
Dive in for an overview of summits, articles, interviews, and podcasts.

Ester de Charon de Saint German je splněné přání podcastu ♡♡. Mluvíme o ADHD a autismu, o podnikatelském příběhu samotné Ester, o Human Designu Ester a mnoha věcech. Ester má ve své Human Design mapě, dráhu Alfy, není divu, že se ji volíme jako naši Queen. Tady najdete Ester: Omluvte sníženou kvalitu zvuku a také délka podcastu není úplně standardní. Za tlumočení děkuju Zuzaně Wlodowské. Už letí k vašim uším!

Bob Gentle Amplify Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Podcast with Bob Gentle for his Amplify Personal Brand Show Podcast, How to fall in love with your personal brand. We're talking about Facebook Ads copy, video marketing and why there are more reasons to succeed than to fail - if you just give yourself permission.

podcast Jeanet Bathoorn

Podcast interview with Freedom Entrepreneur Jeanet Bathoorn about 'How to Have a 100K launch'  In Dutch  

Podcast interview with Dr Helen Maffini for her The Self Sabotage Summit    

New Zealand-based Joyce van de Lely interviewed me for her wonderful Summit The Fierce Female Force.

Business Babe Nayvary Soeterboek en TechBabe Vivian Acquah.Brilliant Business Babes is een bruisende community voor grote dromers, goalgetters, multi gepassioneerde, ambitieuze vrouwen die hun briljante ideeën willen transformeren naar een 

I was interviewed by Madla Čevelová, the marketing wizard from Prague, Czech Republic, and her clients. They had the best questions.  2023 

I was one of the Speakers at Linh Luong's Authentic Style Revealed Workshops, April 2021 

Interview with Speakers Coach  Monique Blokzyl about  
How to build an outstanding speaker brand for her Speakers Academy

Click to play

How multi-passionate entrepreneurs can triple their income. Podcast interview with business coach Sigrun for her Sigrun Show Podcast. 

A beautiful video by photographer Alma Johans with photographs of me.


This photo was taken for an article in a Dutch magazine Jan for an article about Becoming a mother after 40. I dreaded having my picture taken. I had been in magazines before (this is all PRE Social Media) and every photoshoot was an absolute nightmare. And this was a Fancy Magazine, with fancy women in fancy bodies. But I came prepared. I had my house cleaned to perfection, my hair was freshly blow-dried, I was wearing 4 body-shaping items!


My makeup was perfection. I was immaculate. Son was wearing his perfect little thingy (any idea how hard it is to keep a baby clean?)

In the afternoon the photographer and his assistant showed up. They looked at us, they looked at our bloody perfect Amsterdam apartment, and then Mr. Photographer said:

“I don’t want to do another perfect people-in-perfect house photoshoot. Are you in for something completely different?”

And that’s why I stripped 4 layers of protection, messed up my hair, removed the makeup, undressed my son, and allowed this picture to be taken.

In bed. I felt respected, empowered, and seen. A fierce mother and her son.

Every time I see this picture I’m being reminded that - if we want to see our true power - we need to see ourselves through the eyes of someone else.

huffington post esther de charon de saint germain
esther de charon de saint germain huffington blogger creativity

Article in NL-20 Amsterdam Magazine about The Amsterdam Baarsjes Festival that I had organized. It was a festival for and with local artists, musicians, performers, choreographers, and dancers.  Renowned violinist Liza Ferschtman, performed in the beautiful church  (completely voluntary! truly amazing) Murat Isik won first prize with his story about his mother. 

Esther de charon de saint germain for thrive global
Thrive global articles esther de charon

Article in NL-20 Amsterdam Magazine about The Amsterdam Baarsjes Festival that I had organized. It was a festival for and with local artists, musicians, performers, choreographers, and dancers.  Renowned violinist Liza Ferschtman, performed in the beautiful church  (completely voluntary! truly amazing) Murat Isik won first prize with his story about his mother. 


The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual 
How to Thrive and Bloom when you're Fiercely Bright, Feel too Much, and Have Way too Many Passions

wonderfully weird woman's manual book and workbook
reviews amazon wonderfully weird womans manual
review wonderfully weird woman's manual 1
review wonderfully weird womans manual 5
review wonderfully weird woman's manual 1
Strong and free bestseller international

Number 1 in United Kingdom, United States, The Netherlands, Germany, Australia and France.

▶︎ No. 1 in 3 categories in Germany
(outselling Angela Merkel!)

▶︎  No. 1 in 2 categories in the UK

▶︎  No. 1 in 4 categories in the Netherlands, including the ENTIRE Kindle store

(outselling the hit book about Dutch crown princess Amalia!)

Strong and Free author Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

▶︎  No 1. in 13 categories in Australia (thank you guys!!)

▶︎  We outsold Eckhard Tolle

▶︎  We outsold Brene Brown

▶︎  We outsold Mell Robins

▶︎  No. 1 in 4 categories in the United States.

When I wrote my story this summer - plowing my way through deep emotions - I could not have imagined in a thousand years that this would happen!

Thanks so much to all of you who've made this day so very special!


Veertig Jaar Jong


Werken aan geluk in organisaties, Kees Klomp et all.  Uitgeverij Asoka

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