The Most Creative Holiday Season Gifts

for your Loved Ones – and Yourself –


Creativity is one of the most important qualities for an entrepreneur.

Let me rephrase that: Creativity is the  Most Important Quality an entrepreneur – Who Wants to Succeed in Business – Needs.

Some would argue passion is the most important quality. That overwhelming feeling of deep love for what you’re doing. But while passion shrinks inevitably, creativity will only grows when it’s given attention.

Why is creativity important you might ask?
Well, your boundless imagination – constantly innovating and seeing the world through new eyes – is the ultimate key to business success.

Creativity leads to innovation. Innovation leads to change and change leads to the attention and success you so very much deserve.

What are the 4 creative secrets you need to know?

#1 Everyone is creative.
Not just some people.
You are creative from the moment you’re born till the moment you die. Whether you have evolutionary ideas or revolutionairy ideas. Whether your ideas are extremely practical, or downright outrageous, plain simple or extremely complex: everyone is creative!

#2 Everyone is uniquely creative.
While everyone is creative, we’re – Hallelujah! – Not All Creative in the Same Way.
 We all have our styles, levels, motives, opportunities and influences. Keep on reading I explain at the end of this page.

#3 You can expand and master your creativity.

When you deepen your understanding of creativity in general – and especially your own unique creativity – you learn how to use it in a way that supports your needs and purposes.

More importantly you deepen your understanding of who you are and what you can accomplish!

Entrepreneurs pay close attention!

#4 There is no ideal or Perfect Form of creativity.

There are 5 variables that shape your creativity. Your creativity can grow and change and every combination of the variables is perfect in itself. There is no good or bad creativity.

Every Human Being has a Unique Creativity.
 These 5 variables form your Unique Creativity.

Your Creative Level, Creative Style, Motive, Opportunity and Influences:

• a. Your Creative Level
Your creative level  is about your mental capacity. Imagine your brain like a bucket. It came with a particular size and shape when you were born.  Everybody has certain talents. Some have very special talents for math or languages, or for art or dance.

Beyonce cannot compose a Symphony – okay maybe she can -. But Mozart could do it when he was 7 years old. But he didn’t conduct pioneering research on radioactivity. Madame Curie did.

But Marie Curie did not became a legendary cook. Julia Child did.

I burn my grilled cheese sandwich every time,  but can create a beautiful little art booklet from scratch while totally forgetting to eat my cheese sandwich.

So while Madame Curie did not become a legendary cook, she might have been able to make a damn fine Beef Burgundy. While I can cook a delicious Indonesian meal, it’s not where my real talent or love lies.

Do you get what I’m telling you? 

b. Your Creative Style

Your creative style is how your brain likes to work with knowledge and experience.

+ Some people have a more structured or adaptive way of working with what they have in their heads. They polish their ideas carefully and are capable of diving into the tiniest detail. They tend to offer the evolutionary ideas. I  call them the Watchmakers.

+ Then there are people who have a less structured Creative Style, the more divergent, innovative out-of-the-box thinkers: aka the Wave Makers.

+ And there are the people who have the capacity to go both ways: they have the flexibility to think both in an innovative and a more structured way. I call them the Acrobats and they represent the majority of humanity.

Why is it important to know your style?

Because for one it helps you understand your fellow human beings.  How they react, how you interact is partially defined by your creative style. 

I am married to a Watchmaker with endless patience and the capacity to work on a single photo till every pixel has found the best possible spot.  I on the other hand am a Wavemaker without any patience at all, who comes up with 105 new ideas within one hour.  

If we didn't know our mutual creative style we would be in trouble!

There’s actually a whole continuum of Creative Styles, and we all fit in somewhere along it. The diversity of Creative Styles are important. When you put Creative Level and Creative Style together, you get a wide variety of creative profiles.

Each one is equally important!

c. Your Motive
We’re motivated by different things. Depending upon what motivates you, it’s going to determine how you apply your energy to creative activities. Some people are motivated by financial gain, other people by doing good works, or by creating something that makes them happy.

Do you know what motivates you?

d. Your Opportunity

We all perceive opportunities differently. Somebody may say to you, “Wow, this is a fab opportunity.” And you say, “Well… yeah, I can see it, but it’s just not for me”. Or you might read something that instantly touches your heart and you dive straight into action.

e. Your Influences

We are all highly influenced by our upbringing, the family we grew up in, religion, politics, and – depending on who you are and what touches your heart – archetypes, planets, culture, your surroundings and many more external and internal factors.

An entrepreneur who does not know who she is, what she needs, what her natural talents are, will not recognize the opportunities that stare her in the face. Therefore she might miss out on the success she deserves.


Think about all of the problems in the world. All the beauty that lives inside you. All the challenges out there. The things we need to change, to solve, to do, or to act upon. To be. Sometimes we need revolutionary ideas in art. Sometimes you need evolutionary ideas in your own business or life.

Sometimes we connect a motive with a certain opportunity and …wham …magic! … there you go.

Sometimes your Creative Style is in conflict with a forgotten influence and suddenly you are convinced nothing you come up with will ever work out!

There’s un unending creative variety. We need that Creative Diversity to solve all those problems together. Remember there’s no ideal form of creativity! 

Are you ready, sister?

The Road to Abundance is Open for you. I show you how to make space for your Guides, Spirits, Muse and Archetypes by weaving your Archetypal Web filled with Magick, Art and Whispers.
This 2025 is the year to transform 'not enough' into becoming a Powerful Manifestor and Rise. Rise Sister. Rise.

Question? Want support? Message us.

300+5⭐ reviews

Praise and Testimonials


Selen Yildiztac A truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

After only 1 Month I found my zone of genius, turned it in a program and sold my first 12-month group coaching program. 💖


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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Misty Harris Imagine a group of friends whom you can call on day or night because they are all around the world and in different time zones!That is what you get. These ladies are your go-to tribe of sisters and I can’t imagine a better way to make friends and grow myself and my business! 💖


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Susanne Höhne I did the test and found out that I am a great mix between local hero and visionary dreamer. I implemented the tips for this business type and it worked great. So I did my first outsourcing projects to concentrate more on marketing than creating new stuff (which I love to do all the time) and Voilà: immediately I reached more sells than ever before. Yeah! 💃

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Sandra van der Hooft Esther can touch you deeply and hold up a mirror to you. Despite the struggle, I have not stopped because of Esther. She makes you confident. I have sold my first online course. This is amazing, it can only grow now. 💙


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Lauren Scalf

Lauren Scalf Being a part of this all has given me permission to show up as ME in my business - unapologetically! 🌹


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Maja Nardosha Saba

Maja Nidosha Thank you Esther, because of your guided visualization   I could finally feel the field of my true potential.  

I have already felt the change and the elation and my dreams are happening for me right now.  I feel so open and inspired. 


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Doreen Gail With Esther’s support and guidance I feel seen, understood, and celebrated because of who I am and the unique brand of magic I bring to the world. Her wisdom, insights, and the positive support, encouragement, and love she showers on everyone in her community is a blessing for the world. 💯

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Christina Påhlman

Christina Påhlman Esther is one of kind. She is great in guiding you to become more of yourself, more authentic. She has a sixths sense finding your skills and business opportunity. 💝


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brave brand clients

Mary Forth Meeting clients, stepping away from fear-based marketing, connecting from love has been a huge game changer for me. I only wish I had done it years ago. i


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Deana Morris

Deana Morris This is such a nurturing space for women ready to hold each other up as they step up themselves.💃🏾


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Li LooI didn't know how empowering it could be to gather with other women.. realizing we all share similar struggles.. Its very powerful to me. 💕 


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Maria Jurimea In 1 year I have moved more than in the 15 years before. I was very modest with my pricing, but Esther told me to double or triple my prices.

I thought: "That is crazy. No one will buy at those prices."  But my international sales keep coming.  This has given me so much self confidence. 



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Janka Urbanova  I wanted to stop trying to find it out on my own, that's why I joined you.  And that is when I found myself in the company of so many brave and wonderful women and the support of Esther and her team.
As a result I got new clients, I sold my program and I'm feeling deeply confident. 


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Ingrid Dach

Ingrid Dach The content of the Academy and Esthers' approach to branding and business is something unique I have never seen before. 👑


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Jenne Ragazzo-Chase

Jenne Ragazzo-Chase The magic of the community, the connection, daily support makes this the place to be. Supported on all levels. 😍


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Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens

Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens Esther made me see that I don’t need to be a very extroverted salesy person to become a successful entrepreneur. There’s no one else who does this the way Esther and her amazing team do this. 🥳


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About the Author

Esther de Charon de Saint Germain is the Business Doula and Soul Whisperer of brave female entrepreneurs who want success on their own terms

Esther is the author of "The Wonderfully Weird Woman's Manual" a Brand Expert, certified Transformational Art Coach, Artist, Communication Consultant, Art historian, Huffington Post + Thrive Global Blogger with over 25 years experience in the field of branding, design, creativity and art.

She lives with her 13-year-old son and husband on an old farm. She's also addicted to Jasmin Tea, Opera with seriously bad endings, Weird Art and Red Lipstick.

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