How to Create Art with your Personal Archetypes
Discover why archetypes are work great for your brand, BUT can become the leader and wealth manifestors of your entire life!
I have a message for you and a wonderful way to connect to your archetypes.
It’s especially auspicious, as the veil between the living and the spiritual world is thin. It’s a perfect time to seek guidance from the archetypes.
* I’ve recently taken a few days off to recharge.
While giving my brain a much-needed rest, I found myself immersed in deep cleaning around my house and setting up a studio that is ready for the 12 archetypal altars (more about that later).
* Can I be very honest with you?
Taking a break to do something as frivolous as deep cleaning and setting up a new studio does not come naturally to me ;-) I know.
But I had vowed to follow the calling of the archetypes. So when the Sage closed the door to my inner library – well, my brain stopped working -, the Nurturer invited me to clean and by the Innocent to focus on one thing only.
You see, I have been working with the archetypes for a long time now. They were always part of my The Real You Sisterhood. We especially use the brand archetypes as a tool to decide what brand fits best.
But while rewriting my texts, I suddenly realized that a large part of how the brand archetypes are being used by ‘the branding world’ is utter bullshit (yep, that’s Rebel speaking)
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In the branding landscape, many misunderstand and underutilize archetypes.
Many brand specialists tell us that 1 archetype represents 1 brand. They tell us that Disney is an Alchemist brand and Dove is a nurturer brand.
But why would we use those large companies as our examples? Aren’t we better than that? We’re not billionaires growing a conglomerate, taking over weaker businesses and not caring about the world.
We’re here to transform, to make things better or more beautiful.
So I ditched all the capitalistic BS and the male perspective of fake security . . . . and out came the most amazing transformative potential of archetypes.
You see, archetypes are not just tools; they are gateways to profound personal and professional growth. They hold the universe, they are containers that connect us body, soul, and mind, interlinking us with everything around us.
Enter your text here...
“All the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypes.”
- Carl Jung
Carl Jung said, “All the most powerful ideas in history go back to archetypes.”
And it’s so true. They make the unconscious conscious; they bring the magic into the mundane (like deep cleaning your house)
They help you reclaim your power.
Because, I don’t know about you, but I forget that everything is already inside of me.
There is only so much consciousness awareness we can hold, and the archetypes allow us to face up to what we have forgotten.
They told me:
“Hey, you keep building your program and werk-werk-werk-werk-werk!
Just because you think you don’t deserve rest. Let’s close your brain for a couple of days: here is a broom. Go and sweep.“
So when we are drawn to a specific archetype, there is a longing that we suddenly remember. They invite us to explore what we might have forgotten—across lifetimes or within this one alone.
We move through the archetypes by learning about them, but mostly by feeling deeply.
Seriously, I asked my archetypal blend to tell me what I needed to know through color and shape and they moved my hand (I made a video about that, and will send it next week)
Okay, so back to today.
You might already feel emotional. That’s perfectly normal. So imagine that all the wisdom of all the realms is available to you and that you can ask your archetype to show you what you need to know to reclaim your power.
1. Get a pencil and doodle without focusing on the outcome and think/feel/ponder.
🔅 “What is it I desire?”
🔆 “How does it feel to ‘reclaim my power?”
Maybe you know your archetypes, maybe not, in that case just see whatever witch, goddess, figure, or ancestor comes up to help you
2. Notice your pencil. Does it become light? Is it pressing harder? Does it make specific shapes?
3. This is the challenging part, but you can do this.
Because you might see something and maybe not. But you HAVE established a connection. So instead of analyzing, you open up to the whispers.
The synchronicities you would have missed earlier.
✔︎ The book with the title that holds the answer to a question.
✔︎ The name of a friend that pops up who might know the person who can help you.
✔︎ A video that miraculously holds the exact timeline for your launch.
As soon as you have opened the space, the answers, the whispers, the ‘Oooooooh why did I not see that before!‘ insights will be plenty.
Wishing you a weekend filled with discovery and connection.
With warmth and inspiration,
Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
P.S. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to explore this magical journey together! 🌟