Dear abundant creator,  
Are you aware that you can manifest everything you desire using Archetypes, Art, Muse, Creativity and Magick Practice. I love to guide you towards becoming all of you, having everything you desire, even when your 'differentness' feels like a burden.
* If you tried to fit in for years and felt like you're too much or  too different, this is the path to abundance for you.

IT'S TIME TO re-claim  your power
ArchetypalAltar The Real You Moth

I've got it all laid out for you. 
Take the quiz. Discover your archetype.

Create your archetypal web and let the archetypes become your allies and supporters
Rise and step on the road to true prosperity and power.

Don't wait (please!) because there are people who are waiting for you.

Sacred Desire  

No More Harsh Masculine Goals that destroy your energy and eliminate your joy

My skill is to quickly and powerfully open myself to receiving whatever I need to know. I translate the messages I receive so that you can make the choices and decisions that lead to taking the next step toward your sacred desire.

 It's a fast track to becoming the most expansive version of yourself
I communicate the information to you in a way that ensures clear transmission. The information I transmit can be personal or focus on specific actions. 
That can be the most beneficial time frame to take action, people you can contact, or a specific marketing focus that is beneficial. 

It always opens an important path.

My work is best suited for people over 40 who identify as old souls, deep thinkers, sensitive pink sheep, women with ADHD and, or Autism (or both. hello fellow late diagnosed AuDHD people) - diagnosed or self-diagnosed -, highly sensitive, multi-passionate, gifted, the ones who have been told: 'why are you so difficult'?

Even though you are 'different' you Most Likely are not willing to give up on your Big Dream. 

You just need a different way to get there

My soul clients are the wonderfully weird ones who are feeling the odd one out, for as long as they can remember. They are willing to discover, celebrate and leverage their unique brilliance, draw in their soul clients and fulfil their dreams as they see fit. From becoming wealthy to changing lives.

Is that you? Wonderful. I would love to meet you. 

You came to this planet with unlimited potential and a love-filled manual created especially for you

But life happened, doubt and overwhelm took over.

In one year, we're going to re-write your
One-Of-A-Kind-Manual until you embrace and embody The Real You.  

Get ready to make the world your oyster

Want to embrace your archetypal Wonderfully Weird power?
Let's get you to your best destination

  Spiritual Mentor, Psychic, Art historian, Branding Queen and Marketing expert , Energy shifter, bestselling author, Whisperer of Souls, Certified Transformational Business Coach with the psychic ability to see her clients' real possibilities, brilliance, and distinctiveness - long before they are aware of it themselves.

2.  Her brain (hello ADHD, autism, IQ, and EQ power), fast mind, psychic helicopter view, and experience are uniquely equipped to see what others cannot see.
3.  30 Years of branding expertise with brands like Air France/KLM, Dutch Railways, and the European Union and over 30 brands in the arts, museums, design, sustainability, health, and government.

4.  Has a unique way of building aligned dreams (including  brands that amplify the brand owner's (you!) unique strengths) so that the experience is much more than you can expect.

It's a transformation. She detects what is out of alignment , blocks your abundance, and keeps you painfully stuck, and translates the whispers of your spirits and ancestors into actionable steps or deep insights for you. 

5.   Has 100% faith in her client's ability to manifest their dreams and sacred desire and empowers and inspires her clients to leap to their next level.

6.  Works with old souls and deep thinkers, neurodivergent miracles, and/ or entrepreneurs with a dream.

I'm here for you

Women Entrepreneurs Served with Branding, Marketing, Mindset, Self-Love, Magick and ARt 20 and they are all so amazing!
 YEARS OF Branding & Marketing Experience 20 With Fortune 500 Brands, idealistic changemakers, NGO's and small business owners from all over the world.
PROUD LATE BLOOMER 20 year old when I had my first 100K year. Love at 40,5, first time home owner 41, mother at 42, drivers licence at 47, online entrepreneur at 49, published author at 52, 100K years since 54, ADHD/ Autism diagnosis at 60.  You are NEVER too old.
DAILY CUPS OF JASMINE TEA 20 Favorite teas are Jasmine Spring, Jasmine Chung Hao Genmaicha and matcha and I adore Cà Phê Sữa Đá (Vietnamese coffee), strong espresso and lots of water.
Archetypal Altar The Real You Scorpion Raven


I felt alone in my business and wanted to transform my passion into profit and wanted to learn from someone who has already done it.

I learned that good people can - and should - make good profits/money to further their dreams and create benevolent businesses in the world. Since I joined 
I have left a dead-end job and a marriage and grew my brand.



Meet some of my soul clients

My soul clients are from all over the world.
 These are some of the business they are growing:

  • therapists, lawyers, architects, professors, yoga teachers and studio owners, shamans, teachers, singers, website builders, health professionals, copywriters,  musicians, dancers, lightworkers, accountants.
  • Life coaches, composers, therapists, activists, social media experts, women circle leaders, travel agents, retreat leaders, energy healers, researchers, beauty, rejuvenation experts and make-up artists.
  • Membersite experts, business coaches, leaders in technology, wealth generators, online business managers and VA's, dress makers, doctors, etc. etc.

I see you, I know you, I understand you.

bestselling book testimonial esther de charon 2

Interviews and Speaker videos with Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Master percussionist Kofi Ayivor of Osibisa played at the opening of the Art and Culture Festival Juni Kunstmaand 07 In the Baarsjes in Amsterdam, which I organized and curated in 2007 for the City of Amsterdam. My son Abe, who was 2 years old, and Zus (his doll) joined him and sort of stole the show.
The sound is horrible, but the video is so wonderful.

Between 1995 and 2009 I worked on over 30 different art, design, literature, music, and dance festivals, exhibitions in places like Tbilisi, Georgia, Jakarta, Indonesia, Leiden, Amsterdam, and Utrecht the Netherlands, Vienna, Austria. As a true renaissance person, I was the art director, co-ordinator, chief of everything, marketing person, and sometimes everything at the same time.  
e best questions.  2023

Bob Gentle Amplify Esther de Charon de Saint Germain

Podcast with Bob Gentle for his Amplify Personal Brand Show Podcast, How to fall in love with your personal brand. We're talking about Facebook Ads copy, video marketing and why there are more reasons to succeed than to fail - if you just give yourself permission.

podcast Jeanet Bathoorn

Podcast interview with Freedom Entrepreneur Jeanet Bathoorn about 'How to Have a 100K launch'  In Dutch  

Podcast interview with Dr Helen Maffini for her The Self Sabotage Summit    

I was one of the Speakers at Linh Luong's Authentic Style Revealed Workshops, April 2021 

Click to play

How multi-passionate entrepreneurs can triple their income. Podcast interview with business coach Sigrun for her Sigrun Show Podcast. 

Interview with Speakers Coach  Monique Blokzyl about  
How to build an outstanding speaker brand for her Speakers Academy

A beautiful video by photographer Alma Johans with photographs of me.

New Zealand-based Joyce van de Lely interviewed me for her wonderful Summit The Fierce Female Force.


"If Esther hadn't worked her Magic none of the things I have now would be here."

Four years ago Holistic Care Coach Martha Rincón was going through a really rough time. Her business wasn't going anywhere she wasn't able to make any money and went from idea to idea.

But Martha invested in working with Esther - even though paying for the support was challenging - and as a result her entire life changed. 

Nowadays Martha runs a YouTube channel "Simplemente Diosas' that has more than 363K YouTube subscribers and a flourishing Instagram account of almost 24K followers  

That's more than a third of all inhabitants of Amsterdam.

Listen how Martha described how her life and business completely transformed and applaud her massive success. 

Kristin Summer Course

"What changed for me is that I had no income a half year before. I am fully booked now. But I also feel so much stronger, more self-confident, clearer and so much better."

"I joined Brand the Real You because I wanted the find the right way to communicate with my audience so that they would come with ease, and find me. But I found it really scary to join!

What changed for me is that I had no income an half year before. I am fully booked now.  But I also feel so much stronger, more self-confident, clearer and so much better. 

I tell everyone that
joining Brand the Real You is the best decision you can take for life-development and a game-changer for your business! It really changes your life, the way you work, act and think."

Kristin Engel Architect/Interior Designer

What they say

selen -graf
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A truly feminine approach which is very unusual in the marketing world. To work with the energies, with our own strengths and our own life purpose was great.

After only 1 Month I found my zone of genius, turned it in a program and sold my first 12-month group coaching program.

SELEN YILDIZTAC GRAF Health Expert & Healer for Animals and Human Beings

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With Esther's help, I changed my business name and brand and am able to envision  what I really desire and believe I can do it.

Esther 'gets' you right away. I have seen it happen so many times. She is very quick in analyzing, even if you try to hide it. But she never judges you and is able to pinpoint what is going on within yourself, even when you don't know what's happening.

ESTER SCHIPHORST Founder Zacht & Zeep

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I doubted if I needed to invest in my business but I just love how Esther combines her professional knowledge in branding with the soul whispers - which I find a fantastic way to make changes in the mindset.

I feel much more confident and clear about my values, my business, my services, and clients. I learned a lot about myself. I can see my strengths and weaknesses clearly and this helped me to improve business.

Agnes Somogyi  Designer

Empowerment, Love Marketing and Branding  videos

Start reading now


October, 2024

Late diagnosed


July, 2024

Can’t find your Zone of Genius? Do this instead.


July, 2024

Why the Old Zone of Genius idea is not working


July, 2024

Why Being Different Is Your True Zone of Genius Magic


July, 2024

Why Gratitude is a Gamechanger


July, 2024

Why your Quiz Results mean nothing until they are part of your Zone of Genius


July, 2024

How to finish a project when you’re ADHD, AuDHD, autistic


June, 2024

Doubts and Concerns The Real You Sisterhood


May, 2024

Can You Monetize YouTube After 60


May, 2024

The Truth about the Zone of Genius


March, 2024

Why Ideal Client Avatar doesn’t work.


March, 2024

Create a White Outline Around your Profile Picture


Esther’s ability to dive right into the heart of the matter is incredible. I feel like she can always see right into my heart and my soul.

She attracts incredible women The sisterhood we have is the most beautiful thing in the world!
I can now talk about my business with more conviction. I am being more of myself. So much more!”.

Shirley Ann Aphrodite 

Artist and founder of Aphrodite’s Finishing School

selen -graf

We need to change the world! That's why you should work with Esther. This truly feminine approach is very unusual in the marketing world.
I found my zone of genius quickly, turned it in a program. and after only 1 Month I created - and sold - my first 12-month group coaching program for my soul clients

Selen Yildiztac Graf

Health Expert & Healer for Animals and Human Beings


What exceeded my expectations is the great community Esther has managed to create around her services.  

Women from all over the world are really inspiring, helping and encouraging each other. The quality time Esther spends with her clients and the superb support she gives everybody is out of this world. 

Mirjam Blekkenhorst

Owner Ytra Lón Farm Lodge, Solitude Retreats in Icelandultant

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