s posts
    7. I’m not good at writing
    8. I’m not clear on how I want to present myself and my company
    9. I don’t have time
    10. As an introvert, I can’t be online all the time
    11. I often don’t feel inspired
    12. Sometimes I share something and remove it again
    13. I’m afraid that all the time I invest will not turn into money
    14. I don’t think I can’t attract people to buy from me
    15. I’m embarrassed
    16. Nobody reacted to my post and I almost cried
    17. Who would be interested?
    18. I’m not clear on my message
    19. Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to write a post
    20. What I want and do changes all the time

Count how many of these sentences you have said, thought about, or share in the past year.

  • ✔︎ A. 1 - 4: You’re good to go, all normal feelings and emotions that every entrepreneur has.
  • ✔︎ B. 5 - 10: Keep Reading, I’ve got a lot of advice for you.
  • ✔︎ C: 10 - 20: Okay sister, I’ve got you, read the advice I wrote for you.

Listen, I hear and read these 20 quotes all the time. I’m not telling you to get over it and do it.
I give you advice on every sentence.

Are you ready?

Here are all my answers to your Social Media Obstacles, Doubts, How to Create Content, be Visible Online and How To Attract Clients with Lazy Content Creation

  • 1. What I have to say isn’t interesting.
    Sorry, I have to disagree with you. What you’ve got to say is very interesting to the people who need this. There is an audience for everything. From organic food for parrots to Learning How to Walk on High Heels.
  • Want me to help you overcome this super limiting belief?
  • 2. Why do I have to post, why don’t people get what I can do for them?
    Every business has to communicate and market. From Coca-Cola to Apple. That’s why they are successful. We, human beings, are beings of habit, we only do what is being told to us over and over again.

Want me to make it more fun?

3. It’s all already been said 

Maybe, maybe not. But not by you, not in your tone of voice. This feeling is something many creative people feel. It’s a common and very annoying struggle. Imagine Maya Angelou (who suffered from this greatly) would have thought: “Someone has already written a poem about Rising, I don’t need to do that anymore.

Right? I would love to help you let go of this thought by taking action.

4. I’m not clear who I’m talking to
That's an excellent question. This means you’re aware that understanding your audience is paramount. Start with finding your soul clients today. Talk to do them. Listen!

If you want to really find out how to do this, I would be delighted to help you define your audience. It’s a game-changer.

5. I‘m afraid there will be an insulting comment. 
Oh, this one sucks, right? It’s hurtful, especially when you have poured your heart and soul into your text. But you know, you got this. Your message is too important to be highjacked by possible trolls.

What say you, shall I help you post so consistent that there will be a nasty remark and we can celebrate it together?

6. It never looks as good as other people’s posts
Nope, you’re right, It will always look different. And you know why? That's because your energy is unique. It’s a gift from the universe to make you unique and I challenge you to use it.

Even better, I am going to teach you how to take great selfies, create memes and make every post beautiful - in less than 3 minutes. How does that sound? 

7. I’m not good at writing 
Is that true, or is that something your teacher once told you?
Not being so wordy works great for many people. There are people who never even read, just focus on what you’re naturally good at.

And if you want to write anyway, I’ve got 6 months of writing prompts and captions for you. All you need to do is add some words and you’re ready to go!

8. I’m not clear on how I want to present myself and my company
This is one of these things we should learn at school, right? This is all about branding. It's how you stand out among your peers and how you let your unique light shine.

It's how you make people feel. You can learn this by starting having conversations with the people who know you. As a branding and business strategist, I would love to show you exactly how to do it.

Even better, I have developed the Business Persona ™️test for you that you can take. This will give you clarity, the most effective messaging, actions that work, etc.

If you join Show Yourself you start with taking the Business Persona ™️ test

9. I don’t have time
That’s a good one. Nobody has time. That’s why ‘batch posting is such a great way to save loads of time. Simply get all your posts out at the start of the month and you’re ready to go!

Want me to teach you how to do it?

10. As an introvert, I can’t be online all the time 
You’re very smart! This is what self-care looks like. Use the advice on the question 9, it's all about having all your posts ready!

I would love for you to learn this too.

11. I often don’t feel inspired 
Well, sister you and me both! Thanks to schedulers and batch-posting my posts are being sent into the world anyway. Consistent posting is needed, the platforms reward you with showing your posts to more people.

If when you have zero inspiration, your posts go out anyway, you only post when you feel inspired!

Works like magic and I can teach you how to do it.

12. Sometimes I share something and remove it again 
Do you know why that is? It can be that you feel it’s never good enough, or you think you are not interesting. I can tell you that’s not true, but often it’s old beliefs that pop up. Can you do some inner work around this?

I would be delighted to coach you on this, often it helps if you see other people who experience the same. I've heard several Selflovepreneurs share about this (also.... I've done this myself)

13. I’m afraid that all the time I invest will not turn into money 
Do you know why that is? Because we don’t learn this at school. We decide on becoming an entrepreneur and go for it. We try this and that, we focus on the wrong things and before you know it you have lost 10 days of your precious life.

I would be delighted to show you the shortcut. Is that something you like?

14. I don’t think I can’t attract people to buy from me 
Why do you think that? Let’s break it down okay? Is it true? Or is it fear? How often have you tried? 1 time? 20 times? Here’s the thing you can totally attract people to buy from you.
This is the magic rule
1. Know who your audience is
2. Know what they need
3. Tell them you’re the one who has it

That’s it. It’s super easy, right? Wouldn’t it be cool if you knew how to do this?

15. I’m embarrassed
I’m sorry you feel like that. I can tell you to get over it, but that’s not my style. Often it helps to be around women who feel the same, who are still finding their way into marketing, and a safe place where you can try-out first and do-it next. Often that’s all it takes.

I’ve got this community of Selflovepreneurs for you. So if you are ready to become the lighthouse you are, we are there for you.

16. Nobody reacted to my post and I almost cried
Let’s break this down. Did you - prior to posting - reacted to other people’s posts? Or do you only send and never reply? Was it the middle of the night and your audience was asleep?
Yes? Get that post and post it again. This is not about you. This is the algorithm.

Only Adele and Beyonce posts consistently get lots of reactions. It’s okay.

Want to learn how to get more reactions in a fully authentic way? I’ve got you!

17. Who would be interested? 
Ouch, there are so many people who feel that what they have to say is just not interesting and that’s why they hide.

Want to hear a secret? I have been hiding too. I have fitted in, made myself small. I was convinced I was absolutely non-interesting. Now imagine I would still believe that. Then you would not have read this and hopefully feel inspired to show up anyway.

So dear friend, I give you a virtual high five (can you feel it?) and let me tell you - after 25 years of experience with super big brands like KLM/AirFrance: Your audience will be interested! But you need to be out there and do your thing so that they can find you.

If you want me to support you, even more, I’m here for you.

18. I’m not clear on my message 
Is that because you don’t know what you’re selling, who you’re selling it to, and because you’ve got so much to say that it feels like you have ‘brain freezes’?
I have changed my business name a gazillion times before I got it. It’s okay.

Do not fall into the trap of “I can only post once everything is super-clear.” Because even the most experienced business owners try out many things first too. It’s okay, clarity is overrated.

However, I will teach you exactly how to get your message across. Want that?

19. Sometimes it takes me 2 hours to write a post 
That is because you probably make it too complicated. I used to work on a post for hours!! But because I post consistently it has become so easy and fast. A client told me writing her blog post took her less than 30 minutes, whilst before it took her 3 hours.

Want the shortcut too? I’ve got it for you

20. What I want and do changes all the time
took me ages What I want and do changes all the time Welcome to the world of multi-passionates. Yes, I recognize that too. But…. I can reassure you. Even though your ideas change all the time, there is a way to keep showing up and firmly stay in people’s minds.

I would be honored to teach you this

If you want to get more clients, make marketing super simple, learn how to write like a pro, take amazing selfies, get all your content ready for 2022, I’m here for you.

We go all lazy (wear your PJ's) we will do self-love exercises, have fun, you will learn a lot AND execute. You will co-work with all the other women and implement all your 2022 posts.

Want the fast track?

The Real You marketing magic Drop June posts3

Are you ready, sister?

The Road to Abundance is Open for you. I show you how to make space for your Guides, Spirits, Muse and Archetypes by weaving your Archetypal Web filled with Magick, Art and Whispers.
This 2025 is the year to transform 'not enough' into becoming a Powerful Manifestor and Rise. Rise Sister. Rise.

Question? Want support? Message us.

300+5⭐ reviews

Praise and Testimonials


Selen Yildiztac A truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

After only 1 Month I found my zone of genius, turned it in a program and sold my first 12-month group coaching program. 💖


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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Sandra van der Hooft Esther can touch you deeply and hold up a mirror to you. Despite the struggle, I have not stopped because of Esther. She makes you confident. I have sold my first online course. This is amazing, it can only grow now. 💙


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Lauren Scalf

Lauren Scalf Being a part of this all has given me permission to show up as ME in my business - unapologetically! 🌹


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Maja Nardosha Saba

Maja Nidosha Thank you Esther, because of your guided visualization   I could finally feel the field of my true potential.  

I have already felt the change and the elation and my dreams are happening for me right now.  I feel so open and inspired. 


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Doreen Gail With Esther’s support and guidance I feel seen, understood, and celebrated because of who I am and the unique brand of magic I bring to the world. Her wisdom, insights, and the positive support, encouragement, and love she showers on everyone in her community is a blessing for the world. 💯

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Christina Påhlman

Christina Påhlman Esther is one of kind. She is great in guiding you to become more of yourself, more authentic. She has a sixths sense finding your skills and business opportunity. 💝


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brave brand clients

Mary Forth Meeting clients, stepping away from fear-based marketing, connecting from love has been a huge game changer for me. I only wish I had done it years ago. i


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Deana Morris

Deana Morris This is such a nurturing space for women ready to hold each other up as they step up themselves.💃🏾


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Li LooI didn't know how empowering it could be to gather with other women.. realizing we all share similar struggles.. Its very powerful to me. 💕 


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Maria Jurimea In 1 year I have moved more than in the 15 years before. I was very modest with my pricing, but Esther told me to double or triple my prices.

I thought: "That is crazy. No one will buy at those prices."  But my international sales keep coming.  This has given me so much self confidence. 



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Janka Urbanova  I wanted to stop trying to find it out on my own, that's why I joined you.  And that is when I found myself in the company of so many brave and wonderful women and the support of Esther and her team.
As a result I got new clients, I sold my program and I'm feeling deeply confident. 


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Ingrid Dach

Ingrid Dach The content of the Academy and Esthers' approach to branding and business is something unique I have never seen before. 👑


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Jenne Ragazzo-Chase

Jenne Ragazzo-Chase The magic of the community, the connection, daily support makes this the place to be. Supported on all levels. 😍


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Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens

Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens Esther made me see that I don’t need to be a very extroverted salesy person to become a successful entrepreneur. There’s no one else who does this the way Esther and her amazing team do this. 🥳


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About the Author

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain, Branding Queen, Marketing Strategy Miracle Extraordinair, Energy shifter, founder of the Wonderfully Weird World, bestselling author, and Whisperer of Souls also bestselling author, Abe's mother, Rik's wife, and the servant of Marie and Leeloo (yes, cats)

Oh, she can also channel information from Source, so that you can tap into the wisdom of spirit guides.

Esther is the founder of the Wonderfully Weird movement that transforms, inspires, and supports women entrepreneurs to build a business and brand based on self-love and self-acceptance and become their authentic selves.

You can work with Esther in the The Real You and if you want to honor you Wonderfully Weirdness and get 10 clients each month with emotional heart based marketing (that doesn't suck at all. Or work with her in person - limited availability - Take the Quiz for your best solution

Follow Esther at Instagram | Facebook

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