Are you a Reluctant Entrepreneur?
After more than 20 profound Heart to Heart conversations with amazing Women Business Owners this is what I realized:
1. There’s a huge - HUGE - difference between wanting to create art, helping people, supporting, healing, writing books etc. and BEING (and feeling) an entrepreneur.
2. There is a deep and paralyzing sense of overwhelm when it comes to ‘bringing all the business/branding/marketing/ selling elements together’.
3. There are profound misunderstandings around making money: like I need a complicated system and a lot of money BEFORE I can sell something.
4. There is a soul crushing fear to ask for the sale. And there are a gazillion reasons that are feeding that fear.
5. As a consequence there are literally thousands of highly gifted, amazing human beings who ‘Just want to do their thing’.
They are stuck in the Waiting Room of:
“I don’t know how to do this business thing”,
"This is not my moment" ,
"I’m deeply overwhelmed and I don’t know where to start anyway.”
Okay, if that is you.
I just want you to know there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with you.
You are NOT the only one!
Not everyone is cut out to be this Epic Business Person. or wants to be that business person
(and you already ARE an epic person)
BUT you still should sell your magic and make all that lovely money and create that impact.
So, I developed an Audit Tool AND a 100% personalized Process where I do the heavy business lifting FOR YOU.
So that you can follow your bliss and do what you’re supposed to do. Even when you're a reluctant entrepreneur
I know! It’s a dream come true.
Are you a Reluctant Entrepreneur?
1. Take the Quiz below
2. Read up on Become Irresistible
3. Make your appointment