This is your first day. Everything for todays work in your 5 Day Art Studio is in the video.
And - at the risk of sounding like a broken record, but it's sooooo important (sorry for the extra o's but that's how important it is).
There are no mistakes in art.
Yes, there are guidelines and sizes and paint and brushstrokes... but ultimately You are at the center of this 5 Days of Creating. Your requests to the universe, the creation, the attention for your now art. It's all about you.
The most important thing is you having fun, feeling light and loved while creating. Abundance will come when you feel good about yourself. Really good about yourself. Watch colors mix, enjoy every aspect of the creative process.
There are no mistakes in Art. There are no mistakes in you.
Therefore it's impossible for you to create a mistake. A wobbly surface? That's okay. Strange colors? That's okay too. It will all make sense.
If you were - for whatever reason - not able to get your hands on Gesso or Paint, or the right size of paper, don't fall behind (remember? We sensitive women excel in procrastination)
Get a small piece of paper and a pencil and track along. You can always built a new shiny version of your altar later.
So here are the rules
1. There are no rules in art. Follow your heart. Connect to your brushes, your paint, your wishes, ask guidance from the universe. Trust there is a divine golden light inside you. It's your good heart. Ask it to guide you all the way.
2. You have to be kind to yourself, but be firm to that part of you that wants to back down. Connect to the light!
3. Praise yourself. Say: ".... ( your name) you have done an excellent job. I'm truly proud of you you."
4. If you need to talk to me, reach out. In the Facebook group or send me an email. I'm here for you.
X Esther
It's 'Paint' Away Time.
Before you start it's important to really FEEL what color make your heart goes woosh. I started out with the intention to paint my altar crimson red, but when I added a little white everything felt so much softer (like "Give up the fight Esther, just enjoy what's going to happen"), my heart felt all warm and happy.
So pink it was.
This is the only rule for today: paint the color that makes you feel beautiful, happy and content. Because that's the feeling you need if you want to attract more happiness and containment.
Remember to paint while fully experiencing the feeling of "I am enough" and "I have enough".
Something practical: alternate your brushstrokes, soft and firm, go round and straight forward. Really look at the effect. This is an experiential activity. Add a little water and look what happens to the paint. You learn while watching!
I wish you a art and magic filled day.
X Esther
DAY 2 painting the front side and foot of the altar.
Today we're going to paint the back of the altar (and if you like the back of your altar foot).
If you use gold, paint at least 3 layers. That way you get a nice shiny surface. Don't worry about a wobbly surface (Mine is still wobbly, even after a night under heavy Art Books :-)
Whatever color you use, whatever material, remember to truly enjoy the process. And remember to give the back as much love and dedication as you gave the frontside.
Make it a happy event!
Remember what I told you about keeping an open mind for wonderful coincidences?
Well, here is such a meaningful find. I opened an old document on my screen (by 'accident') with the catchy name: document 9.
This was in the document:
Prosperity Affirmation (repeat for 30 days)
I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it. My value is beyond reckoning. What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and give. What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill.
The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit. Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness. The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, and pours out into the world, blessing and prospering everyone, and everything through me. I radiate blessings, I radiate creativity, I radiate prosperity, I radiate loving service.
I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom and Power. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go. I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward.
Through my vision the world is blessed. Through my clear thinking and steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression. My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones. My faith is as the faith of the un-defeatable. My power to accomplish is unlimited. I, in my uttermost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity.
I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever.
Will Bowen
DAY 3 - Paint the Back of your Altar
If you read this on Sunday I'm teaching an Art Class (The Gloriously Imperfect Art Day) to a group of wonderful women.
And while I'm in the middle of paint and pencils, paper and meditations about multi-colored trees, you're decorating your altar ....
AND you're creating your Love Notes to the Universe!
DECORATING Important! Add words and images that feel good to you. If it's a funny word like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, taradiddle or bumfuzzle that ignites the feeling of abundance, use that word by all means.
I know there are all kinds of rules and do's and don'ts when it comes to attracting abundance. But my only rule is, everything you do, from glueing a piece of paper to painting your decoration has to inspire you to feel "You are Enough" and "You have enough."
You see, as long as you know - not just mentally - but feel it in your heart, mind and soul that You are Enough you can break through any barrier.
LOVE NOTES When you create your love notes, ask away. You can ask for that wonderful job, a thriving business, a relationship, money (I asked for unlimited art supplies :-) as long as you feel it will create happiness.
I added small drawings and ended my request with "or something better" or "or more". Don't ask "I want at least 10 new clients" or "I want at least a nice job" because that kind of language will set you up for "I don't really deserve this." Ask "I want 10 clients or more" or "I want the best job for me, where I can shine and really mean a lot. Or something better."
The Law of Abundance is a somewhat confusing Law. I don't even know if it's a real law. Mainly because everybody has a different opinion. I do know that when you let your intention follow by inspired action you can do it! But you have to ask for it and feel you truly deserve it. In my humble opinion it all comes down to intention - action - reaction.
I know that when I sit at home feeling sorry for myself visualizing a huge mansion where I want to live and not do something about it I will never be able to live in that house.
I also know that when you say: "I'm a very good coach/artist/teacher/consultant ... work with me/ buy from me!" without feeling in your bones this is true, people will not react as you had hoped.
I also know that when you fully love yourself, when you truly value yourself (no more putting yourself down... ever!) miracles can happen. Like realizing everything on your vision board has come to life (even all the art images I glued on it in a time where I wouldn't dare touching a brush) or living in a house in the country surrounded by trees (I added that when I was single and lived in a small apartment in Amsterdam, and had no idea why I added it).
So shall we just agree on what goes around, comes around! That miracles happen WHEN you're prepared to see them. By creating your abundance altar you show yourself and the universe you matter. Your dreams matter.
Like if you smile to a stranger, you might get a radiant smile in return. If you feel wonderful, your mind is wide open to see, feel and hear wonderful possibilities that get you where you want to be.
Let's agree on: You're worth to feel fully happy, appreciated, valued and loved.
Let's agree on: You are a Wonderful Human Being and you deserve Everything that's on your Love Notes.
Start accepting. Start loving yourself. Start believing you are Enough.
It's day 5 and today you unite:
- Your Love Notes to the Universe - Your Art - Your dedication - Your Uniqueness - Your Precious Time
Do you know we all have a distinct handwriting in art? I recently found a couple of paintings I made in 1987 (yes I know a loooong time ago) right before I quit Art School.
It was undeniable my Art Writing. After ditching my art and 25 years of non-creating those brush strokes were still the same as the ones I create these days!
The reason I'm telling you this is that when you ask something from the universe, what better - and more powerful - way than to do so in your own distinct art hand.
Like you unveil your soul, accept you're part of something bigger, opened your life for the muses and ask the universe :
"Look this is who I am, this is what I need. Let's co-operate. Guide me, let me be the miracle."
Watch the video (shot by my 11 year old son) and if you have questions ask away. Either in the group or ask me directly.
I happen to know (little birdies and all :-) several of you haven't been able to work on the Abundance Altar yet. Don't worry, I'm here for you. Work on the altar as long as you like!
I'm here, working on the next Art Story for April in the Free your Happy Art Program (It's about Love this Month !)
Finish your Abundance Altar.
Do it for you, do it to celebrate yourself, your art and all the wonderful opportunities you have.
When you're finished with your Altar, light a candle, watch your Love notes.
Feel the joy, look at your Art hand writing and say out loud:
I am successful
I accept success in my life
I welcome succes
I say YES to success
l'll be back tomorrow to tell you about the joy - and vital importance - of creating space for your own art in your life. See you in the Facebook group.
X Esther
DAY 5 Bringing everything together
You have been building your Abundance Altar - or you still working on it - Excellent!
Chances are... you're in the mood for more. More art. More self-expression. More wonderful Multicolored food for your soul. More happiness!
Well, I've got the thing for you. Free your Happy Art
Yesterday I already told you Dr. Elaine N. Aron and Dr. Ted Zeff - both the authorities on Highly Sensitive People - send me an email to tell me they liked my Free your Happy Art program. They like the method I use to connect Art and Happiness and the deep need of many HSP women to create an outlet that is both fun and meaningful outlet.
Free your Happy Art is the only art program that unites art, happiness and a creative outlet.Free your Happy Art is a wonderful place where you can come to terms with your deep feelings and make sense of the world around you.. while creating your own art!
Yes, of course I would love it if you would join me and likeminded women. Because you feel, hear and sense more deeply 'than the others'.Remember? You need art!I truly hope you will grant yourself the gift of your art.
Imagine this
Starting your sunny Saturday with 30 minutes music from the Playlist, warming your soul, reading poems, picking up a pencil. Drawing a flower.Feeling really light and happy while painting a bright yellow heart that represents how much you love your friends.
Drawing meaningful words with pink ink.
Dripping sky blue water color spots.
Imagine how wonderful it feels to create a book filled with your own art.
The most personal record of your most personal deep feelings.
Free your Happy Art is not an average Art course. Because you're not an average woman.
You are special - and as my way to thank your for participating in the Abundant Altar - I've got a special Something for you.
Something only my VIP clients get when they work with me.
When you start your year of Free your Happy Art you get a Personalized Art Prompt.
Specially tailor made for made for you - by me - based on a series of questions I'll send you.
You fill in your answers to my questions (like something that's truly dear to you, an obstacle you want to change, how much precious time you've got to work on your art - so it really fits into your busy schedule) and I mail you your unique art assignment. A list of material is included.
Creating this unique work of art will be -- guaranteed -- deeply meaningful to you and will provide you with clear answers.
What do you say? Are you in?
This One of a Time Offer is open till Next Wednesday April 13!
You can order all material online... BUT to get into the right abundant mood, the best thing to do is to go to your Art Supply store and buy it there. Nothing beats hanging around a good Art Supply Store.
Silk paper (I added it because it's soooo pretty, but you can look for white silk paper or hand crafted paper)
From nature: a small twig that 'speaks to you'!
From you own house: 1. small objects that calls out to you. Crystals, art cards, small notes, a vase, a small flower. Ask the object: will you help me feeling more and more abundant? 2. a place where you can work for 5 days and create your altar.