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Episode overview

17 Business Mistakes that Block your Growth and Joy

Business Mistakes that Block your Growth and Joy

I'm sharing the raw and unfiltered truth about my Business Mistakes. I'm spilling the painful beans so that you can avoid them and manifest your dreams!

✔︎ Are you an entrepreneur who's wondering when 'it' will finally happen for you?  
✔︎ Do you wonder how other entrepreneurs 'do it'?
✔︎ Are you waiting for a magical "You've Made It, You've achieved Entrepreneurial Super Status" sign, complete with fireworks and thunderous applause?
✔︎ Do you still think there's only 1 business path?
✔︎ Do you measure your business worth only by money, likes and your email list?
✔︎Do you still belief in the "Predictable Outcome Promise" where coaches promise you the Sun and the Moon, without addressing your inner obstacles. (By the way: do you know that less than 9 % of all buyers actually finish their online programs. Often because they feel isolated, not enough and unseen).

Here's my Brutally Honest Entrepreneurial Story about my Business Mistakes

I have been an online entrepreneur since February 2014 a
nd It's time to tell you the truth about the many - many - business mistakes I made.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because it's important that you know that this whole "Get Rich in 2 Weeks - While doing 4-hour naps in your hammock" story is bullshit. But most of all because I want you to understand that this business thing is not just about reaching goals that lie outside of you.

You are not more worthy, abundant or powerful because you have a 100K month. You will however, manifest that 100K month as a result of you feeling worthy, abundant or powerful right now. 

Entrepreneurship is something you learn by failing, by making mistakes, by upgrading your self-love, applying smart strategies and by following your desire.

Yep, that's basically the secret of entrepreneurship.
