Get access to 31 STUNNING offers
This Magical Page holds 31 of the Best Free Programs, Products, Discount Coupons and Unique Offers created and hosted by Brave Leap participants, the program lead by Esther de Charon de Saint Germain.
Do you want to feel healthy, successful, happy, feminine, organized, expressive, lawyered up, hugged, romantic, empowered, beautiful, pain-free, calm, artful, in charge, beautiful, unique or wealthy?
There is a solution for you.
After a highly challenging year you deserve an amazing summer. That's exactly what these amazing offers will bring you!
"I want the Best Summer
Show me all those amazing Offers"
Weaving your Future: How to create an enchanted vision board
This course is for you when:
* You want to get as much out of life as you can get, but feel you do not know enough yet about how to manifest your desires and dreams.
* Instead of feeling focused, your energy is all over the place and you long for more ease, enchantment and flow.
* You might feel stuck or overwhelmed; encountering similar situations over and over again, and are unsure how to create a breakthrough.
I will teach you how to create a highly magnetical Vision board, which can give you more abundance, joy and purpose in your life.
You will learn about Quantum Physics, Magical rituals, the Universal Laws and how they can all work together powerfully to create your enchanted reality! (Yes, you've read that right: I incorporate Science, sprinkles of Magic, the Universal Laws & more into my unique, powerful method for Vision board creation.)
Are you willing to embrace your full potential and allow your magic into the world? Become the "Source-ress" you were destined to be!
Visualisation via making a Vision Board is a powerful communication tool that can act as a way to create a bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind and the "Source" to create your dreams into reality, so that you can get inspired and stay motivated in working towards your goals and desires. This will accelerate your growth towards reaching your full potential and living the live you've been longing for.
Caution, this course is not a quick fix, nor for the faint-hearted. I am kind-hearted, but do not like to pussyfoot around and will throw you into the deep end of the pool straight away! If you are not ready to look inside yourself and actively do the work it takes to discover what is keeping you from achieving your potential, then this course is not for you.
Only the courageous shall be able to start working towards their dreams– are you excited to start creating the most fabulous future for yourself?
The 6-day live course will start on June 21st. I look forward to seeing you there!

The Art Of Style
Are you a woman with a deep desire to embody and express your femininity, enjoy your beauty, and possess a sense of style which makes you feel like you can walk into any room (or Zoom screen) and own it?
Instead, you feel like a fading rose, more "practical" than stylish and sensual and you long for something that you may have lost....or maybe you've been thinking that exquisite style and feeling feminine is only for perfect-looking princesses and movie stars.
I'm here to show you that this is NOT the case!
For as long as you have the desire to, you too can become the most breathtaking woman in your eyes. Come, sit next to me, Aphrodite, amongst the rose petals, where together, we will create your most elegant, enchanting, and exquisite self. Over a period of 5 days, I will take you on a journey to uncover, discover and create your style. And this is not for special occasions, no. Our focus is going to be on how you show up as a beautiful, feminine, and elegant woman on a daily basis.
For almost 30 years, I have designed for, and dressed women all over the world. From perfectly tailored and very feminine suits to ornately embellished wedding gowns, I know how to first, set a woman's heart on fire, make her feel beautiful, and then of course she becomes beautiful in her own eyes. Over the past year, I too have been relegated to a life at home and glamour is still a part of my everyday existence, and so I know I can show you the way.
This experience is for you if you have a desire to reinvent yourself as an exquisite work of art! You may have fallen into a rut, especially after being in isolation for so long because of the pandemic and you know a fresh and inspiring perspective is exactly what you need.
After 5 days together I KNOW you will see yourself with new eyes. You will feel confident about your choices. You will have ways to embrace and express your femininity and your beauty, just as you are. Remember! I am Aphrodite's Daughter and Muse....Queen of Hearts and Roses! All that I am and all that I do is in service to Romance! So expect little twists and turns of charm and allure to be mixed into this beautiful cocktail of Style!
We will begin on the 15th of June! I can't wait to see you bloom and blossom like roses!

Reconnect to Flow with your Singing SilkScarf from Estonia
- Are you longing to feel connected, in the flow, realizing your dreams, and feeling connected to the Divine?
- Wouldn't it be amazing to always feel worthy, connected, and full of creative powers?
You know what I am talking about, right? That amazing moment when EVERYTHING is possible.
Unfortunately, that special connection gets lost so easily when we worry, are upset, or lose confidence.
I can be your medium to the flow of unlimited possibilities and re-connect you via a piece of wearable silk art that no one else in the World has.
Many traditional cultures know that arts & crafts created from natural material like metal, wood or silk can strengthen the connection with the Divine, especially when created in flow, freehand, and intuitively.
I use the Estonian ancient singing tradition to load the scarf with extra energy and the pure silk will remember these songs.
I can create you a magical singing silk scarf - a piece of art created just for you, that helps you to make your dreams come true!
Or maybe you will recognize your scarf from those I have already created.
To celebrate my new SingingScarves e-shop, which will be open on the magic date 7.7.21, you can buy anything from my shop with 50% discount.
ONLY for the first 7 days.
Get your special One Time Only discount code on the link.

Travel to our magical, romantic Gypsy Haven and Feel what it is to live like a Gypsy!
Fluff out your scatter cushions on your favourite couch, sit back, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND IMAGINE WHAT IT WILL FEEL LIKE TO EXPERIENCE OUR GYPSY HAVEN, which is right here in Clarens, South Africa.
We will introduce you to our Authentic Hand crafted Wooden Gypsy Wagons, which are named after infamous Gypsy women - Queenie, Thisbe, Esmerelda and the most regal wagon of all - Rosella. All of which rest under majestic Oak trees. This is for the adventurous travellers and gypsies at heart, no matter where you are in the world.
It is for those who love Glamping, who want an experience of a lifetime and for those who appreciate attention to detail, personalised service and of course for those who love all things magical. You will be transported into Sandys Magical Creative Gypsy World, which is filled with colour, creativity and quirkiness.
You will get to explore the authentic handcrafted wooden wagons, and see the special finishing touches, the antiques and collectables, the exotic fabrics and maybe even get to spot a fairy or two. You may be surprised to find that inside each Gypsy Wagon, there is queen size bed, with electric blanket and luxury linen, a full size ball and claw bath, fluffy white towels, a flushing toilet, a fully equipped kitchenette, electric lights and plug points and even a wood burning Queenie Stove, which is heart of every gypsy wagon. Outside around the bonfire, there are bean bags perfect for relaxing, chatting and stargazing. It is a place where you can rekindle romance. Garden Swings and Hamocks bring out the free gypsy spirit in you.
When you fall in love with our special place you will be able to take advantage of a very special package deal that we have put together for you.
Start the video tour, as soon as you are ready, and be the first to hear about our exciting secret which will revealed on the 21st June 2021
5 Days of Homepage Magic *Free Course
The homepage of your website can look and feel like a beautiful magazine that people fall in love with! Perhaps right now you have some website shame and feel almost afraid to share it with potential clients…? Or you feel frustrated because your homepage doesn't reflect your energy, your style, and vision - even though it feels like you've spent 5,000 hours searching for inspiration and updating it?
You simply can't figure it all out and you just know this is why you are losing website visitors every single day despite your best efforts…
If this feels like you, I invite you to join me for my free course: 5 Days of Homepage Magic!
In this course, you will learn how to create a homepage that has your unique vibe and energy. A homepage that tells the story of your brand with clarity, from the beginning right to the very end, that makes people want to start working with you. Right Now!
I know this is true because it happened to me - I fell in love with a homepage and have remained a client ever since. That is how powerful the right homepage can be! Our homepage is the front door to our online business world. Such an important first impression for every client and knowing step-by-step what to do next will mean losing or attracting a new audience.
My name is Alina, I am a visual storyteller and strategist, photographer, and course creator. In my online programs, I have coached amazing female entrepreneurs from around the world, with many different services and product-based businesses - to help them create a consistent visual style for their brand - for both social media and websites - and help them further grow their businesses.
This unique free course is for you
- whether you have a homepage or just a rough plan on paper or in your head and:
- Want to attract more clients with your homepage
- Know little or nothing at all about how to make your homepage visually appealing
- Have some vague ideas on how to tell the story of your brand and business with images
- You just know that your homepage never feels right, or tells your brand's story...
You can actually change all of that by signing up today! Join me for the FREE course "5 Days of Homepage Magic” starting on Monday, June 7.
Here is what you’ll learn in 5 interactive workshops - with live reviews of homepages, discussions and best practice advice:
Day 1 - What’s in that First Impression? Most used “Sections” on a Homepage
Day 2 - Storytelling in easy steps: Images and Colours/part 1
Day 3 - Storytelling in easy steps: Images and Colours/part 2
Day 4 - Exploring Fonts and their Messaging
Day 5 - Call to Actions and Lead Magnets.
Sign up below and we will make your homepage stand out from the crowd! 5 Days of Homepage Magic! starts on: Monday, June 7 - to Friday, June 11.
Be Wild & Iconic Free
3 Day Mini-Infusion into your Wilderness and Magic
Can you imagine yourself on a beautiful magazine cover? Or have you fallen into the trap of believing that you're too much? Or not interesting enough? Or the one who inhabits her body like a Queen, who is proud of herself and who is not afraid to show up in all of her muchness, no matter her age, shape, grey hair, etc.
Maybe there’s a stirring inside your soul that something wants to be unleashed, wants to be expressed without shame or fear of judgment, you feel maybe even another ‘persona’ pinching your skin that has gotten too small over the years from the inside? A wild magical creature, a Goddess, a Unicorn??
Let me inspire you to listen to that stirring inside your soul and follow me to the fields of freedom, where we play and create magic! The challenge happens IN the group, so come and join me on a short, but sweet and wild ride into the realms of your iconic essence. www.facebook.com/groups/wildgoddesscircle/
Day 1: The Stirring – We’ll figure out together what ‘being wild’ would mean and look like for you’
Day2: The Following – We’ll make a first, safe step towards your iconic self within the group
Day 3: The Daring - And now we get courageous! One step to stretch your comfort zone a wee little bit. Maybe you’ll be positively surprised about some feedback you will receive after doing something out of the ordinary!
During 3 magical days with daily, little, easy to accomplish prompts, you will learn how to challenge yourself in a safe and playful way, so you will show up more boldly in your visual style (your selfies, for example), you will start to consider your creativity and self-expression as sacred and entirely yours and will feel supported by us to liberate yourself from the opinions of others.
This challenge is for you if:
- You are a 40+ woman who is managing her business and private life successfully by societal measures, and yet, you feel somewhat unseen and unexpressed. There could be so much more, it feels…
- You feel a nagging and pulling that there is something that you would like to express, but didn’t dare, until now.
- Are yearning for a safe and magical place where you can let your hair down, experiment with creative ideas, knowing that the sisterhood has your back and nobody will judge you.
- For a place where you can connect with the divine feminine, your inner Goddess
- ... and where nobody will tell you, you’re not talented or even crazy.
After our time together you will have a stronger sense for the parts of you that you would like to be expressed, but didn’t dare until now. This will boost your self-confidence!
You will feel inspired to do baby-steps (or quantum leaps?) on your path to the fully expressed Goddess that you are.
To become more daring and wild, to express yourself in a safe space. No judgement, no ‘you’re not enough-ness’ here in our circle! Let’s do this, be wild & iconic, dear sister! Lots of love, always.
xx The challenge starts on Wednesday, 9th of June 2021

From Legal Fear to Loving the Legal Stuff with easy-to-implement templates
Being an Entrepreneur can be so stressful. There are so many things we can't control. But legal documents are NOT one of those things!
Having them in place, so that you can relax and focus on your offer is just one step away!
I invite heart-centered online Entrepreneurs who want to grow their business to step away from: "OMG, I hate this legal stuff but I HAVE to do it". Because I have all the Legal Tools that will make you say "It's done! I feel so safe and secure now".
The road is much nicer than you might think. It will lead you to "How can I use this to actually empower my business". And there are many ways!
Let me share with you what my 10 yrs legal experience reveals:
1. Business is like a relationship – it requires trust. When people trust you – They buy from you. As simple as that!
2. Having legal documents in place shows, that you are professional and serious about your business. It is a promise of providing the best quality service that we all want.
3. It is really important to teach your customers how they can work with you, what outcome they can expect, what happens if they cancel your meeting the same day.
We all need happy clients as much as predictable business revenue. You are on your way to success. That means that your money flow needs to be protected while you attract clients.
Wouldn't you sleep much better when you know that all the legal elements of your business are protected?
Can you imagine how much more confident you will feel building relations with your clients, knowing that your agreement covers any issue that may arise?
And trust me, every entrepreneur knows that issues will arise.
Visit my website to find the Best Tips and to download easy-to-implement templates so that you can immediately take the first step to legal compliance and be ready for growth.
Find the Missing Link
A 5 day experience to recognize how food is impacting your health and causing your migraines
Why do you keep getting migraines? Did your doctor tell you that you just have to accept it? Are you tired of wasting precious time because yet another migraine is forcing you to hide in a darkened room until the pain goes away? Or maybe you need to work on that project or have a call with your customer, but you're truly suffering.
Thinking clearly is almost impossible with that much pain, right? Maybe you take medication but are afraid of possible side effects. Truth be told, you are getting worried when you think of your future. But what if there is another reality waiting for you? What if you could change your present trajectory and experience a life with less or no migraine?
Yes, that is possible, even though migraine truly is a beast. But it's also your body's way to tell you that something has to be looked at, that something has to be changed. So in that sense, what if migraine was actually your friend? Join me for 5 days to find out how food is impacting your health and learn how you can reduce your migraines naturally, without medication. I will help you approach your migraine differently so that you can find the underlying causes and learn how to read your body's signals.
This course is for:
Female entrepreneurs and business professionals, yearning to live their life fully and make a difference in the world, tired of migraines stopping their flow and momentum and making them waste their precious time.
After 5 days you will be armed with very effective tools that assist you in helping your body to feel well. You'll feel happy and confident because you understand how much power you have to change what you thought was your fate. You learn to recognize your deeper migraine triggers with the Food Mood Poop journal practice. You get insights on the effect food has on your mood and wellbeing and on the frequency of migraines or other symptoms. You discover simple breathing techniques that help you to calm your nervous system and activate your vagus nerve.
I can't take your migraine away during those 5 days. But I can teach you what you can do to get there yourself. We start on June 21, 2021

x cut the crap ... x upgrade your life ... x get a coach ...
I know you can explain it all, I know you are smart, I know you want to be free, I know you are different.
But you feel like a fade shadow from the person you want to be ... I understand you and trust me, there is nothing wrong with you. But aren't you curious about the person you could be?
I am! Let me coach you! Let's clean out the mess and finally create the life that you really want.
If you think it's too late, you are wrong!!! Time for change. I created my own easy coaching system for womxn especially like you and me.
To find out, let's talk! Let's cut the crap.
Book the free call and let's discover your potential! Deep inside of you, there is this quirky, remarkable, rebel, and smart womxn with a huge disguised, veiled or concealed potential.
Let's discover ... mental coaching will upgrade your life let's get curious about your potential questions: olga@oxxymind.com

How To Use Stories To Raise Your Visibility
Running your business online gives you so many opportunities to meet and work with people worldwide – and yet, you’re struggling to get seen.
You feel like you blend into the background. You see other people posting and just can’t seem to come up with posts yourself. How do you stand out and show people how you can help them? In this masterclass, you will find out why stories are such a powerful way to communicate and leave with 5 ideas for stories you can tell right away.
This course is for:
Business owners who want to build personal connections and raise their visibility by sharing who they are, what they do, and why their clients need it.
You will have 5 ideas for relevant and engaging stories you can share on social media, in email marketing, and when you are talking to people about yourself and your business.
This is an online event and will be held on Zoom. The masterclass is on Monday, June 21st at 12.30 pm London time

Activate your Lifeforce!
Feeling out of touch with the Magic of Life? Here's the invitation you've been waiting for.
The free 5 Day Experience that will help you Remember your Divine Creative Powers, so you can feel what it means to Unconditionally Love who you are, express yourself, and start to thrive with ease and joy. The beautiful sensitive, smart, and empathic part of you knows so well what others need. A lifetime of becoming so freaking good at what you do!
You are holding the fort in times of need. You are the one who will find the best outcome for everyone involved. So why is it you still feel so drained and so disengaged from your own heart? Why do the critical voices in your head prevent you from speaking your truth? What happened to feeling amazingly happy and juicy, for no reason at all? Do you remember that feeling of dreaming without limits? Yes, I know! You are well aware of the law of attraction and the power of alignment.
But here’s the thing, my love: you still believe you need to EARN and WORK for YOUR PLACE IN THE SUN. This is what you will experience during the 5 days: you are going to start to Reawaken the Divine Magic of Your Lifeforce! You will wake up the joy that is you. I will share my own Divine gifts to let you remember yours! Authentic Expression – in Voice and Presence – an abundance of Creative Lifeforce is my Soul’s imprint.
And yet, for years, I too was in your situation. Struggling to fully own my place in the sun, holding off to fully go for my dream life because I believed myself not worthy or ready enough. Not until I opened a portal to create an alignment that has so much power it supported me no matter what! Part of what it opened I will share with you in these 5 days.
You will experience what it means to speak your Divine Language, free yourself from the burden of (self-) judgement and embody the pure joy and inner love of synchronized Divine Masculine and Feminine energy.
Let’s meet each other over these 5 days and I will show you what it feels like to live your Heart’s Song! Sign up now and meet your Tribe in my Divine Sisterhood Facebook group.
We will start on June 21.

Finding Your Zone of Genious
The day challange will take you on an adventure to your zone of genius with special, fun, easy exercises.
You will discover the zone where your genius, your magic lies. Moreover, you will also discover what is outside of the zone and just delegate that to others. Your frustration, overwhelm will fade away. You will also receive hints, tips about what to do to stay connected to your genius zone.
This course is for:
Female entrepreneurs and business professionals who are multi-passionates, misfits, rebels with a fierce spirit.
You have never felt you belong to a group, the systems are not for you, you have a unique way of thinking, learn differently, and 3, 4 or even 5 step processes never work for you. You may or may not know this but you are here to create definitely a change in the world.
You can't follow the recipes and do everything your way. Not because you try to be different, but because it's just the way you are. But the world does not always get you. You get overwhelmed with the list of things on your plate, your mind is curious but you can't do everything on your own. So you want to just scream because of the overwhelm. You feel trapped. And walk the earth with an inner shame which you hide. Even from themselves,' why can't I be normal'?
In FINDING YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS you will taste a glimpse of who you really are. You will remember the magical child that is living inside of you. You will feel her. She will show you that you are sent on a special mission on earth. Your mission is different than 'normal people' and there is and there was nothing wrong with you.
Your zone of genius is the key to your life purpose. And the greatest selfishness is knowing your purpose and hiding it from the world.
Let's discover your Zone of Genius and share it with the world because you care.
June 21st

Find Your Inner Calm - Iceland Virtual Summer Solstice Retreat
I know you have been under a LOT of pressure and stress lately. You want to get away from the heaviness and stress - you want to travel - you could SO use a vacation now.
The bliss of being at a place that is not 'always the same'. You want to get away from it all, even just for a short time. But it’s also a lot of hassle at the moment.
You've been dreaming about escaping to an exotic and mystic place to recharge but it’s hard to get away when countries go from green to yellow and orange all the time. This sucks, right? You just want a little peace and quiet for yourself. I totally get it.
But thankfully the positive part of my mind kicked in and reminded me that I’m stuck in Iceland. A lot of people would like to be stuck in Iceland right now.
So I'm taking you with me to Iceland. I can go outside, enjoy the scenery and the healing of being in nature and I want you to come along with me. Enjoy the scenery with me. Let me take your hand and show you some of my favorite healing places, let's meditate in nature together.
Let's have a proper ONLINE RETREAT together - even though we are apart. Best of all - It's during Summer Solstice in Iceland. The time of year when the sun never sleeps. Brightest and longest days of the year (and the shortest nights of course 🙂 ).
There is something mystic and magical about this time that I enjoy. Midnight sunsets are just the absolute best.
Join me so you can: * relieve stress and anxiety, * improve your sleep, * connect to yourself and * Discover your inner calm. I want you to experience Icelandic nature as I do. *Healing, nurturing, relaxing, and calming. *Connect to yourself, heal yourself and nurture yourself. *Find that calm and grounded woman inside of you.
This is a FREE Three day ONLINE RETREAT so you join from anywhere. I'll lead the way to my favorite and surprising places in Iceland so you can find your inner calm and deep connection to yourself.
Join now - We start on Summer Solstice - June 21, 2021

Get aligned with your desire, so that your dreams can come true!
Did you ever have that dream where you tried to run away, but whatever you did you were not able to move forward?
Horrible feeling, isn’t it? But what if that happens when you are awake? What can you do when you constantly get into the same situations like nothing ever changes and feel stuck there? Well, there is a way that helps you to break free from this pattern. THIS METHOD WILL HELP YOU If you want to stop waiting and start enjoying your life and experience much greater happiness and freedom (even when you already took all kinds of actions and still couldn't move forward toward your goals). It will help you if you feel like something is holding you back from living your dreams and want to get - once and for all - rid of that inner block.
WHY DOES THIS WORK? A great deal of unseen obstacles come from our unconscious belief system: because it shapes the way we perceive the world, our inner dialogue (the things we tell ourselves), emotions, interpretations of situations, and reactions - thus it influences what we experience in our daily life. By discovering and shifting these beliefs you can completely change the experience of your life!
I can recognize hidden mindset patterns while actively listening to you, and shift them instantly using a powerful technique that induces instant changes – ThetaHealing®.
During my session you:
• Discover what beliefs are holding you back
• Understand the origins and purpose of these beliefs
• Change limiting beliefs into empowering ones
• Get aligned with your desired outcome, so your dreams may come true!
Are you ready to get rid of your inner block and experience a new level of happiness and freedom in your life?
Until 14th June I offer a special summer price - 62€ (instead of 80€) for a session (~1 hour). Let's make your dreams come true. Fill in the form and we can get started!

21 Days to Food Freedom
You didn’t come into this world with unhealthy habits, you ate when you were hungry and you stopped when you were full.
You were confident in your skin. But somewhere along the way, you developed negative beliefs about food and your body.
You started to believe that you were out of control around food and you developed cravings that you just couldn’t resist. You tried every kind of diet out there, but they always failed to deliver lasting results.
Inevitably, you give up. You thought it was too late to change, or you started the cycle again. You're not a failure because you couldn't stick to a restrictive diet, the diets have failed you.
In this course I'm going to teach you how to learn to love yourself and your body without dieting. Without giving up the food you really love.
This course is for you if you want to:
* Be free from the food cravings
* Be able to look in the mirror and love what you see
* Feel healthier, more energised, and confident
* Say goodbye to dieting
* Love your body
* Live a life where you never have to worry about food.
No deprivation, no cravings. no comfort eating.
To get total freedom from a negative relationship with food and your body by changing what’s in your mind, not what’s on your plate.
You'll see food in a new light, you’ll love your body and you'll be super confident.
Special offer for anyone signing up in June - receive a discount of €49 off the full price.

"Younger eyes in 10 days" challenge
I will share my Top natural rejuvenating techniques to take years off your lovely eyes!
Do you wake up in the morning with puffy eyes? Do you discover new wrinkles around your eyes every day? Are dark circles your new accessories? Do you feel like your eyes are looking tired all the time? Have you tried all kinds of expensive Skincare and/or Make-up to improve the situation, but didn’t really get any satisfying results?
I know exactly how you feel! I’m almost 50 and I know that the eye – area requires extra attention! It’s time for a real action plan!
-Learn how to reduce fine lines and wrinkles
-Learn how to reduce puffiness, dark circles and increase firmness
-Discover how to create a lifting effect with rejuvenating Make-up techniques and improve your self-esteem
This challenge is for you if:
-You are a female entrepreneur over 50 and are interested in natural rejuvenation techniques
-You want to take action and improve your eye area naturally
-You want to raise your self-confidence and self-esteem
I am passionate about helping you to achieve YOUR natural rejuvenating goals:
-This challenge will help you to improve your eye area with simple, and easy to follow, techniques.
-This challenge is designed to help you create your own personal rejuvenating routine.
-At the end of this challenge you will feel rejuvenated and will get even better results in the weeks to come if you continue to implement what you’ve learned.
Access to the challenge: The challenge is going to be hosted in the “Younger eyes in 10 days” private popup Facebook group and will start May 31st.

The Pottery Paintress' Online Shop
A selection of 16th and 17th century hand-painted, one-of-a-kind historical re-imaginations and replicas will be made available to you in my new online shop. Get a 20% discount on your first purchase and be among the first to pick and choose from my eclectic collection.
This is for:
History lovers and time travellers. Beauty lovers. Educators, movie makers... people who want to bring some of the playfulness and charm of the past into the present day.
Get on the waiting list to claim your discount code and to be notified when the eshop is up and running.
The special offer is only available to those who sign up by June 22nd, 10 pm CET. The discount code will be valid for 2 weeks after the shop is opened.

Get the most creative backpack in the world at the best price!
This will NEVER happen again...in order to start the production in Italy of our brand new backpack, we are going to run a presale campaign at an incredible price.
Goghpack is the first backpack with changeable flaps to switch and collect as art prints in limited edition.
Enjoy this unique opportunity to be an early adopter and get it at a special price.
Subscribe to our waiting list for the presale campaign!
For everyone who loves art, culture and creativity!
You will become a Walking Art Gallery!
Everyone will look at you ;) 21/05/2021

3 secrets to attract (and keep) a Soul to Soul relationship
You would looove to fall in love again.
You miss the crush, the butterflies, the feeling of being deeply cherished. But you have had your share of heartbreaks in the past and you are afraid to be hurt again.
I am here to remind you that if you have this deep desire to enjoy a soulful relationship, it is because it is meant to be.
And guess what? The road to love isn't complicated. Once you have the roadmap, it is actually effortless.
This masterclass is for:
Women who want to love and be loved... again.
In this free masterclass “3 secrets to attract (and keep) a soulful relationship”, you will learn some ancient sacred wisdom that will completely shift your perspective on love and relationships .
It will help you shine as your magnificent self and embrace your “Love Path” with hope, grace and joy.
"This masterclass was so inspiring."
"I was starting to give-up on my love life. I am full of hope again."
Free Masterclass available at anytime.

Need a hug? Meet MUCI
Your hugging pillow friend who will always be there for you. Or you want to give hug as a gift? Now it's possible!
I designed MUCI in 4 sizes: L, M, S and a pocket size so you can find your own fit. Handmade of 100% wool inside and outside she is a perfect eco-friendly companion to relax your body and comfort your soul. Do you wonder how she matches your home? MUCIs are available in many color variations for your exquisite taste and will look like cute rebels, welcoming and amusing buddies in your home.
Wonderful MUCI is for you: - if you don't get enough hugs - want some fun in your home - if you like design and happy colors - if you care for your health and our Planet - if you cannot sleep well - or you just want a naturally warming throw or floor pillow for your back, your feet or to cuddle up with. Pocket MUCI is the smallest size, your mini travel companion: - if you go travel around the world she will always be there for you - if you go to hospital she will always be there for you - if you need something to squeeze when stressed - she also serves as a mini pillow. Dogs love it so much to play with as a toy. :) For children is a perfect choice to play run around with.
With MUCI you will have a happy and warming home with a buddy who will be always there for you! Order your MUCI pillow(s) now with a one time 10 % discount. Use MUCI10 coupon code at your order and have a MUCI day!

What the 'F' are Chakras?
A FREE 90-minute Masterclass to support a state of balance within your body, mind & Soul.
Have you heard the term ‘Chakras’ being thrown around in Spiritual communities like you’re supposed to just ‘know’ what the hell they are? And now it’s been so long you are too afraid to ask your friends and mentors? Maybe you haven’t got around to asking Guru Google yet?
Perhaps there is just too much information out there to wrap your head around? Or maybe you want to balance your unstable life and feel like knowing how to work with your Chakra's could do the trick?
If this sounds like you, then stick with me because I have totally been there!
I have spent the last 10 years learning about Chakras and using this ancient wisdom to support my life and wellbeing. In 2019 I finally embraced this calling and added 'Chakra Therapist' to the qualifications within my coaching practice.
In this FREE Masterclass, you will benefit from my decade-long Chakra exploration journey, in which I have condensed and simplified much of this information for you, into an easy-to-understand 90-minute session.
What I will cover:
✓ Common myths + truth bombs
✓ What Chakras really are – a simple explanation
✓ The essence of each of the main 7 Chakras
✓ The Science stuff and how the Chakras relate to your physical body
✓ Why this information is integral to supporting your mental and physical wellbeing
✓ How to discern some imbalances within your Chakra system
✓ A Guided Meditation & Visualisation Journey to cleanse your Chakras
✓ Some simple steps to begin balancing your Chakras
This Masterclass is ideal for heart-centred, soulful beings who are seeking insight into their body’s natural energy system and empowerment towards their own wellbeing.
If you are self-led and willing to take charge of your own life and healing journey then this is for you.
This is not for you if you're hunting for miracle cures, quick fixes, and a magic wand solution to all your problems.
By the end of this Masterclass, you will have a much clearer understanding of what Chakras actually are, and why they are so integral to supporting flow, balance, and health within your body, mind and Soul.
But most importantly, you will have the tools to discern which of your Chakras are out of balance, and how to begin balancing them yourself.
Join me for this FREE 90-minute Masterclass on Monday 7th June 2021 @ 7pm (BST).
Fall in love with your Business!
The 5 day Love Affair for Future business owners
Do you want to start your own truly authentic business BUT you just don't know where to start and wonder: Is this even possible for me?
Turn your vision into a profitable and powerful business.
It all starts with a Love Affair.
In this 5-day mini-program, you will get all excited and clear about the possibilities that await you.
Each day you get access to a 15-minute live call.
You will get clear prompts and support on how to find the LOVE for your Business To Be.
You will be encouraged to imagine YOUR very own authentic dream business – so clearly that it will be written on the wall with neon lighting.
This unique Free program is for those who want to do what they LOVE, have fun doing it, but still want to be taken seriously as a visionary business person! This is for brave individuals who are gutsy enough to open their own studio, bakery, coffee shop, restaurant, guesthouse or any Unique Boutique Style Independent Business. If you are stressed and have fallen out of love with your business – this is defiantly for you!
Here you are allowed to DREAM! In fact, you are encouraged to not only dream, but to DREAM BIG in glorious technicolour!
In 5 days you get to remember why you love what you do and you will be encouraged to follow your passion.
You will know where to start and where to go from here.
I'm Sandy and I follow this exact same process for my own businesses. I had an idea, drew a pencil sketch and fell in LOVE with it!
I LOVE my business like a living being. I nurture it, I protect it, I allow it to grow and evolve, I think about it all the time. I have extreme passion for what I do.
I dreamt it – I did it – I am still doing it.
You can too!
Join me live on the 21st June 2021 – Lets get excited and find the LOVE for your business!

Rozluč se se stresem, strachem a úzkostí.
5 jednoduchých kroků ke klidu a harmonii mysli
Cítíš se zaseknutá a bojíš se vykročit dál? Ovládá tě stres, limitující přesvědčení a strach? Pak přesně pro tebe mám DÁREK. E-mailovou sérii 5 videí ZDARMA.
Co bys řekla tomu:
• Žít svůj život na 100%, místo pouhých 5%?
• Zažívat radost a úspěch ve svém osobním i profesním životě, místo každodenního strachování se?
• Splnit si své sny, místo toho, abys stále pouze snila?
Přestaň přemýšlet o tom, jaké by to bylo a vydej se hned teď na cestu k úspěchu a harmonii. Mám pro tebe jednoduchou, ale účinnou techniku, díky které získáš nadhled, klid a sebedůvěru, aby ses mohla zbavit strachu a opřít se zase sama o sebe.
v 5 krátkých videích tě naučím:
• Jak ti může pomoci Aroma-emoční terapie
• Jak si ulevit od stresu a úzkosti
• Jak si ulevit od zlosti
• Jak se zbavit pocitu „nejsem dost dobrá“
• Jak překonat strach ze selhání
Jmenuji se Jana Urbanová. Jsem holistická aromaterapeutka, terapeutka EFT a lektorka. Prostřednictvím vůně a „ťukání“ navracím ženám ztracenou sebedůvěru a rovnováhu. Vedu ženy v jemnosti do jejich středu, aby se rozvzpomněly na svou vnitřní moudrost, nabyly zpět ztracenou sebejistotu a žily svobodnější a radostnější život.
Kdy ti může tato nabídka zdarma pomoci?
• Jsi ve stresu, vyčerpaná a máš pocit, že už nevíš, kam a jak dál.
• Máš pocit úzkosti, cítíš se lapená v bludném kruhu.
• Bojíš se dělat nové věci.
• Máš strach udělat ve svém životě změnu.
• Máš pocit, že nejsi dost dobrá, hezká, chytrá, vtipná…
• Svůj život nežiješ, pouze přežíváš.
Co získáš tím, když aktivně a opakovaně shlédneš videa?
• rovnováhu a klid
• nový pohled na věc a nejeden AHA moment
• sebevědomí a sebedůvěru
• odhodíš strach a na jeho místo dosadíš odvahu a důvěru
• úzkost vyměníš za chuť do života
• techniku, kterou můžeš použít kdykoli i bez mé asistence
• tipy na vůně, které ti pomohou ukotvit se v nové realitě
5denní mimiprogram bude k dispozici od 7.6.2021. Zapsat se můžete už nyní.

Porod podle sebe.
Postavte se za sebe u lékaře a prožijte úžasný porod. 5denní minikurz zdarma.
Souhlasíte u lékaře, i když nejste přesvědčená o tom, co říká? Už vás štve, že nikdo nechápe, proč chcete těhotenství a porod prožít podle sebe? Máte špatnou vzpomínku na předchozí porod a tentokrát ho chcete prožít jinak?
Připravte se na porod tak, aby pro vás byl úžasná zkušenost. Přidejte se do 5denního online minikurzu Porod podle sebe, kde
- Získáte tipy pro více sebevědomí
- Naučíte se jasně mluvit o svých potřebách
- Stanete se součástí podobně smýšlející komunity žen, v níž budete moci mluvit i o tom, co obvykle nesdílíte
- Začnete měnit svou mysl tak, aby ona sloužila vám, a ne vy jí Je úžasné mít dostupnou lékařskou péči. Nadměrný respekt k doktorům ale neprospívá vám ani vašemu miminku. Teď máte jedinečnou šanci se změnit.
Tento kurz vzniknul na základě rozhovorů s těhotnými, reálných zkušeností s českým porodnictvím a znalostí práce s lidskou myslí. Tyto informace obvykle zdarma nesdílím. Ale jsou tak důležité, že chci, aby je znala každá žena. Proto se teď můžete zúčastnit kurzu zcela zdarma. Proč vám bude právě tento kurz fungovat?
Všechny praktické tipy, které se v kurzu dozvíte, převedete ihned do praxe. Kurzem vás provede žena, která prožila jeden traumatický a jeden úžasný porod. Díky studiu přirozených porodů i fungování lidské mysli, vrozené empatii a vysoké citlivosti jsem už na cestě za porodem podle sebe pomohla desítkám dalších žen.
Tento kurz je přesně pro vás pokud
- Chcete zlepšit způsob, jakým komunikujete s lékaři
- Máte za sebou špatnou porodní zkušenost a tentokrát chcete prožít porod jinak
- Chcete prožít porod tak, jak je to nejlepší pro vás i vaše dítě Porod se dá prožít v klidu a sebejistotě.
Porod může být dokonce kouzelný prožitek. Využijte tuto jedinečnou příležitost a prožijte porod podle sebe. 21.6.2021
INDIÁNSKÉ LÉTO aneb tetování nanečisto - čtyřdenní minikurz zdarma
Nastává čas odhalených ramen a letních dobrodružství. Uvolnění a hravosti. Proč si nedopřát něco bláznivého?
Třeba kérku nanečisto.
Bezpečně a bezbolestně. Přenést se aspoň v představě do deštného pralesa, prodírat se džunglí se stínem jaguára v patách, cítit vůni tropů, poznat sílu bojovníka a moudrost prastaré šamanky.
Vytvořit a chvíli nést na kůži vlastní osobní symbol, pomíjivé tetování.
Domorodí obyvatelé Amazonie chovají velkou úctu k rostlinám.
Využívají je k rituálům a léčení. Stejně tak i ty si můžeš vytvořit silový nebo léčivý symbol pomocí rostlinného barviva a vyzkoušet jeho energii na vlastní kůži.
Amazonští indiáni používají pro dočasné dekorování svých těl šťávu z plodu stromu Genipa americana zvanou Jagua. Jagua v podobě gelu je k mání i u nás. Je čistě přírodní, dočasně probarví kůži podobně jako henna, aplikace je bezbolestná a obrázek vydrží 1 - 3 týdny.
Má modrou barvu připomínající permanentní tetování.
4denní minikurz zdarma INDIÁNSKÉ LÉTO je pro tebe, když:
- chceš vyzkoušet tetování nanečisto
- chceš najít svůj vlastní silový nebo léčivý motiv, symbol
- chceš si užít při společné tvorbě
- miluješ přírodní barviva
- zajímáš se o život a zvyky vzdálených kultur
Během minikurzu INDIÁNSKÉ LÉTO tě seznámím s přírodním materiálem amazonských indiánů Jagua a pod mým vedením si uděláš návrh na vlastní tetování nanečisto, silový nebo léčivý symbol, motiv.
INDIÁNSKÉ LÉTO aneb tetování nanečisto - čtyřdenní minikurz zdarma začne o letním slunovratu 21.6.2021 pondělí, úterý a středa jsou vyhrazené pro společnou práci a sdílení ve FB skupině a v pátek se sejdeme na ZOOMU nad otázkami účastníků a čeká tě i překvapení.
In drie stappen van vaag idee naar HELDER verhaal - met stift en papier
Krijg je jouw verhaal, plan of idee moeilijk uitgelegd?
Snappen anderen niet wat je eigenlijk wilt zeggen?
Of snak je naar een praktische manier om je gedachten concreet en zichtbaar te maken?
Zodat je er zelf een helder(der) beeld van hebt?
Of heb je een goed verhaal dat de wereld in moet, maar worstel je met het concreet maken?
Ik vertel je graag hoe mijn manier van visueel werken je daar bij kan helpen.
Simpel, praktisch, haalbaar en herhaalbaar. Zodat je zélf met stift en papier tot meer helderheid komt!
In de gratis opname van mijn online sessie over de kracht van zélf tekenen neem ik je daar in mee.
Vraag nu je toegang aan!
Voor ondernemende vrouwen (en mannen) die een hoofd vol ideeën en plannen hebben, en die het lastig vinden om ze concreet en helder te maken.
Je ontdekt hoe zelf tekenen je helpt om helderheid te krijgen en je verhaal te verhelderen - voor jezelf en anderen!
De opname is tot eind juni 2021 te bekijken.

Lucia Epskamp gratis 3 dagen intro! online met replay 28-29-30 mei
WAAR IS DE LOL IN JOUW LEVEN GEBLEVEN?! Wanneer was de laatste keer dat je echt plezier had? Gewoon heerlijk onbezorgd lol. Als je het niet precies weet dan heb ik iets fijns voor je.
Ik ga 3 dagen lang jou en een groep vrouwen begeleiden om de stap te nemen van angst, pijn en vastzitten naar volop genieten. Weg uit de gevangenis van oordeel over jezelf en je niet goed genoeg voelen. Ik ga je leren hoe je kunt ontspannen in zelfliefde. 3 dagen ga je aan de slag met de kracht van de natuur, verbinding maken met je echte zelf !
Waarom ik weet wat je voelt? Een groot deel van mijn leven heb ik doorgebracht in angst. Ik voelde geen ruimte voor mij. Niet goed genoeg, niet mooi genoeg en eigenlijk had ik geen idee waarom. Veel zat in mijn onbewuste, in de onderstroom van mijn energie. Mijn zoektocht bracht mij vele schatten om van die pijn af te komen. Ik ontwikkelde een wijze van energetisch helend schilderen die al mijn angst wegnam. Stress kon ontspannen, mijn levensenergie ging weer stromen. De kleur kwam terug in mijn leven!
Inmiddels heb ik heel veel vrouwen deze unieke methode geleerd. Vrouwen die zich weer konden verbinden met zelfliefde. Die liefde en dat licht is er ook voor jou. Hier in dit lichaam op moeder aarde. Je mag VOLOP genieten en ik ga je precies uitleggen hoe je dat doet. Daarom 3 gratis dagen online waarin je innerlijk gaat luisteren.
We beginnen met de kracht van de natuur! * Innerlijk luisteren,dat is de Kunst * 3 gratis dagen 28-29-30 mei intro online er komt een replay Doe je mee?!
sjamane healing painting❤ Dit is voor senstieve vrouwen die weer lol, zelfliefde en kleur in hun leven willen!
Loslaten en helen van pijn,relax en geniet! Ben je nieuwsgierig naar mij of naar mijn schilderijen?! Kijk dan a.j.b op luciaepskamp.nl start 28 mei 2021

ENDO FLOW - yoga et endométriose
Aidez les femmes souffrant d’endométriose avec les outils du yoga de manière éclairée, secure et bienveillante!
Une série de 3 masterclass dédiée à l’endométriose pour les profs de yoga, pros du bien-être ou milieu médical qui souhaitent acquérir les fondations pour soutenir avec plus de confiance et les femmes qui souffrent d'endométriose grâce aux outils du yoga.
This masterclass is for:
Professeurs de yoga, thérapeutes, professionnels du milieu para-médical. Grâce à 5 heures de sessions d'étude en direct, de pratiques et exercices, vous apprendrez les principes fondamentaux pour aider les femmes ayant des problèmes d'endométriose de manière éclairée, secure et bienveillante! À l'issue de cette formation, vous serez en mesure de :
Comprendre les mécanismes complexes de l'endométriose de manière simple.
Comprendre et être présente pour votre élève, cliente ou patiente et éviter des impairs.
Équiper les élèves de puissants outils SOS en cas de "crise".
Analyser les différents plaintes et les symptômes et déterminer comment ils se rapportent aux conditions courantes de l'endométriose.
Et éviter les éventuels impairs qui pourraient impacter la femme qui a de l'endométriose.
La femme vous remerciera tellement qu'elle reviendra à vos cours, qu'ils soient collectifs ou individuels!
Masterclass 1 - CLARITY - Découvrez, comprenez et approfondissez vos connaissances sur l'endométriose, maladie systémique complexe. Vous saurez ce que l'endométriose est vraiment. De même que la vie des femmes qui en sont atteintes. La première semaine, nous commençons notre série par mieux comprendre ce qu'est l'endométriose, démêler le vrai du faux, les idées reçues, découvrir les dernières données scientifiques ce que le yoga peut apporter dans la prise en charge de l'endométriose.
Masterclass 2 - NOURISH - Ce que le yoga peut apporter aux femmes et comment. Au cours de la seconde masterclass, vous apprendrez à écouter votre élève et à la réassurer. Vous apprendrez aussi ce que le yoga peut apporter pour aider à soulager les douleurs et comment, basée sur les textes anciens du yoga et les dernières études scientifiques.
Masterclass 3 - RELIEVE - Les outils du yoga sûrs et "secures". Enfin, vous explorerez quels types de yoga ou pratiques éviter, quels outils du yoga privilégier de manière secure et avec confiance, pour aider la femme par le yoga tout en nourrissant de façon adaptée tête, coeur et corps. Et qu'elle revienne à vos cours collectifs ou individuels.
samedis 19 juin, 26 juin et 03 juillet 2021 de 10h00 à 11h30

Að tengjast innsæinu og kraftinum sem í þér býr.
Taktu þátt og upplifðu einstaka 3ja vikna sumarbombu !!! Stundum er það þannig að þú setur allt of mikla pressu sjálfa á þig, vinnur of mikið, finnur verki í likamanum, og lætur þig svo jafnvel mæta afgangi. Kannski spyrð þú þig. “Af hverju er ég alltaf svona þreytt?» Vá ! það var „Game changer „ fyrir mig á sínum tíma að upplifa kraftinn, sem fylgdi því að læra að nota innsæið og mína styrkleika. Ég ætla að kenna þér að nota þessi tvö verkfæri ! til að þú upplifir drifkraftinn og ástríðuna þína gjörsamlega upp á nýtt. Námskeiðið er fyrir þig sem vilt ?
- Auka orkuna þína og ná utan um hlutina
- Læra að finna innri frið og slökun
- Ná jafnvægi á líkama og sál
- Tengjast þínum innri styrk og innsæi.
Þú munt læra þætti sem þú getur notað til að skapa innri ró og jafnvægi á líkama og sál. Þetta mun hafa áhrif á þína heilsu og orku, fjölskyldulíf og vini og ekki síst vinnuna þína. Þú munt upplifa að það er ekki svo mikið mál að greina aðalatriði frá aukaatriðum í þínu daglega amstri þar sem oft þarf að forgangsraða, þegar þú ert búinn að læra þessar aðferðir sem ég mun kenna þér. Þú munt læra að búa þér „space „ til að sinna þér , fyrir jafnvægi, ástríðu , ást og finna rétta veginn fyrir það sem þú hefur kannski endalaust veriða að brjóta heilann um. Taktu þátt í spennandi sjálfsvinnu í 3 vikur þar sem við förum í gegnum þætti sem styrkja þig og þú upplifir breytingar á eigin skinni. Við hittumst 2 x í viku í alls 6 skipti. Sjáðu fyrir þér spennandi og skemmtilega daga inn í sumarið. Vorið er fallegt og hver árstíð hefur sinn sérstaka blæ. Krafturinn og orkan innra með þér er aflið sem kveikir á ástríðunni og leysir drifkraftinn úr læðingi. Þessi nýja þekking mun nýtast þér í alls konar verkefnum og við alls konar aðstæður !
Taktu daginn frá, byrjum 13.júní. Nánar upplýsingar á heimasíðu minni www.thesunflower.is Verð með ókeypis kynningarfund og skemmtilega fræðslu fyrir námskeiðið 6.júní.
Ljós og kærleikur
Ragnhildur Sigurdardóttir
Cand Mag í íþróttafræðum, Jákvæð Sálfræði, Yogakennari, HAM, nálastungufræðingur, NLP og vinn við heilun.

Alchemy of Art and Spirit
Art is Passion, Love, and Joy. Experience the alchemy of art, spirit, and symbolism.
Are you ready to touch your soul and fly high with your spirit? Self and Soul expression brings miracles and magic to our lives.
There are NO Rules! Use any crayons, paints, brushes, and paper.
For everybody who wants the Free the Soul and speaks simple English.
3-Day Course Free of Charge
Day 1: Alchemy of intuitive painting: Let your subconscious speak through art
Day 2: Pure joy of art: Find your style and touch your spirit
Day 3: Personal art – Connect with your source and create your own symbols
Open your heart and full spiritual potential with intuitive art.
Free your creative soul.
Have you been touched by my art? You can order your personal art and symbol with an intention directly for you. Contact me and we will find the best format for you: allfest.cz@gmail.com

I am incredibly proud of the amazing offers our super talented Brave Leap members have created for you. They are proof that women entrepreneurs really are stronger together.
X Esther de Charon de Saint Germain
JUNE 14 - 18, 2021
- *1. Connect with new clients with our daily social media Prompts and Captions
- *2. Daily 10 minutes assignments that will transform self-doubt and hiding into effortlessly showing up
- *3. Access to Mindset Masterclass: "3 Secrets to Transform Self-Doubt and Self-Criticism into a Wildly Successful Business and Brand"
- *1. How To Become Friends with your Inner-Critic so that showing up becomes as fun as eating your favorite ice cream.
- *2. How to double your clients and customers and bring in the revenue!
- *3. How people really see you and how to leverage your unique personality and make future clients and customers fall in love with you * and buy from you!
The courses , special deals and offerings on this page are created and delivered by our clients from A BRAVE BRAND. We wholeheartedly support them.
Our clients are fully responsible for all their communication, payment, delivery, etc of their courses and products.